How are you warming up your wardrobe for Spring and Summer?
Have you embraced the new focus on the Bright Shades that are popping up in every shop?
The black, white and grey gal that I am is taking baby steps adding colour and doing it very prudently...
I do not follow trends per se but I do not want to look like I have "given up" either.
So I walk a fine line...a line which I am sure that many of us almost 60's walk.
What I choose to wear is a reflection of who I am, what I consider to be an honest representation of my tastes and socio economic class, the middle class, conservative, and becoming more mindful of consumerism and frugality.
There is an inner struggle going on, a voice that me,
when on the other hand the level head says you do not "need" it.
Do you want it?
Do you need it?
Will it last for many seasons?
Is it something that will give you pleasure every time you put it on?
Is it well made?
Does it flatter?
All these thoughts co-mingling together as I stand admiring a simple scarf...
A scarf, I know! How silly!
I hesitate as the clerk comes over and gushes about these scarves and the wonderful colours that they come in...
she has 3 of them already and loves hers. I move on...
circling the department and come back,
not once but twice.
Mr. HB mentions that he likes the green and blue together.
Really honey? That definitely sounds like encouragement.
That casual observation might nudge me just a little.
I put the scarf up to my face, yes the colours work...
tha fabric is dreamy, soft and wispy.
It's not too expensive...
it's versatile and pretty.
It would perk up my greys and blacks.
Nordstrom's scarf
a wispy dreamy scarf
a little bit of soft colour to light up my wardrobe.
I'm thinking now that I will need to pull out my ethnic silver and turquoise earrings
they now have a partner!
ah yes!
maybe NOT!
Haggis anyone?
Vintage Bakelite ~ when I'm feeling artsy.
Hosting out of town guests...
maybe strangers in a strange land?
an after 5 soiree...
walking the dogs...
NO! I have two cats.
date night...
afternoon tea with Mother
This scarf is so versatile!
I am imagining all the outfits that I can wear it with so it's a wise and prudent purchase.
Storing a scarf when not in use is minimal.
Our wee Humble Bungalow has teeny tiny cupboards
so I always need to consider that when I buy something...
where will it be stored when not in use?
Do you think before you buy something?
I had fun with this post and I hope it might have made you smile.
On the news front...
Jumping for JOY!
a new grand baby is on the way!
Happy Easter!
~ ~ ~
A Very Happy Hostess!