I had tea lights and tapers and fortunately some kitchen matches.
Mr. HB is handy with an axe...
and he can build a great fire!
I was wearing my Eddie Bauer down jacket for a few hours...and wooly socks too!
I have the vintage phone that is good when the power fails...and good because...we ordered in..
A pizza for dinner
and while we waited we had a cocktail!
We played Trivial Pursuit on Mr. HB's IPhone (he won!)
We had a flashlight that we could crank, a radio too, but it only had a few stations and not the ones we like to tune in to.
we need to get ourselves disaster ready!
I have cornered the market on candles
we have a Honda generator
a propane BBQ
bottled water
several flashlights
a medical kit
and we live in an active earthquake zone so we should be able to be self sufficient for a minimum of 3 days...
Are you prepared?
I think that we are so much better prepared when we are on the boat, we need to be as our lives depend on it...so why do I think we can be less prepared when we are in our Bungalow in the city?
This might just be a wake up call!