Saturday, June 29, 2024

Summer Snippets...gardening and some new clothes!


Welcome to The Humble Bungalow Blog!

Everyday life has been getting in the way of me sitting down at the computer...
I am still here!

Gosh where does the time go?

Roses in The Humble Bungalow Garden are BLOOMING.
I LOVE when the roses are in full flush of flower...
Picking roses for a bouquet is a perk 
especially when one grows and tends 30 of these fabulous plants.

Fragrance is a MUST for me when I grow a rose.

I've tried to find a rose perfume that is similar to the heady scents 
that the David Austin varieties are famous for...
I enjoy the intoxicating fragrances as they waft about in the garden.

How has your June been?

Ours has been very busy and flew by so fast...
we were actively working in the garden and created a big new perennial bed.
We shopped for the right plants and then planted them...and shopped again!!

Two new black Adirondack chairs are a welcome addition to the back yard...
a place to sit with a cup of tea or a refreshing cold beverage.

We headed over to the cottage for a week of rest...
I read three books!

Ann Patchett has written another delightful book...Tom Lake.
I loved her book The Dutch House and this one was lovely too.

I stayed up late way past my usual bedtime to finish the book...
that is what I do when a book is exceptional :-))

I mentioned on Instagram that I prefer to wear dresses over shorts...
this new dress from Pokoloko is a wonderful warm weather option.

Woven waffle weave cotton, the slit up the front is another cooling affect!
It is a loose style which allows the air to move.

The black hat is by an Australian company called Kooringal.

I recently consigned 7 garments...most were dresses.

I don't like to have too many things in my tiny closet...
I actually find the decision making process stressful if I have too many choices.
So in an effort to reduce any unwanted stress I keep it simple.

I bought this new linen jacket in about 15 minutes...
it's true.

Hubby and I were on our way to lunch and I stopped in at Glam and Fame 
on Government Street to look at their European Linens...

Apparently it is the largest linen clothing shop in Canada?

Love the pocket detail...
abalone buttons.

Perfect with the Hong Kong Pearls.

I was offered a free scarf in exchange for an online Google rating...
how easy was that?

I want to got back and peruse leisurely...
think it could be my new go to linen location.

~ Thrifted Belt ~

Leather and chrome

Sparkly beads

Dressy and stretchy...
not bad for a thrifted find.

Do you shop in Thrift Stores?

My daily weight training sessions on YouTube are paying off...
my hands feel stronger.
I am able to open jars and grip things better.

20 minutes every morning is really easy to add to my routine.

I am also noticing that my upper arms are not as jiggly :-))
there is more definition...and it has only been 5 weeks since I started.
Hopefully it will help build bone with my recent diagnosis of osteoporosis.
In other news I am not aware of any negative side effects from the Prolia injection.

Fingers crossed this will continue is a positive way...
two shots a year.
The costs are quite high but my doctor says it is the easiest way to get stronger bones.

Do you have osteoporosis?
What are you doing to help improve your bone health?

I almost forgot to mention the vest...
50% off sale 
I've been eyeing these men's wear vests for a few months.
Thinking of Diane Keaton's wardrobe in Annie Hall...
a great layering piece.
Versatile too.

Pink Dogwood in bloom at the cottage.
Such a vibrant shade of pink.

Loads of blooms on the small tree.
Makes such a BOLD statement.

Am so glad that I bought this blue and white transferware platter.
It was a find at Kay's Korner in the Cook Street Village.
I have had it about 6 months now...

I hadn't realized that the cottage was already showcasing BLUES...
we don't have any blue pieces in The Humble Bungalow.

So this blue and white colour pallette 
fills me with gladness and I am truly happy that I have a few 
BLUE and WHITE things 
in the cottage that are vintage.

Little things that elevate the way we feel about our space is pure JOY.

~ Sea Glass ~ 

My ankle continues to improve...
I take my walking stick when I go to the beach as the shore is uneven
Am very comfortable walking with it...think it has a beachy vibe!
It also has become a conversation starter!!!

~ Sweet Peas ~

We grow them and the best thing is...
their fragrance
they produce more flowers IF you pick them regularly!

Most recent Thrift Shop Find...
it may just look like an old piece of wood and it is just that!!

I have plans for this board...
it will be a great base for cheese and crackers

I saw many antique French boards when I was in the quaint French villages...
Aix en Provence had a huge variety of these boards.
I loved the brocantes...

Wanted to buy some things when we were there but I was travelling with a carry on
 so I could not really justify the added weight!

Was very excited to find this gem...
old and distressed with genuine wood worm holes.

Well I think that is all the news I have for now...
More gardening is on the horizon...

Hope that you are enjoying your summer.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Gardening, Roses, Walking, and changes to my Instagram


~ Constance Spry Rose ~


Welcome to The Humble Bungalow Garden

One of the 30 roses we grow in the garden.

 ~ Graham Thomas ~
 a fragrant repeat blooming climbing rose 

When purchasing a new rose I am VERY fussy...
they must be repeat bloomers, be fragrant, disease resistant and hardy.

