Showing posts with label humble bungalow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humble bungalow. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Love the "little things" ~ a recipe for contentment.

Reading home decor books, Instagram and magazines inspire me.
I often get frustrated and wonder how I can make our little bungalow look better.

  I actioned a quick and inexpensive DIY fix.

I purchased 3 black metal hooks 
(Mr. HB installed them for me)

I hung up my French Market basket
 gardening hat 
  watering can. 

As conscientious stewards 
of a Heritage home
we are required to honour the historic significance 
we do not stray too far from their original architectural design.

With one exception...
The laundry area is painted white 
the basement is dark with very little light 
with only a few small windows.

The bright white walls 
make it much more enjoyable to work in and it feels far less oppressive!

I like to do my ironing while gazing out to the garden.

Looking out and beyond at the foliage and flowers 
while ironing 
feels like a form of meditation.

A handy rolling cart in the space is used for towels.

I fold the laundry on the top of the counter
I have a small ironing board that I use for small jobs 
like our linen tea towels and napkins.

Domestic jobs are a necessity.
To make them a wee bit more enjoyable
I have "fluffed" my downstairs "workplace" adding a few accent pieces.
Vintage enamel tins, ceramics, bird sculptures, and trophies...

Work and chores need not be looked upon as "drudgery."

Attitude is key to making these everyday tasks pleasant.
Taking joy in the results of one's labour and effort is so important.

The feeling of accomplishment is felt...
as I stand back
admiring a stack of freshly laundered 
(scented with lavender soap)
neat and tidy crisply ironed tea towels.

It's the "little things" that make our days richer.

How do you add Joy in your daily duties?
Do you have a secret to share that you use to make your daily round feel richer?

On that note, 
I will close this post...

Thank you for taking the time to stop and visit The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Graphic Tees? Do you wear them?

We've been busy here in The Humble Bungalow
lots of things have kept me away from the computer.

Sunny days for long walks with friends
visits from the grandchildren
tidying up the garden
planting flowers.

There have been odd jobs, decluttering, repair projects and more...

Today the electrician was here installing some task lighting in the kitchen.
After he left I went to the mall to buy some new socks.
Why do socks wear out so fast?
I think its because I don't bulk buy socks and so they get worn a lot!

I bought new socks 
(mission accomplished!)

Came home with a new walking/yoga/workout outfit.

Graphic tees are popular...
especially for women of a certain age!
I have been relucutant to get on the bandwagon...
until today when I spied this top.

What are your opinions on graphic tees?
Leave a comment and we can chat...

Capri Yoga pants

Karl Lagerfeld Tee

I may wear this with my jeans under a sweater or jacket.
The fabric is super soft and it is weighty enough that it skims the body rather than clinging like some fabrics tend to do.

You can see that the black and whites are still the main players in my wardrobe.
It's so difficult to change my stripes...

Zebras are so stylish!

Flip Flops 
for our summer cruise.

Still looking for a bathing suit cover up...

Must close for now as I am off to the travel agent to pay the balance of our cruise.

Hope that you are well and finding small snippets of Joy in your daily round.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Our snow event has become known as
"Snow~ mageddon!

The Humble Bungalow Garden
is covered in snow!

Looks like a Winter wonderland.

Iced tea anyone?

That's my husbands' car under that blanket of white!

Our red chairs look quite comfy with their thick white cushions.

I've been spending most of these snow days indoors.
Knitting, reading, sipping tea, and making hot soups and curries.

The front steps are swept clear of snow
 the sidewalk gets shovelled...
we have been keeping the fire in our fireplace going 
as it really takes the chill off.

Our single paned windows let in so much cold air...
sitting next to a window one can feel a chilly draught!

My husband has been busy.
He's kept up with the supply of kindling and wood.
Walking back and forth to and from his office downtown.
Many of the staff are unable to get into town to work.
Schools, UVIC, Camosun College and the Naval base at Esquimalt are all closed.

Buses are delayed or not running...
roads are icy and covered with snow
its pretty to look at but is proving difficult "getting around."

It is still snowing 
we are expected to get another 5 inches today...
more predicted for the rest of the week and into the next one.

Stay safe and cozy.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October in The Humble Bungalow...


Snippets from The Humble Bungalow.

October has flown has been a bit of a blur.
Where does the time go?

Copper tray on the buffet...
Ojibwa duck decoys
white mini pumpkins
a dome with a dried allium inside

First Nations woven baskets on the shelf above the built in buffet.

Fortnum and Mason baskets
with a
pudding bowl

I love baskets and have quite a few in The Humble Bungalow.
They are handy for storing things and I leave them out on display as I like the rustic natural effect they give to the decor.

Antique basket
First Nations tray on ledge
tarnished vintage silver 

dried hydrangeas in a copper vase

A peek inside the drop front arts and crafts desk

a headless "scarecrow" in our spare lot
someone is into the "Halloween spirit!"

