The Wednesday evening group are all women and quite funny and at times it bordered on hysterical.
Having a sense of humour is so imortant. Wouldn't you agree?
particularly when facing a new challenge...
There was a lot of information to assimilate and there is still a lot I need to learn about the program.
Day One found me tracking everything that have eaten and am wearing a pedometer to count my steps.
This is all so new (foreign) to me but a gal can change...
and it feel like the right time to embark on something new.
Some of you suggested that I wait for retirement to start this regime but I feel keen so why wait?
Vera Wang boyfriend jeans
Born shoes
Royal Robbins fleece jacket
My route is along the seafront
the views are never dull.
It's a brisk walk which takes me about 50 minutes.
Falling into bed after a brisk walk and sleeping soundly is a bonus
and one that I approve and appreciate.
While on WW
exercise is encouraged if not expected
to maximize one's success.
So it's great that I love to walk.
I am eating mostly fruits and vegetables with portions of lean protein.
Modest snacks between meals and lots of water.
My tummy has been rumbling today but I have not felt like I am starving or that I am being deprived.
Not a lot of fats are encouraged but there are no real restrictions
except one is to meant to keep within a set number of points each day.
Points that are established by your age, height and current weight
with an eye to losing 10% of your current weight to start.
Each week we meet and weigh in...
there is a lecture and dialogue is encouraged
support comes from the participants as well as the leader.
So enough about WW...
our vintage wicker chair just got more comfortable
it's a chair that gives me pins and needles in my legs if I sit in it for more than a few minutes
IKEA chair cushion
a perfect pairing
comfort at last!
Have you had a good week?
What is on the calendar for your upcomng weekend?
Are you celebrating Mother's Day or are you being celebrated?
Best wishes to all you Moms out there!
Have a fabulous weekend.