Showing posts with label lipstick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lipstick. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Excavating the dirt and the pursuit of peace.

The Humble Bungalow is usually a quiet place.
We are fortunate to live in a quiet area not far from the city centre...
buffered by Beacon Hill Park and the seafront is a couple of blocks away.

Birdsong, wind, and some local traffic sounds are what we usually hear.

Our peace and quiet has been disrupted by the heavy equipment that is on site next door excavating the lot for the construction of two homes.

You can see our bungalow and the close proximity to the digger.

A steady stream of trucks come by to transport the dirt...
It is rather like a truck parade.
The streets are streaked with mud 
it has been raining so there are many muddy puddles.

I have been leaving home seeking peace and solace elsewhere.

Healthy lunch post Yoga today...
kale salad
2 egg omelette

Eaten in peace while the operator was on his lunch break.

Thank goodness for this timely gift.

The Yoga Studio
I am able to breathe deeply
sit on the mat 
close my eyes
perform restorative poses
follow through the fluid sun salutation movements
restore inner peace and help achieve a sense of calm.
For this I am grateful...

There is an abundance of beauty in our neighbourhood.

Despite the rain I am getting out for my walks.
The noise and chaos next door is a great motivator!

Sipping tea
Lapsang Souchong
a smokey liquid that has an intensity that awakens the taste buds.

This large Emma Bridgewater mug in the Black Toast pattern makes me smile.

You can see my Spring and Summer shade of Lipstick 
 L'Oreal Everbloom

Next time I go to the pharmacy I am going to try to find a pink shade.
I'll ask the gals on staff as they are super helpful
  it would be nice to have another colour on hand.

Hellebores are putting on a great display in The Humble Bungalow Garden.

So that's about all the news from The Humble Bungalow...
what's new with you?

I'll be back soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

OOTD and some budget friendly ideas

My "new to me" thrifted cognac coloured vintage Due Fratelli bag inspired me to take out my old Burberry jacket which I have not worn for ages.

This jacket was an "investment" piece.
I purchased it when I was working.

It was worn almost every chance I got when it was new 
but of late it has languished in the closet.

I have a weakness when it comes to coats and jackets...
Quite a few are in hanging my wardrobe, a mix of casual and dressy.
Some new and others thrifted.

Walking jackets make up a good portion of these and there are a few cold weather down options in the closet too.
A priority for me "being prepared for all kinds of weather."

~ OOTD ~
Burberry jacket, NYDJ, Jessica Simpson flats, Due Fratelli bag

what you cannot see is the 
thrifted crisp white shirt by Northern Reflections and my baroque pearl necklace.

"Retirement dressing"
Mixing high and low priced pieces help me stay within a budget.
I have a book where I record all the garments that I purchase so I can keep track of my expenditures.
It is surprising how it adds up!

My retirement budget also requires me to mix high and low priced cosmetics and skincare products.

The newest items in my arsenal of products...
Jane Iredale Dream Tint with an SPF of 15
100% natural Brilliant Lip Shimmer by Burts' Bees in Cherry
I love a pop of red in the Fall and Winter.

this is not a sponsored post
 opinions are mine, and are posted for the convenience of my readers

I switched from the powdered Jane Iredale foundation to the tinted moisturizer 
it adds a soft glow and boosts moisture levels
works with my dry skin.

The Brow Drama is like mascara for the eyebrows...
I have found that a spa eyebrow tint lasts only a few weeks 
then the coarse white hairs are visible again...
This product is under $10 and lasts for months.

Spa visits are few and far between...
pedicures in sandal season and possibly one or two facials each year.
While I love the pampering I cannot afford to indulge as often as I would like.

I have fun doing my own facials.
Often I will dedicate a morning to some self care
using products similar to those available at the spa.

This red rose looks so pretty against the soft yellow siding of our neighbours' home.

Thankfully the wild storm that was predicted did not hit us as hard as we expected.

The book that I have been waiting for at the library arrived!
In the spirit of thrift I have been reserving books at the library instead of purchasing every book that I want to read...

Hope you are having a fun weekend.

Are you saving for something special?
Do you try to live within your budget?

Thank you for stopping by my humble blog.
~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Talking about Lipstick...

After reading Janet's blog about her cleaning up her laundry room by choosing ecological green cleaning products I got to thinking about the products that I use in our bungalow and especially those that I use on my body.

I have edited the cosmetics that I use.
Disposing of those items past their suggested best by dates and I have been researching healthier options.

Jane Iredale is a mineral based cosmetic company that is sold locally in spas.
 Jane's variety of products are available for young and mature skin types. 
 I have been using her mascara and foundation for about 2 years.

 Until recently the lipsticks I used were usually purchased from the local drug store.
I chose the lipsticks based on their moisture delivering properties and the shades that suited my complexion.

The proximity of lipstick on my lips, 
when drinking and eating
made me reconsider my brand of lip products 
and the ingredients used to make them.
I decided that it was high time that I should be more mindful and opt for a safer, healthier choice.

Jane Iredale Mineral Make Up has quite a good reputation.
Many women use and enjoy her products and share reviews online.

Jennifer Connolly from A Well Styled Life has written about Jane's products.

