Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Darkness at the edge of town....5 hours to be exact!

Yesterday It was a very windy afternoon gusting upwards to 90 kph...and we lost our power...for the first time in a few years which lasted for 5 hours forcing us to be resourceful and creative.

I had tea lights and tapers and fortunately some kitchen matches.

Mr. HB is handy with an axe...

and he can build a great fire!
I was wearing my Eddie Bauer down jacket for a few hours...and wooly socks too!

I have the vintage phone that is good when the power fails...and good because...we ordered in..

A pizza for dinner

and while we waited we had a cocktail!
We played Trivial Pursuit on Mr. HB's IPhone (he won!)

We had a flashlight that we could crank, a radio too, but it only had a few stations and not the ones we like to tune in to.
we need to get ourselves disaster ready!

I have cornered the market on candles
we have a Honda generator
a propane BBQ
bottled water
several flashlights
a medical kit

and we live in an active earthquake zone so we should be able to be self sufficient for a minimum of 3 days...

Are you prepared?

I think that we are so much better prepared when we are on the boat, we need to be as our lives depend on it...so why do I think we can be less prepared when we are in our Bungalow in the city?

This might just be a wake up call!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Bungalow Hostess is a winner!

Goodness me...I got the call that said I was the lucky winner of an item that I had bid on at the Cancer fundraiser...I had nearly forgotten that I had placed a bid!
I went to pick up and pay for my win.
It is even better than I originally thought...Look it's 2 pendants in one...a transformer of sorts!
This was the side displayed when I placed my bid.
I like the deep grooves and it makes me think of outer space!

This side is a surprise!
This looks like a wooly sheep to me!

  I am familar with the designer Guy(Gilles)Vidal, he is a French Canadian from Montreal Quebec. I am familiar with his creations and have seen many in antique and collectible malls and shops.

He was a popular modernist designer from the 1960's and 1970's. His work is currently very sought after and can be found on internet.

I am wondering what I will wear this with...it has an edgy vibe.
First idea is a white T and jeans...
I'll have to play around with it
 and which side will I choose to wear?

What would you choose?

The Gardener's Cottage has challenged me...and will the 10 I choose accept the challenge!

Janet at The Gardeners' Cottage has challenged me!
I am to post my 6th blog image and tell why I posted it.

I posted this because I actually found this heart rock on the beach!
The one with the circle is not as rare but things in nature do inspire me.

I will copy what I wrote back at the 6th....

Humble Bungalow is a small and modest home in which to reside. I have often looked at the Real Estate listings and in particular, at larger Craftsman homes of a similar vintage with thoughts of storage and closets and room for "stuff." I swoon for storage!
I do collect stuff. Natural stuff. Free stuff. Stuff without packaging. Stuff with lots of packaging. No name stuff, brand name stuff. Vintage stuff. Stuff that speaks to me, makes my heart sing, makes me smile.
When new stuff comes in, old stuff goes out. I donate to our local Hospice Thrift Shop which is staffed by an energetic group of women and as I drop off my donations I cruise through the shop just in case I spy some new gem needing a home in the humble bungalow. I am always surprised to see the quality and variety of items that they have in the shop.

I had to smile when I spied this rock at the beach on one of my walks to the waterfront. I carried it home and it sits on the window ledge beside my laptop in the kitchen. I cannot imagine ever parting with it!

So part of my challenge is to get 10 bloggers to post their 6th and tell why...
here is my requested list and I hope that you are following and can oblige!

Pop by and visit these lovely blogs...you will want to follow them on their daily round!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday dinner for the family, planned ahead cuz' the Hostess is in the garden!

Sunday dinner in the Bungalow April 25th, 2010

On the menu:
Baby back ribs in BBQ sauce
Spinach and Strawberry Salad
Heirloom Tomato Salad 
Scalloped Potatoes
Watermelon for dessert

One of my favourite cook books

An easy peasy tasty salad, full of goodness and looks wonderful

Cut in half Heirloom Tomatoes
add aged Balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper
top with fresh grated parmesan cheese or feta

I spent the better part of the day in the garden so I prepped the 3 salads ahead and just need to put them together when the ribs are ready.
The ribs are easy too, just precook the ribs for 20 minutes, drain, place in shallow roasting pan, add bottled BBQ sauce.
 (I like Diana's sauce for chicken and ribs)
Cover with foil and let cook at 325 degrees for about an hour.
The scalloped potatoes take the same time so it all comes together without a lot of fuss.

I had time for a soak in the tub with my bath salts and feel much better although my muscles are sore and will be letting me know again tomorrow!
I was sifting soil, loading up the wheel barrow and moving it around the yard top dressing the beds.

I need to get some gardening boots, my socks and clogs do not keep my feet clean or dry....any suggestions as to what boots I should look for?
 Hunters are good, but there must be others that perform and last.

I hope that you all had fun this weekend.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Post Earth Day, I am going green this weekend.

Maling heavily decorated plate in the back and Franciscan ware in Sprout Green, everyday dishes.

Circa 1950's 

Le Creuset, my go to cookware

Mr. HB built in a wine rack when he designed the kitchen renovation years ago and it still gets play!

Unmarked matte green arts and crafts pottery.
Large cones collected after a windstorm from the heritage tree in the cemetery close to our home.
The cemetery is a lovely space full of interesting gravestones, heritage trees and is a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
It is a surprisingly beautiful place in which to saunter and ponder
replete with
 cacaphonic birdsong and the scrambling of squirrels.


New porch plantings

White geranium in a chipped and crazed Medalta pudding crock

My favourite colour just happens to be green...can you tell?
What colours speak to you?
Is there a colour in your home that you instinctively embrace and use again and again?