Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekend round up...

It was a busy weekend here in The Humble Bungalow.
We had a great evening with our friends on Friday, sharing a cocktail and a simple dinner.

Now that I am retired I want to focus more on entertaining at home.
I have more time to plan ahead.
Hosting friends and family in our Humble Bungalow is one of my favourite things.

Aren't sunflowers at their most spectacular this time of year?
They make me smile.

Appies and one martini before dinner...
this gin is far and beyond my favourite for a martini.

I set an understated table...
I focus much more on the food preparation.

These pretty vintage napkins were a gift from a friend.
She made them from fabric that she found in her travels...
I love to use them as they are so cheerful.

I finished knitting a hat for Henry...

I hope it fits!

Our family popped over for afternoon tea on Sunday so I made Nigella Lawson's chocolate cake.

Mr. HB harvested the last of the tomatoes and cucumbers.

I am impressed by the rich colours that are produced from such a simple beginning...

The sun came out and surprised us after we heard the dreary weekend forecast.

Pillows galore!
This is my blogging bench...
I sit at this rustic arts and crafts dinette and type my thoughts.

I picked up my copy of Country Living UK...
I will find a quiet moment this week to brew a pot of tea and read it cover to cover.

Hope you are well and enjoying the simple things that life has to offer...


Saturday, September 21, 2013

OOTD....what I wore to the market.

Today I am off to the Market as we have company coming for dinner.
I plan to serve steak, sauteed mushrooms, baby potatoes dressed with butter and freshly chopped mint, steamed asparagus, and a homemade rhubarb pie for dessert.
Fall is on the horizon...
there's a chill in the air and some of the leaves are already turning their autumnal shades of orange and sienna.

Skinny dark denim jeans Walmart
striped Breton top Banana Republic
loafers Franco Sarto
scarf Lanvin Paris
from The Bungalow on Estevan in Oak Bay
(thank you Michelle and Graham!)
~ ~ ~
assorted sterling bangles
Tiffany, artisan and vintage

I adore my Hermes scarves but every so often I like to mix it up.

Love the dab of orange.

Janice over at The Vivienne Files posted on the colour Koi for Fall.
Pop over and say hi...
she writes a fabulous fashion blog.

Hope that you are well and enjoying your weekend.

Back soon...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Salt Spring Island Fall Fair

We attended the Salt Spring Island Fall Fair last weekend and it was like taking a step back in time...
On this large BC Gulf Island community members meet up and compete for ribbons and trophies.
We saw displays of home baking, flowers, vegetables, animals, livestock and pets.
There were vendors selling crafts, Tupperware, collectibles, hats, clothing, toys, jewelry and many food stalls.
It was entertaining and my favourite event, without a doubt were the sheep dog trials.
We missed the zucchini race...
I wondered how a squash race would be staged and later we saw a young girl clutching her large zucchini that was strapped to a small skateboard and we saw the ramp that the racers would speed down to the finish line...
it looked like a slippery slope!

We rode the free shuttle from Ganges Harbour to the venue.
Hundreds came to this event and cars were parked on the narrow streets for miles.

These were so large I wondered how they would have been transported...
VERY carefully, I'd imagine!

Every garden needs a scarecrow!


about the size of a basketball.

A lovely display of colourful squashes and an interesting array of shapes.

The Fall Fair theme was PIRATES!
Check out this cake.

A beautiful parlour show.

Dahlia's galore.

Roses too

This spray of roses was very fragrant.
I leant in and sniffed every one of the blooms.

The most unusual houseplant.
~ a clivia ~
 I thought it was an orchid!

~ Pirate boots ~
the vessels for the 
floral arrangements.

Treasure chests played a big role...

I loved all the colours.
Oodles of displays to admire with so many creative and talented participants.

If this had been for sale I'd have been tempted...
children's art just makes me smile.

There was even a Pirate Pony!

Red onions glistening like jumbo rubies.

Veggies galore...

This cabbage was grown by RAFFI, a children's entertainer who was also a singer.
We had quite a few of his cassettes  back when the children were wee.

Children had lots of opportunity to participate.

This zucchini was obviously not going into the downhill race!

I wonder if the grower of this winner would be eating it before too long!

Look at those tomatoes!

The most unusual looking vegetable...a carrot like no other!

It was a wonderful Fair.

Tell me does your community have these events?
Have you ever entered into a competition like this one?
Did you win a ribbon or a trophy?

Fall is definitely on the horizon.
The mornings are chilly and there has been a heavy dew on the grass.

It won't be long until we turn the furnace on and I'll need to swap out my wardrobe.
I have a few sweaters tucked away from previous years.
 I'll need to shop as I still have to find a pair of black pants.

Hope that you have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Salad Daze....or post number 896.

One thing that this weight loss journey has taught me is to embrace salads.
I try to have a salad main course for lunch everyday.
This means that I need to have a variety of salad recipes to keep my taste buds happy.

I made the second winning recipe from this wonderful book.

This assembles very quickly and I put it in the fridge to allow the flavours to meld before serving.
I used low fat mayonnaise.

This is the picture from the actual cookbook.
Looks delicious!

The Hostess's version served from Gran Gran's antique stoneware pudding bowl.
Tastes delicious!

A great pot luck salad as it can be made ahead and easily doubled for a crowd.

~ ~ ~

I weighed in today at WW and lost another 1.3 pounds.
But I have a confession to make...
last week I was up .7 pounds on the scale and I couldn't really figure out why.

I gave myself a stern talking to...
and moved on.
Despite indulging in appetizers and cocktails on the boat,  
AND a grilled cheese sandwich!

I held my breath while I stood on the scale and was so relieved that I was down!

I enjoyed a really long walk today and met some girlfriends for coffee.
I love spending time with long time close friends.

We are all Grandmothers and show pictures of our sweet little ones...
we share what's new and support each other as we help out our families and assist our elderly parents.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my Humble Bungalow Blog.
Please come back again...

Monday, September 16, 2013

ABC ~ apples, books, and a coat!

Our Humble Bungalow Garden needs a lot of TLC at this time of year.
Deadheading, cutting back, dividing and yanking out all the plants that are spent.

It's a messy time of year...
I get dirtier as the garden gets tidier!

These alliums are a lucky couple of blooms that survived being blown over by the recent wind and rain.
The rest sadly are in the compost bins.
I love to pop these into arrangements as fillers.
The bees love these too.

The recent rainy day knitting project went much faster than I thought it would...
and the rain did not last all that long!

Sunny days followed and I spent quite a bit of time out in the garden.
How do the weeds grow overnight?

I have more yarn and will make another hat in the next few weeks.
With the weather so warm and sunny I like to be outdoors.

One thing you notice is that it's definitely cheerful.

Have started and am enjoying a new book that I picked up on my walk to the Village.

Speaking of walks, 
I bought a new walking coat when Mother and I were out last week.
It's by Chillox and has some great features,
perfect for our climate.

Arm pocket and side pockets
a hood
warm lining
a front zipper that can be zipped from the top or from the bottom
water repellant


This purchase was on the need list not the want/lust list!

I found this book at Value Village for $4.99

I haven't had a Waldorf Salad for years!

There are lots of local apples available right now.
Windfalls are plentiful.
Neighbours put their fruit out in front of their homes and passers by can help themself to a few.
I took advantage of this and made a salad.

There are so many great recipes for salads in this book.
I am not sure which one to try next.
 I love the inspiration and ideas here as I tend to use the same ingredients and welcome a change.

I am reminded that I need to cull my cookbook collection...
so many books get ignored.

How many cookbooks do you own?
Do you use them all or hang onto to them for sentimental reasons?