Here is the newest rose...
found at The Demitasse in Oak Bay.

If you live in Victoria, 
The Demitasse serves coffee, snacks and casual meals.
They have a wonderful carefully curated garden centre attached to the cafe...
well worth the visit.

~ North Patio Area ~ 

The bistro set from Kay's Korner in the Cook Street Village Shop 
has been painted black...

I love black accent pieces in The Humble Bungalow Garden.

Now I need to invite some friends over for tea...or a glass of bubbly.

The new bed that I dug has been planted.
Foxgloves, nepetas, lupins, yarrow, candlestick primula, alliums, 
iris, and more...
they will grow taller and fill in the spaces.

In the Big pot we have a yellow flowering Solidago.

We purchased two new Adirondack chairs in black, of course!
Mr. HB made us a table using scrap wood he had leftover from another project.
He painted it black to match the chairs.
Thank you darling.

We have been SUPER busy in the garden...
time to take a break and sit in the chairs and sip a Cold beverage.

Have you tried Corona Zero alcohol yet?
a thirst quencher without the buzz.

In other news...

I have had people ask me about my Instagram account and why I have gone private...

The simple answer is that I was inundated with so many strange accounts.
Not sure why all of a sudden I would have a deluge of these?

Have any of you experienced this issue?

Instagram sent me a message saying validate these accounts!

When I looked at them I noticed thousands of men following...


My account is really rather pedestrian 
I post about food, fashion, gardening and life at 69 years old!
What do masses of men want with those topics?

I have nothing against men...but they all seem similar.
Doctors from the army

So for the time being I am opting for a private account...
maybe the trolls and the bots will forget about my Instagram :-))

If you want to follow you'll need a current active Instagram account and have something in your profile picture to identify yourself.

It might be asking a lot, but for safety reasons, 
 I am going to keep things secure.

I've been for a walk this afternoon!!!
My ankle is doing better.

Am feeling so has been a very long 3 months.

I used my bamboo walking stick and walked along the compact sand near the shoreline.

Found a few pieces of sea glass and enjoyed watching the children frolic in the sand.

Oodles of people were sunbathing...
some of the young women's swimsuits were quite skimpy!

Reminds me of my teen years when we used baby oil instead of sunscreen 
wore very tiny bikinis.

Love this wee blue ground cover...
(forget the name)
The flowers look like they are smiling.
So cheerful.

I must close for now as I have a sourdough boule ready to come out of the oven and dinner needs to get made.

I will post again soon...
I took 7 garments to the consignment shop last week...
(then I went shopping) 
Will be sharing some of the things that I bought so stay tuned.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, June 10, 2024

Hard work and Busy days...I have a garden to tend!


Can you see the reflection of the Arbutus Tree limbs in the birdbath?
We relocated the bath from the side yard to the newly installed brick patio...

The weedy small patch of grass out front never got any thicker despite our efforts
Over the years...
Underneath the tall tree next door our garden has changed from sunny to shady.

Fortunately Hostas LOVE shade and I LOVE Hostas.

Three black pots...
A globe shaped Boxwood, Brunnera, and some Black Mondo Grass.

We took several weeks to complete this project...
 most of the hard work was done by my husband
digging up the sod
leveling out the space

(I found the used bricks on Market Place)

Designing the pattern, 
laying the bricks and grouting them with sand 
was all done by Mr HB.

Our Climbing Royal Sunset Rose is looking fabulous!
This fragrant repeat blooming rose is a stunner.
It must be 30 years old give or take...

Strawberry Hill is a new rose in the Humble Bungalow Garden.
WOW her fragrance is sooooo lovely.
I had no idea that she would have such a rich deep complex scent...

There is never a DULL moment (or lull) here in the Garden...

~ Another Bee in My Bonnet ~

Getting rid of more grass
new bed for tall perennial flowers is under construction :-))

Three days of hard work and I am finished the prep.

Our grass is really quite tatty...clover and buttercups mostly.
The bees seem to enjoy those so we will keep a bit of the grass.

We are off to the Nursery today so will see what they have left...
I have a list of flowering plants on my wish list.

My favourite David Austin rose Jude the Obscure.

Another view of Climbing Royal Sunset.


Fragrant frothy and fabulous.
Growing in a large pot on the gravel area out front.

 ~ Imogen ~

grown in a large pot also
OODLES of roses in bloom!

Gertrude Jekyll Rose 

bright fuschia pink
THORNY but we can forgive her that as she is a stalwart rose.

We have over 30 roses in our small city sized garden.
I cannot believe how many we have but it is all my doing...
very much an obsession as far as plants go.

If you are a passionate gardener I am pretty sure that you will have a favourite plant.

We smile and knowingly nod at each other when we pass at the garden centres.

Our trolleys are full and our wallets are empty when we leave...
happiness CAN quite possibly be bought at the garden shops :-))

Update :
My ankle bone...has been x-rayed again
the fistula" has still not calcified.