"Just Kissed Lip Plumper "
I am wearing the shade Tokyo which is a great everyday colour.
Mint and ginger are the ingredients that plump up the lips.
Super moisturizing with ingredients Shea butter, sunflower oil and aloe vera.

Pretty packaging
Purchased at a local Spa

 More expensive than many drugstore brands
 but not as much as a designer brand.

I also read that Burt's Bees has a new 100% natural lipstick which has been getting lots of press.

Purchased at the pharmacy for $9.99
it is available in 14 shades.
This shade is called "Brimming Berry"

The Burt's Bees website offers this information...
"Features naturally moisturizing ingredients such as Beeswax, Moringa Oil, Raspberry Seed Oil, and Vitamin E"

At this price one could have several tubes.

I like both of these lipsticks...
both feel great on and are loaded with moisture and feel natural.
So here you have a higher priced and a lower priced option...
it's up to you to choose!

I decided to get my salt and pepper hair 
cropped into a short cut on my last appointment.

It is an easy care summer style and one that requires a bit of mousse and can be air dried which is perfect for our holidays aboard our Sea Ray.

Keeping and maintaining things as simple as possible is my goal...
the time saved means more time for leisure pursuits!

I thought you might enjoy seeing our
Rich red David Austin Rose William Shakespeare
I have been busy dead heading this rose and brought a few inside Our Humble Bungalow to add a lovely fragrance to our main bathroom.

Hope you have a great week.

Honey Bee you won the scarf giveaway so please email me with your mailing address and I will pop it in the post!

~Be Well and Be Kind ~ 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Seeing Red...

Red is a "high intensity colour"...
it grabs our attention and arouses the senses.

Wearing red lipstick or red polish always makes a bold statement.

Juicy ripe red tomatoes...tasty right out of the bowl.

One of my favourites...Red Shoes.

Saint James striped top with white pants
I think a pair of red shoes would complete this outfit.

Perhaps you prefer a red frock?

Paris vintage fashions in Didier Ludot  at Le Palais Royale.

Red door in Paris

Street sign Auvillar, France

Red is high up on my radar these days...yes I am seeing lots and lots of RED!

Finished reading a red covered novel...

Stop lights, post boxes,
alarms, telephone boxes,
fire trucks, brake lights,
lipsticks, shoes,
radishes, roses...

Tea tins...

luscious red frothy petals of a David Austin Rose

freshly picked radishes from The Humble Bungalow Garden

A few of my French books...which incidentally, all have red accents on the covers.

We chose red chairs for our new patio area...
now I am on the hunt for a large red pot to fill with red geraniums.

I am dreaming of full bright red accents
everywhere I go...

Are you partial to a certain colour?

Thank you for stopping by My Humble Bungalow Blog today.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Inviting colour in small doses...

The dark days of January here in the Pacific Northwest are making me crave colour...

My minimal wardrobe could use a dose of energy... as could I!

The basic clothes that hang in my closet are functional and everything works together.
Planning and shopping with the basic shades makes it simple but with the dark days of January here in the Pacific Northwest I find that I crave an injection of colour.

Eileen Fisher would be the designer whose clothes I could exclusively wear and own...
and she works mostly in shades of grey, black and navy in winter.

I saw a sweater from her new spring and summer line made out of a loose linen weave in a soft grey and I absolutely loved it...but the price tag was almost $400. Yikes!

Oh but it would look fabulous with my white jeans...
perhaps...time will tell...I have a birthday coming up in March.

After shopping I came home I brewed a cup of hot tea and painted my living colour!
I am getting better at this.
The health and look of my cuticles are improving with the use of gloves and hand cream.

Here is that punch of colour that I am craving and at a price that I can afford!

I met darling daughter for a healthy lunch earlier in the week and tried on her newest cocktail ring.
If you are on Instagram please check out her site.
She has the most stunning collection of jewels and she has an etsy shop where she sells some of her gems.
(etsy shop link on her IG page)

I am going to a celebration of life which is coming up soon 
and I have been trying to decide what to wear.
I will be volunteering at this function.
I went to school with the woman who passed away at 61.
She was a successful lawyer, a court judge, wife and mother.
The volunteers are planning on wearing mostly black.

Vintage Leather vest Pamela McCoy which can be layered over any number of tops
paired with the versatile Lisa Campione skirt.

Lord and Taylor waffle knit sweater.
Pair this with tights and short boots.

Jeanne Beker poly sleeveless top adds some sheen.

Susan Bristol (ages old) knit sweater jacket.

Tweedy jacket
(Mother approved)

Assorted Pearl layer or wear alone.

Vintage bakelite clamper bracelet.

I may wear a LBD as I have several contenders in the closet.
What do you wear to funerals or celebrations of life?

New brighter lipstick by L'Oreal number 590 Blushing Berry.

The colour is actually darker and richer than it looks in this light.

I bought a new address book to replace the one that I had that was falling apart.
It took me over an hour this past weekend but I managed to update and  transfer all the addresses.

New fitness/workout wear from Costco.
Inexpensive and the fabrics are super cozy.

I just heard that Alan Rickman died...I loved his acting and enjoyed his films.
His passing came right on the heels of David Bowie's death, 
both 69 and both died of cancer.
So sad.

I must get out of my colourful Ralph Lauren PJ's...
I've been at the computer far too long but oh my
the coffee tastes good this morning...

Time to seize the day!