It's not up to me what Blogger does I am just expressing my humble opinion for what it's worth.
Will anyone at Blogger care?
I doubt it!
Meanwhile things are ticking right along here in The Humble Bungalow.
The rain seems to be endless this week...
the view from my kitchen table this morning
I have hired a strong fellow to help me whip the garden into shape.
He has uncovered the patio which was overgrown with creeping thyme.
I must say that I like having help as he has cleaned up a big mess in two days.
The deer have been feasting on the tulips out in front of the Bungalow and I am not amused.
I know they need to dine but I am not providing a salad bar for them.
Short of digging up and moving all my bulbs I will just have to grin and bear it.
More of the garden views will follow on a sunny day.
Remember that shopping day at Superstore?
I purchased the blush pink tank top for $2.97 and this soft sweater for about $20.
I spoke with my BFF and she went shopping and bought lots of Joe Fresh stuff too.
For my job it makes so much sense to wear clothes that look good, are washable and do not cost the earth.
It's been eons since I have worn any pink but I am loving this combination.
The pearls are soft and glow...
that's about all that's happening here
I'll be back soon
One of my readers is having some health issues and I 'd like for us to collectively send her some positive thoughts.
She and I were going to meet for tea and some thrift shopping this week but something showed up on an x-ray and her doctor is fast tracking her for a Cat Scan...
Be strong
be positive
entertain optimistic thoughts.
Thinking of you and please take care.