Sunday, May 21, 2023

Playfair Park ~ A quiet and serene walk in the Gardens ~ Arthritis Walking update


~ Playfair Park ~
A scenic oasis of beauty in our city.
Camas, azaleas and rhododendrons dot the landscape.
The Birdsong is heavenly.
This park is situated between two major streets and I didn't hear any traffic.
It a lovely spot to escape to and be in a lush green space.

A reader asked me to share any tips on my arthritis journey...

It's very early in my journey but I will attempt to share a few tidbits.
I am easing into this new phase taking baby steps
avoiding at all costs 
going down a rabbit hole of gloom and doom.

New beginnings...

Embracing Daily Delights
Snippets of beauty
Gorgeous Fawn Lilies.

Like the famous Nike slogan says...

Just Do It!

Walking with intention...
slowly and mindfully.

A gentle warm up helps prepare the hips.

Moving sideways and backwards first to get the hips to get ready
then moving forward, slowly at first and pace yourself in a comfortable speed.

Each day my hip feels different, some days there is more pain than other days?
I have no clue why?
All questions to ask my physiotherapist when I meet with her.

My goal is to halve my usual walk into two shorter ones.

These steps and km were accomplished by taking three shorter walks.

I am feeling weary now and have taken an Advil.
My doctor told me that I could take them during the day and the most important one
 is for nightime to help me with pain and allow for sleep.

It feels weird taking a pain pill as this is so not on my usual radar
but Needs Must...for now at time who knows?
But hey let's check out the flowers...

Camas grows in large areas below the Garry Oak Trees.

Camas close up, 
the First Nations People used this as a food source.

A lovely rhododendron, one of many here in the park.

Pink, red, white, mauve and yellow dotted throughout the gardens.

Last week I walked in Playfair Park, along The Esplanade at Willows Beach
then I met up with a friend for a walk near her home in South Oak Bay.

I feel like I have accomplished something positive...
these are the most steps that I have recorded since my initial diagnosis.

One other thing that my doctor mentioned was to take extra vitamin D.
He indicated that there is a lot of scientific research to support its use.

I am enjoying lots of salads with fresh lettuce harvested from the Humble Bungalow Garden.
My lunches are focused completely on salad.
I am getting creative by adding nuts, feta and cooked quinoa to the lettuce and veggies.
I use a simple Kraft dressing that is oil based.
One type has Italian pesto and spices and the other one has Greek Feta.
Both are 35 calories per tablespoon and they add a LOT of flavour.

That's about all for now as I need to get up and move.

Thank you for your many supportive and encouraging emails

I am excited to be taking charge of my Health and continuing to explore new options.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~


Jodi L said...

Hello Leslie
Good for you for altering your walking routine - slow and steady/little and often - wins the race!
I'm 52 and have suffered from arthritis for years. What I have found to be helpful was yoga - specifically Yin Yoga, where it's not 'flowing' movements but rather the poses you do, you hold for longer periods to really get into the stretch. That has really been super for releasing muscle tension around my poor joints.
Another thing I wanted to caution you on was the use of pain medication. I started off taking NSAIDS, even prescription Naproxen when the pain got bad, but I really regret doing that because now my guts are affected. Those drugs have stripped the lining and now I have to watch what I eat because the reflux is so bad. My grandfather used to use a liniment rub on his arthritis and that's what I've switched to, instead of medication (although the occasional Tylenol).
I'm so happy you've decided to keep blogging. Thank you!
Look forward to your weekly posts and the beautiful photos.

LPC said...

Here to cheer you along on this path. Worth doing; not easy. xoxox.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Jodi L ~ Thank you for your comments I appreciate your experience and the warning about the pain medication.I am going to look into the NSAIDS side effects...I have a topical gel, Voltaren which is supposed to be helpful and will give it a try on my hip. I have heard of Yin Yoga and will see if other studios offer it...the one I usually go to doesn't have it on their website. I am not jumping into any particular exercise regime other than walking until I see the physiotherapist in early June.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

LPC ~ Lisa, Thank you for your support I can use a cheerleader :-)) to cheer me on !!

Jeannine said...

Leslie, did you have trouble for years and were just recently diagnosed? Or did the arthritis seemingly come on "overnight"? Just wondering in thinking about myself and wondering how these things go. I have various pain issues, but I believe they are muscular / tendon related as opposed to arthritis, but at 66 maybe I'm deluding myself(?)!

Joanne said...

Hello. I enjoy reading your blog. I just want to add to be very careful of taking NSAIDS. I learned that the hard way. I had shoulder pain last year and took Aleve and Advil. I never took more than the recommended daily dosage, but I took it for too long. I ended up with stomach bleeding and anemia. Voltaren is an NSAID, too. I now take only Tylenol. Best wishes on your journey to feeling better.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Jeannine ~ I was just recently diagnosed...I have been having issue opening jars for awhile and achy hands and fingers. My low back pain came on suddenly and I thought that i had pulled continued for 6 weeks with no relief and my hip was the worst pain of kept me from sleeping. A simple blood test panel and x-rays will show arthritis.
I now sleep on my back with a pillow below my knees and I often wake around 5 am with nasty hip pains which make me get up...I often cannot walk very well and limp on the left side as the hip is stiff and aches. I am still curious about what more I can do to alleviate the discomfort. I know that this is a common issue for many seniors.
Good Luck and please let me know what you find out.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Joanne ~ I am sorry to hear about your experience with the Advil and Aleve...bleeding and anemia are not what you would have expected from over the counter pain meds.
I have been reading up on these anti inflammatory meds...the irritation to the lining of the stomach is a very serious side effect...Voltaren is absorbed right through the skin and doesn't affect the least that is what my GP told he thought it would be a good option for my hip pain. I do have Tylenol for Arthritis.
Hope your shoulder pain has subsided...I had frozen shoulder in both shoulders at one point a few years ago so I empathize.
Take care

Laura J said...

Very good points about pain medication! After decades of dealing with severe arthritis in my knees and herniated discs, my one piece of advice is to ensure your health care provider considers your whole body. Among other things, years of crossing one’s legs or wearing shoes that squish one’s toes can alter one’s gait…and as one ages the body becomes very unhappy. Yin yoga is good but building muscle strength and joint mobility are very important! ..cheering you on!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Laura J ~ I would like to think that my doctor considers my overall health when he prescribes or suggests medications and treatments. He has been a very good doctor to my husband and our family for the past 40+ years...we are fortunate to still have a general practitioner...many people here in BC do not have a family doctor, the situation is grim.
I emailed my Yoga studio about the Yin Yoga, they offer fascia release but I am not sure that this is the same style of Yoga. Lots to consider and I am being very careful now with how much I use Advil and Tylenol.
Thank you for sharing your experience with me :-))
I appreciate it very much.

Anonymous said...

The waiting time in the medical community can drive one crazy. While waiting to see a specialist I thought I was going to become an invalid. Once the treatments started the inflammation went down and I gratefully rejoined the human race. I feel your aches and pains , Leslie and wish you well.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Anonymous ~ Good to hear that you are feeling much better now...I am feeling positive.
There are long wait lists here for medical diagnostics...I am on a very long list for a bone density test...I know that I just need to be patient.
Take care