Things beyond our control that have upset the balance of calm and thrown us off kilter.
These events can only make us stronger and bind us tighter together as a family.
Looking for something to soothe my spirit I did what I usually do when life gets me down and I went outside and slowly meandered in the garden.
a cheery bunch of colchiums
tucked beneath a ginger plant
(also known as the Autumn Crocus)
here's the bloom on the ginger plant
looks very much like a lily
pretty ~ in ~ pink
speaking of lilies
here is a lovely orange day lily
sadly their blooms wilt after a day
I have a mass planting of these against the north foundation of the Humble Bungalow
they've multiplied like mad
a flush of roses
this lovely rose whose name escapes me is a happy specimen
and never fails to please
Alliums which attract the bees like nobody's business
I like to use them as fillers for my arrangements.
a nod to blue
with this hydrangea
I have several blue hydrangeas in bloom
Recently I have fallen in love with hydrangeas
and have at 5 limelights in the front garden
several blues in the back yard
a few weeks ago I purchased an oak leaf hydrangea with a creamy lace-like pom pom flower.
It's comforting to know that they will grow and thrive in our clay soil.
They can be pruned and shaped which is convenient
so that they do not take over the space where they have been planted.
Our reliable Jacob's Coat Rose
has been blooming all summer long
it is located just outside the back door
within easy reach
for picking and the necessary dead heading.
I feel the gloom has lifted ever so slightly
in just taking the time to look around outside
getting some fresh air and sunshine.
I count on my garden to help me as I negotiate the often precarious journey of life.
What gives you strength in times of distress?
Where do you go to be alone with your thoughts and regain perspective when things go sideways?