Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Comfort in the routines...

In seeking comfort...

I look to the simple and quiet routines that are found so surprisingly in every day domesticity.

Home keeping.

Cooking, cleaning, baking, sweeping, washing...they all feed my spirit.

Weeding, raking, digging in the dirt...
tending the garden
softly connecting with Nature
elevate flagging spirits.

Sitting on the porch having a wee break.
 A time to reflect on all that I have to be grateful for in life.

I've just started Edith Wharton's 1905 classic House of Mirth 
I've just finished chapter One and I know I am going to LOVE this book!

Good to the last drop!

Wearing my uniform...
Now Designs linen apron and a wrap dress by Jones Of NY.
summer flip flops...

The View from here...

Thank you for your thoughtful comments on my last post.
I appreciate them very much.

Hope you are having a lovely week...

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Silver stars ~ Roses ~ Happy and Sad news

Hope to goodness that you are not tired of seeing The Humble Bungalow Roses because I am posting a couple more...if you are bored scroll down and check out some of my favourite lotions and potions.

This vintage silver BREAD tray caught my eye at the Thrift Shop...
I know it will need polishing...many people despise silver now because of the work it takes to maintain the lustre and shine.
That's why it's showing up in so many shops AND for next to nothing you can take them home!
I quite like to spend time cleaning tarnished silver pieces...for me it's rather meditative.

I bought some French Rose and sipped a few glasses
I pretended I was still visiting France...
I can close my eyes and still recall the dizzy and giddy way I felt when I was in Paris.
I'm so glad I went and would encourage you to follow your dreams if Paris is on your bucket list.

I mentioned this mask recently and am doing so again because it is saving my face.
With our hot summer weather it has been a real challenge keeping skin hydrated.

I'm test driving a new eye product by Andalou Naturals.
1000 Roses Eye Revive Gel.
The skin around my eyes is getting very crepe-like these days.
I'm guilty of not using specific eye products very faithfully over the years.
Not expecting a miracle but a little reduction in lines would be a welcome and pleasant surprise.
I'm not one to give up and give in...

L'Occitane's Almond Milk is still a star player 
my arms and legs would be as dry as the Sahara 
without a daily dose of this wonderful silky lotion.

~ Happy News ~

Our grand daughter's name is Mira Louise Austin
she weighed in at 6 pounds 15 ounces and was born on August 10th.
We think she's a red head like her big sister Isla!
She's a precious little bundle.
It's no surprise that hearts just explode with JOY when we cuddle newborns...
they are such a gift.
Babies are just so darned wonderful aren't they?
Can you feel the excitement?

~ ~ ~
We've also had some very sad news...
there has been a death in the family 
out of respect for those involved 
I will not go into any details 
but suffice to say it was very tragic, and although expected, came all too suddenly...

~ ~ ~

And just yesterday we got the call...
dear friends lost their adult daughter to cancer.
Our hearts go out to them in love and support.

"Grief can be the garden of compassion. 
If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life's search for love and wisdom."

~ Rumi ~

Friday, August 14, 2015

It's a bookish post today...

Our lending library had it's official opening last night...
it was a team effort getting this project off the ground but one that is well worth the effort.

I was asked to cut the ribbon...
and when the doors opened we stuffed the shelves with books.

It's going to be a fun spot to browse for books.
(I think I'll bring my mug of tea over and regularly peruse the titles.)

We celebrated with some appetizers in The Common.

The Common is a spare lot on our street.
There are benches, a table and some swings for the children to play on.

Dinner was served in our Humble Bungalow for the planning group.

Hydrangeas were picked for the table.
We served dinner buffet style and people sat wherever they wanted...

~ The menu ~

Assorted Cheeses and grapes on a platter
Stuffed devilled eggs
Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
Coconut and Chocolate Ice Cream

~ ~ ~

On my reading list are the following books...
I'm taking them on our boat when we go cruising later in the week.

I read Tigers in Red Weather and enjoyed it so I thought I'd take a chance and read her new book.
Ivy's Books on Oak Bay Avenue have a French themed book display...
Heidi was responsible for me buying these two books!

This book was suggested by Madame La-Bas.

My walking partner recommended this book.

Sharon Santoni's new book.
You may know her blog My French Country Home.

