Sunday, December 5, 2010


oh these are such fun...


artist designed

In last months issue of Country Living Magazine (UK)
I was enchanted by the Hogweed pottery 
and went online to see more...
and to my delight I discovered that tea towels were available at a gallery in Oxford.

I emailed back and forth with a delightful woman who arranged the purchase and then took these towels home with her to wrap and post.
(the generosity of virtual strangers never ceases to amaze me)
Thank you Liz

I'd like to put out a challenge to you all this weekend
perform one kind and thoughtful deed for someone in need
or someone that would least expect it...

We are donating to the local Food Bank
this weekend...

 Pepper contemplating Hogweed

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Baby it's cold outside...BUR BUR BURBERRY

The weather is damp and chilly, winds have been gusty and fierce...
the recent snowfall is but a distant the thermometer reads 2 degrees and everything is covered in a twinkling icy film.
come hither...

My love affair with scarves continues...
Hermes, I have been unfaithful...
my head has been turned

can you see why I have strayed?

behold the magnificance...
soft shades of pink and cream with a smattering of blue...
a scarf of another colour

it wraps twice around my neck 
adding a nice insulating layer of warmth...
(2 years young and still going strong)

It looks so much warmer in Southern California
La Vie Quotidienne
shows a lush green garden image taken this week.

Une femme d'un certain age
sun, sand and swimming.

and check out
she lives in Australia
and is gifted in all things glamourous.

Enjoy your weekend
and keep warm...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tiffany, Pepper and some more seasonal recipes...

Pepper helped me choose a tin this afternoon...
I made a batch of whipped shortbread to take to school,
it's report card time and the staff are running low on energy...
I like to surprise them with treats in the staffroom...

Do you perform random acts of kindness?

This shortbread is about as fast and easy as it gets
You will need a reliable mixer, preferably one with a stand...

cool on a rack
these melt in your mouth

line the tin with wax paper
 carefully place one layer of cooled shortbread 
alternate with another layer of the wax paper
until the tin is almost full
gently transport
to avoid breaking the cookies

remember to take a break and pace yourself

you'll feel much more energetic :)

recently blogged about a great hostess gift
inexpensive and lovely.

Tiffany crystal votive 

While shopping I came across battery operated votive candles
who knew they made these?
Now I will not be concerned that Pepper might burn herself

The company claims they last for 100 hours 
and replacement batteries are available.

I will be relaxed about leaving this "burning" while I am not in the same room.
I plan to have several of these in various locations throughout the Bungalow to add ambiance.

 A post from last year with my mulled wine recipe 
 easy and inexpensive to make
 great for casual gatherings
neighbourhood caroling
 snow sledding 
or ice skating 
you could serve it to the adults 
while the children sip cocoa.

I have been nominated for the Stylish Blogger award
by Janet Ellis from The Skinny on Mini

rules state that I must mention 8 things about myself 
forward this to 15 new bloggers...
those who read my blog know that I have trouble passing on this task
so I am suggesting that if you read The Humble Bungalow and want to participate
add your link in my comment section and we'll all race over and get to know you better!

8 things about me...

1. My middle name is Anne...
mother when annoyed with me linked the two names together "Leslie-Anne"...
when I heard her call I knew I was in some kind of trouble!

2. The new Hawaii 5-0 is my new current favourite show on TV... James Caan's son has a lead role.

3. I was born tonque tied and had to have it "snipped" so I could suckle more efficiently.

4. My favourite Beatle was and is Paul McCartney

5. I was a member of the Barbie fan club and Junior League.

6. I played the flute in the school band.

7. I once ran away from home with nothing but Teen magazines and some cake mix in my suitcase!
(I got as far as the corner)
in my sleepy neighbourhood everyone knew everyone and the woman of the house called my mother to report my whereabouts and to say I was sitting in tall grass reading Teen and dipping my fingers into the cake mix package...

8. I am not good at laundry...we send Mr. HB's shirts out to be washed and pressed.

I hope that you laughed a bit here...
  I did 
when writing some of these obscure tidbits

so how about it
care to share 8 things?
who's game

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mom's Christmas shortbread recipe...

Bungalow baking increases exponentially here at this time of year.
I bake for family, friends, events and to give as gifts.

I set aside a day as a "baking day"
I do not try to do much else or I will invite stress into my life...

I get my "head into the right space" and this is done with relative ease...
The apron is instrumental it is the uniform of choice and as important as having all the ingredients at hand.
You do not want to be "rushing out" to buy something that you have forgotten or are short of...
plan ahead, make a list, check it twice :)

Dress in comfortable clothing that is flour friendly (no silks or taffeta)

Pearls are fine !

cozy cashmere sox

Put some great music that inspires and energizes...
sip a beverage to keep hydrated...for me it's usually a mug of tea,
roll up your sleeves and follow the recipe...
joyfully !

this recipe is such a reliable basic
 an original Scottish recipe from several generations ago

I return to it every year
I do not recommend doubling this recipe
make it as it stands 
you can however make several batches 
the results are rich and buttery
do not overbake
they "set up" on a rack quite nicely as they cool

If you try this let me know what you think

and don't forget to sample the product when finished
a good cook never serves or gives anything that doesn't meet his or her standards!

Look what arrived in the post!

I recently read Michael Tonello's Bringing Home the Birkin
I loved it...
 he has kindly sent me this signed bookplate
all the way from Barcelona.

I have it on good authority that he is working to a December deadline for his new book
I'll be sending him a proper Thank You note in the post
Michael if you are reading this...
Thanks so much!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nana's Rum Balls...

Bungalow baking can be easy peasy...
and here's one with lots of flavour.
and this goes out to Tabitha from Bourbon and Pearls...

I use my food processor to grind the wafers and pecans
You'll also need a large bowl and be prepared to get gooey hands.

I have used rye in this but much prefer dark rum.
Keep these in a wax paper lined container in a cool dark cupboard
until ready to put into individual gift tins
or to serve.
Do not consume the day that they are made...the rum needs a few days to soak into the wafers.
I wonder if Tabitha might substitute bourbon for the rum when she makes these :)


A sprinkle of Pepper...

at rest

she has had a busy morning playing...

and in her wake
"toys" litter the floor

she's grown so much 

she is still getting into mischief
but you wouldn't know it just looking at her !