Monday, March 28, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Homecoming is sweet...
all that is familiar and cozy awaits...

Our getaway was filled with mostly sunny skies
and was completely relaxing...
Mr. HB works very hard and puts in long hours... so to be able to take him away
for some well deserved rest is such a gift.

I hope that you can get a sense of the peace, quiet and serenity of this magical place.

Sunny tulips 

The rustic cabin...
was our home away from home for 5 days.

we spent time in the evenings 
cozy and warmed
by the fire

Rocking chairs
arts and crafts style

private sun drenched deck 
with a hot tub
red comfy chairs
which looked out across the sea

 crashing and pounding of the surf 
was heard all day and night
it lulled us to sleep
perhaps it was the fresh salt air and the beach walks

The Beach House 
with firepit
ample seating
and a great view beyond...


mossy rocks

  sandy playtime

rocky outcroppings

enormous mussels


who could resist that face?
this little Miss stole a cookie from the Steller's Jay
and she hung around quite awhile hoping for more!

Steller's Jay
eating a westcoast trail cookie

bright blue feathers

looking south to Washington State

foamy seas

 a lovely sunset

Stepping away from it all to nourish and rebalance
meant no phones or internet
no demands
 time to reflect

beach combing
 listening to the waves
padding about in boots
blown by the wind
drawing in the sand
searching for stones
thoughts meander and wander
  natural beauty
offers up many gifts...

Hostess style


shades of green
with one rogue mauve pebble

something to remind me
of a holiday spent 
in a place of rugged beauty...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stop, Look and Listen....

A few weeks ago I entered a blog giveaway...
Adrienne of  The Rich Life on a Budget  generously offered gifts from Luxuria.
I find it hard to believe, but my name was chosen randomly!

The ring that Adrienne gave away is from Vanessa at Luxuria
please do pop on over and look at all her sparkly Bling!

Good things come in small packages!
I love the grossgrain ribbon bow 
and look it's in my favourite colours
black and white!

Adrienne has her own blogger cards
a nice touch...

As is her habit
Pepper had to supervise

She is licking the tissue paper
the tip of her tongue is just visible if you look ever so close.

Playtime continues...

The ring fits perfectly 
and in case you are interested the colour is Fume
it is multi faceted and really sparkles 
I am also planning to use it as a scarf ring
because of it's size 
it makes a statement and will not be lost in a scarf.

I am thrilled!
Thank you Adrienne 

Pepper loves the bow
she's got her paw firmly planted
and she doesn't want me taking it from her
I'll let her play with it to her hearts content.

Yesterday I meandered in the garden 
in the sunshine with my camera...

enjoyed a morning walkabout with her camera
she has roses blooming
it will be several months before ours will even hint at flowering.

King Alfred daffodils

succulents have taken over the bird bath
this is what I call a happy accident


I love these but have forgotten the names!

another variety unknown

English primroses 

English Country Living 
a springtime theme
I'll be sipping tea while perusing this luxe magazine.

Spring-ing into
In Style UK
can't wait to see what they are forecasting...

I will be offline
for the next few days...

I plan to
 read some books

 watch some DVD's

live simply

listen to the sounds of the birds
look at details - absorb beauty
breathe in the fresh air
 eat simple wholesome food
ponder and reflect

Take care,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday random-ness...or what I do when the washer and dryer are going full tilt.

Spring is making her entrance very slowly in these parts...
the sun has been shy
I think she's hiding behind the clouds.

The gardening has been spotty as the grass is still boggy
the beds are waking up after the winter slumber
the weeds are poking their heads up with an alarming speed.

When I cannot be pottering about in the garden I go shopping
foraging to the garden shops for seeds...

the loveliness 
Sweet Peas

Bungalow Sweet Peas 2010

Our raised beds will be getting a full work out this summer
as the cost of food continues to rise.
I am envisioning a Victory my dreams...

"Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders." 
 Henry David Thoreau

the seeds
arranged neatly in rows

which are disheveled now that Pepper arrives
she's so nosy

I found this silk scarf on the recent road trip for pennies

it was laundered by hand in Aveda Shampure
and now needs a quick ironing before it is ready to wear.

I am currently reading this book
I cannot get enough Paris...
Paris in the Springtime 
sounds wonderful to me...

is there a place that you dream of visiting?

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. 
Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.

- Gloria Steinem

I bought this top to wear with my black leggings
I know...
more black and white to feed my habit.
I have so much that will go with this
it's very light and will be cool
when the heat goes up
which could be any day now
in the meantime...
I can add a long cardigan or a pashmina

Remember to have fun with scarves
 tying them in a variety of ways
just adds to the fun...

do you have a favourite way of tying your scarf?
I am always looking for more.

exploring more Parisian pursuits...

au revoir