Thursday, July 1, 2010

My summer reading

I cannot believe that I have blogged 200 posts...
I hope very much that I have not become too repetative, dull or tedious...
pray do tell if my posts make you snore.

A few days ago I was lamenting about the fact that I have a book that I MUST read for an August workshop "Brain Rules"...the cover does suggest some enlightening information lies sounds  very educational and our staff and local family of schools is embracing, and from what I gather, will be implementing many of the principles next term.

But now I am wearing my holiday hat...and am free to read whatever I fancy.

I have a stack of books that I am ready to dive into...

you are wanted to see my list so here it is...

My most recent discovery...
Mavis Cheek,
the Jane Austen of contemporary fiction!

I enjoyed Three Junes by Julia Glass so I am hoping that I See You Everywhere will not disappoint.
The American Au Pair sounds light and fun.

Wally Lamb adds to the mix
 and the idea of inheriting a stunning country home tickled my fancy.

Julia Glass again 
and Mr. HB recommended Loving Frank
about Frank Lloyd Wright and his dramatic life.

Katie Fforde is pure fun
Laurie Graham is a favourite author of mine
I have read all her books except this one.
(I highly recommend her)

Marcia Willett paints lovely pictures with words
I jump right into her books.
Bitter is the New Black sounds somewhat off beat and edgy,
I may not love this one but I am going to try it.
I like to stir things up once in awhile.

Water For Elephants, many book clubs have raved about it and I am rather behind.
The Outcast is set in England and the jacket description sounds a bit like Atonement.

Belonging and Chez Moi are my armchair travels to Europe!

Patti Boyd promises to deliver the goods on "the inner circle" and life with Eric Clapton and George Harrison.
The Highest Tide is set in the Pacific Northwest in and around the islands.
Maybe I will recognize some of the locations.

Tiger Lillie and Hunting and gathering were staff picks at my local used bookstore.

What is on your summer read list?

Canada Day!

I am very late getting to my computer and posting today.
I have been hostessing in the Humble Bungalow.

We had guests from out of town over for a flying visit...
(we had a visit with grandbaby Isla!)
 We walked and saw some local sights of note,
we dined out and sat on an outdoor patio
and walked some more today and took in the Canada Day festivities.

Tonight there will be fireworks!

Happy Canada Day!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Garden project reveal...don't get too excited.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I was working on a garden project...well I am finished.
Here are all the boulevard freebies painted black.
Yes that is a bowling ball on top of the stand!

I have laid the slate down near the work area..
most gardeners need a space to sift compost, store larger tools and hide them from view.
Mr. HB erected the lattice section of fencing, I think it looks lovely!

I have planted the wooly thyme between the slate
these fill in and become a living carpet
and they have sweet mauve flowers.

The foxgloves are very nearly done, they'll look like the dogs breakfast soon.
I cut them down, save the seeds and they multiply like mad.
They are quite a traditional plant in the cottage garden but have fallen out of favour.
I adore them, and I love hollyhocks too.
I only have a couple of hollyhocks and they are very small as they are new.
Some people have better luck with them than I do
 I am not too sure if it is the soil or the salt air that keeps them from being happy and thriving here.
I'm not giving up though...

The sun came out yesterday and I am so grateful
our weather has been positively beastly.
I hope the sun is shining on your patch today.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dressing for The Local Theatre Guild Production....

Mother and I took in the last of our season of plays by the Local Theatre Guild...we do so enjoy seeing talented locals on stage. The theatre is small, quaint and the productions promise to be lively and entertaining.
There is a fund raising campaign to replace the seats and to help support the Guild.
 Local provincial funding for the arts has been drastically cut and so everyone is scrambling to find funding.
I suggested that Mother write a's tax deductable, and she can afford it.
(It may or may not happen, I just planted the seed... she doesn't like parting with her money!)

I wore these...
Black top is by Marz

and these...
Sofft sandals
(OPI Peru B Ruby)
Banana republic pants

and a smile!

Mr. HB and I have season tickets to another local playhouse...
it's affectionately known as "date night"...
It's a Wednesday evening performance and we sit in the balcony...
we go to a local eatery and then to the play.
The plays are rather edgy and sometimes raw, once in awhile there will be a musical...
they are definitely "arty"
Some we like better than others, it's the exposure to something a bit different, a bit out of our normal comfort zone that makes these worth seeing.
(It definitely makes for good conversation!)

Speaking of pairing of diamonds and pearls has been influenced by Carrie Bradshaw...
she so obviously and blatantly pushes the envelope when it comes to fashion...
so I am emulating Carrie...
but in a conservative way!

I do not want to take myself too do I?
it's all about fun!

Have a super week.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I am hooked....

Once in awhile I pick up a book and get "hooked"... it's what good writers do.
They hook you and reel you in like a helpless fish on a line.
It is the most experienced and skillfull writers who are able to hook us.
(I consider myself to be somewhat over read and jaded.)

When I pick up a book I expect milque toast...just try and woo me with words, I dare you!
I am not a book snob, I read all and sundry...
I read for work and yearn for pleasure...
So I am over the moon when I find a clever writer who has the ability to take me away on an unexpected journey...
It starts so innocently with a sentence, then a paragraph and a chapter or two later, I am giddy.

Last night I was more than somewhat weary...
it was a gruelling week at school...
my time, most of which was spent, hiding out in the hot confines of the bookroom with trolleys full of textbooks...
I soldiered on late into the afternoon...
sustaining myself with glasses of cold water with lemon slices.

I came home knackered...

Mavis Cheek to the rescue!
Cheek is a brilliant writer...her use of words and imagery is above and beyond the norm.
I have indulged myself...

Ah! the luxury of lying in bed reading on a sunny morning,...
sipping a coffee delivered to me by Mr. HB...
pinch me, but I digress.

I had to pry myself from the's a page turner...

I have other domestics calling and an afternoon at the theatre with my Mother...
our last of the season.

I will be sneaking as many moments in as I am able to continue reading this refreshing and new to me novelist.
You might not hear from me for awhile!

What author or novel are you reading?

Are you hopelessly hooked like me?