I brewed a pot of tea and spent an entire afternoon savouring and reading.
Sharon's friends are a wonderful and very accomplished group of women.
I felt like I was transported back to France...
The pictures are amazing...
and the French chateaus and apartments are enchanting and lavishly decorated.
So much style and creativity is found within this lush book...
If you like to read about French Chic Femmes and their lifestyles
 I think you'd love it.

Anyways that's about it for now...
I'm off for a big walk in the rain now.

I hope this moisture will douse some of the wildfires burning in our province.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

a little bit of this n' that

The previous post generated many comments and emails.
Thank you, so much!
I am very grateful for your support and am most appreciative of your thoughts on this issue...
I've had time to reflect and put things in perspective and although this is "behind me" I will take greater care driving and especially when encountering and passing cyclists.

The roses are still showing off their floral finery...
soft pinks tips meld with a creamy white.

I love this masque...
the gentle fragrance is soothing and it really delivers a lot of hydration.

I dug out my gold hoops aka "creoles" and paired them with my diamond studs.

I took photos not realizing that I have a spot on my chin...
oh well welcome to reality blogging!

I'm letting my hair grow...
we'll see if I can stand this growing out stage 
or maybe I'll rush off to the hairdresser and have it all lopped off again.

I've been a wee bit busy these past few days...
taking care of our darling grandchildren.

Non stop Grammy!

Lots of games and activities...
 there's a new addition to our family!
It's a girl...
I'll share more later but I'm keeping it "hush hush" until they tell make an announcement.

Look what arrived in the post!
I'm excited to read Sharon's new book.
But first I'm off to the baby shops!

Hope your week is ticking along nicely.
Cheerio for now...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Shaken and stirred...

Last week I had a very unsettling experienced and it has stayed with me...
I am still trying to make sense of it.

It's something that has completely blind sided me
and left me quaking...

I was driving in my car...a Volvo estate, along a quiet street in Oak Bay.
 In case you are not familiar with these cars they are a very sturdy and heavy vehicle.

I was driving at 40 km, which is the new speed limit in our residential areas of town, 
when and I passed a cyclist.
The next thing I heard was shouting and swearing.
 When I looked back in my rear view mirror and saw the cyclist racing up to my window.

He was shouting and swearing saying I had clipped the mirror on his handle bar.
I said "oh my goodness I am So Sorry if I hit you I am SO very sorry."
"Are you OK?"
(I felt and heard nothing inside the car even though the windows were wide open)

He said "You are NOT SORRY"
"You are a terrible driver!"
"You were going too fast and passed me between two parked cars!"

I said "I am Sorry if I clipped your mirror."
"I didn't think I had passed that close to you."

By this time he was red in the face, and still yelling so I suggested that we call the police.
He was having none of this and yelled at me as he sped off...
"Respect the bike, Respect the bike!"

He then rode right through the stop sign and swerved onto the road ahead...
my heart was pounding and I was shaken.
I looked around for witnesses and saw no one.
I slowly drove away looking to see if he was in sight.
He was nowhere to be seen.

As soon as I got home I got on the phone to the police and made a full report...
I explained how shaken up I was by this event.
It was all the yelling and swearing that had me so upset.
I was not even sure that my car came in contact with his mirror but if it did I wanted them to know.
(I looked at the passenger side of my car and could find no evidence of any marks or scratches)

The report was filed and within the hour I received a call from the Police...

The previous week there was a report exactly like mine...
a driver reported a cyclist who intimated that his bike had been hit 
the driver had no idea or evidence to that effect
an apology was forthcoming ~ despite lots of shouting from the cyclist.
The driver had filed a report with the station and the cyclist had not.

The officer assured me that I was right to report the event and counselled me not to lose any sleep.

I consider myself a very careful driver and I look for cyclists.
I obey the speed limits and am very aware of pedestrians.
I drive defensively...

Now I am left uncertain, shaken and wondering...
and I'll never know for sure.

Sitting with a mug of Lapsang Souchong Tea
on my wee patio
by the back door

listening to the birds
watching the bees flit from flower to flower
trying to make sense of this event.

What have I learned from this?
I'll never know if my car clipped his mirror...
but one thing for sure is that I'll be on the look out for this same cyclist
in case it happens again.

Life is full of unanswered questions...

Thank goodness for the roses...
they are such a cheerful tonic and I hope in time this feeling of unease will fade.

Hope you enjoy your weekend.