Darn it...
 Dr. says no aquafit unless it is deep water, laps and swimming is ok.
Weight training is ongoing 20 minutes each day for the arms.

~ Aging is not for Sissies ~

Do you like Alliums?

I LOVE them!

These are pretty much done their blooming...
they were bold purple and now are fading.

Still, they bring interest and a sculptural quality to the garden.

In the Fall I will be buying MASSES of them!
More is More when it comes to these gorgeous Bulbs!

Gardening has been taking most of my energy these past few weeks.

We attended the annual Hospice Fundraising Garden Tour on Sunday.
The TEENY TINY Garden Tour.

We saw about 12 gardens and gleaned a few ideas for our own.

It surprised me how many people had hot tubs in their gardens!

Oh how lovely it would be to soak in a hot tub
 after a long day working in the garden!

(We hope to be on the tour next year.)

I ordered some black Adirondack chairs
 to pop on the grass in the garden...

We forget to stop and sit, 
gaze out over the space that we have created and lovingly tend.

I plan to take more time to sit and appreciate our Humble Bungalow Garden.
(once my latest project is done)

I am immersed in this lovely book...

I read The Chilbury Ladies' Choir a few years ago and totally LOVED it.
This story is set in wartime when rationing is place and women are trying to be creative with the foods that area available.

Am going to reserve her other book The Spies Of Shilling Lane at the local library.

Well I suppose that I better get busy and make some lunch...

Hope you are keeping well and taking time to stop and smell the roses!

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Hello June !


Welcome June...
We spent the past week at the cottage.

Beautiful scenery...a surprising mix of weather...Sun, Rain and HAIL !

Our favourite sailboat went out for a brisk sail...
quite a few sailboats took advantage of the gusty winds.

There was a sailpast ceremony for a recently passed member of the Pipe Band.
A bag piper was on the point and all sailors dipped their flags as they passed...
I love the sound of bagpipes.

We went to the Legion for the Saturday night meat draw...
met some nice people and won some snapper!
(not meat but FISH! and a $100 gift card at the local grocery store)

We sat on the deck when the weather was nice...

watched the ferries as they cruised past the cottage.

Observed the cloud formations...

Swam in the refurbished pool. 
It is now a "salt water" pool but it isn't "sea water."
Much more eco friendly and we felt much more boyant!

I am embracing the colours of blue and white at the cottage.
Vintage blue and white ironstone and yellow flowers are a great pairing.

I found this crinkle shirt at the thrift shop...
I seriously cannot believe the prices!

I found 2 pound weights!!
So excited as my recent diagnosis with osteoporosis recommends weight training...
Found a seated chair routine with Lauren ~ Senior Fitness on YouTube.

The session is 10 minutes so I do it twice.

Hopefully I will have more toned arms for summer sleeveless tops and dresses.
But most important I will be building BONE.

Greek style yogurt...high protein and rich in calcium no added sugar.
Read Mireille's book French Women Don't Get Fat again...
I have gained weight since I broke my ankle.
Inactivity is the culprit and maybe some naughty mood lifting eating :-))

There was a French Theme in my book choices this week...

Read this book written by David Lebovitz...
I have read several of his books.

He documents his Paris apartment purchase and the extensive renovations...
definitely not an easy thing for an Anglophile!

Found this one in a wee library kiosk...
read one of Janine Marsh's books before and enjoyed it...
am not quite finished but her stories of village life are very vivid and funny!

One of our feasts...

Marinated Pork tenderloin on the BBQ
roasted zucchini, peppers and carrots
half a baked potato with sour cream and bacon bits.

Marinate a pork tenderloin in a glass bowl

~ Marinade ~
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup soya sauce (I use Braggs)
1 clove chopped garlic
3 tbsp. honey Dijon mustard
salt and pepper

Marinate for at least 2 hours.
Heat grill on BBQ
cook until no longer pink
slice on the diagonal


When we got home...

We were surprised to see my husband's latest project in full bloom!
He dug up all the grass on the boulevard...
planted a lawn alternative and VOILA!

The pollinators LOVE IT!!

Climbing Royal Sunset Rose is in bloom.
This rose is so fragrant and repeat blooms all through the summer.

I love the orange shade...

We had a really rainy day today...
we stayed pretty close to home as our elder cat Pepper is unwell.

She has been diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis.
She is on pain medication and staying pretty quiet.

Her appetite is great so that is very encouraging.
Poor Girl...

Quite stressful for us adults...
if you are a pet owner you will know this feeling.

Baked my sourdough boule today...
such a rewarding and healthy habit.

Easy sounds daunting 
once you have made one boule you will be a PRO!

Do you bake sourdough?
Do you know that it is lower in gluten, 
is easier to digest and has amazing probiotics?

Well that about wraps up our news...

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog

I will close for now...
we are going to watch some Acorn TV Mystery shows.

Stress can make us want to seek solace and escape...
English Murder Mysteries are just what we need tonight!!!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~