Happy Halloween!

How is your week going?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Humble Bungalow ~ keeping cool in a heat wave...

We have just returned from our holidays to our beloved home and garden...
the greenhouse is full of fresh home grown tomatoes
ready to be harvested and eaten.

a bounty of tasty tomatoes

I will be making tomato salads, perhaps indulge in some tomato sandwiches,
will also plan to roast some for a pasta dish and may freeze some.

BC is immersed in a heat wave...
the temperatures are rising
and with that, my plans to work outside in the garden are shelved for a cooler day.

The blinds are closed and the windows have been opened a crack
(otherwise the cats escape!)
The overhanging eaves, a typical feature of an arts and crafts bungalow,
help to keep the sunshine out.

So I am staying inside attacking my long "to do list"...
it's only 10:30 and I have done 3 loads of laundry,
the last load of slip covers are spinning in the LG as I type.

The farmhouse sink has been bleached,
the mail opened, bills paid ready to be posted.

I plan a quick manicure
a beach walk
need to return something to the store
stop by a friends' home
start a new book.

My summertime favourites...
Eau Thermale mist by Avene to help refresh the skin
I also keep a cool bottle of water on the counter by the sink 
 take one outside with me when I garden...hydrating from the inside out!

SPF 50 for my face and exposed arms and legs.
I try to wear a light Tencel long sleeved shirt for extra sun coverage.

Spritz of Roger and Gallet light rose scent to refresh throughout the day.

The new favourite Sally Hansen diamond tough polish which lasted an entire week before showing signs of wear...
the shade is called Love Bug.

I'd better get back to work...
my break is over! 

Thank you for stopping by the Humble Bungalow Blog.

What are you reading and how is your summer going?
Is it hot where you are right now?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Embracing Wabi-Sabi...

Are you familiar with the japanese art of Wabi-Sabi?

Wikipedia has this explanation...

"In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi (侘寂) is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete".

I have unknowingly followed this practice for many years...
finding beauty in the imperfect.

I just didn't know that it actually had a name.

The Globe and Mail published this article on Wabi- Sabi in April.

The following images are just a few things in The Humble Bungalow that are examples of how I embrace the art of Wabi-Sabi.

Vintage McCoy crazed bowl atop a distressed and well used quarter sawn oak arts and crafts trestle table which sits in our kitchen.

I bought this bowl years ago at a church sale...
the crazing is what attracted me to the bowl which was 50 cents!
It is one of my favourite pieces.

A wee vintage ironstone jug
also crazed 
found at a thrift sale.

Tarnished silver 
I like some of our silver polished and some of it wearing a dark cloak of tarnish.

The tarnish does not really detract from the piece.
It adds a patina that speaks to its age.

Original patina on the hand hammered copper arts and crafts tray.

a different and unexpected example of Wabi-Sabi...
soap cube from Marseille France.

Do you embrace Wabi-Sabi?

Please leave a comment to let me know what you have in your home 
that speaks of Wabi-Sabi.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lightening up...

Have you noticed how the days are getting lighter?
The sun is setting later and we have been fortunate with our weather lately...
as the sun has been out several days this week which lightens up my mood enormously and energizes me...making me more efficent in the home department.

Love the sliver of light shining through the front door 
illuminating the orchids and making shadows dance on the wallpaper.

Bradbury and Bradbury heritage wallpaper in the arts and crafts style
hangs in our entry hall.

Looking towards the hall from the living room of The Humble Bungalow.
You may be able to see the wallpaper border at the top from this angle.

When the sun shines I like to get outdoors for my walks.

Emma Bridgewater has such an imagination...
I bought several of her shopping bags.

One I gave to a friend for a birthday...
it said Take Me To The Shops.
I'd never give this bag to a friend...this one is mine all mine!

I've culled some of my clothes...
when one has a small wardrobe and closet the clothes get worn a LOT 
the fabric of my frequently worn tops tends to pill and look yucky after a couple of seasons.
I wash then inside out and hang them to dry 
but despite the gentle care 
they still develop these nubby bits which I find unsightly...

I've switched up my red lipstick for a pinker shade.

L'Oreal # 580 Pink Peony
It feels lighter on these sunny days.

 a long lighter weight shirt by French Dressing
worn with my ponte knit skinny Calvin Klein pants and Chelsea boots.

Has the weather lightened up in your patch of the woods?
Have you been curating your closet?
Whats new with you?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Saturday, February 10, 2018

What a differance a day makes...

This past week of weather has been punctuated with rain and clouds...
and when the sun makes an appearance
we rejoice!

Today was a sunny day with clear blue skies...
a perfect day for walking along the seafront.
There were crowds of people out and about walking
obviously with the same thing in mind.
The views were spactacular...Mount Baker looked like an ice cream sundae.
The frosty white snow stood out against the deeper blue of the sky and it felt so much closer than its far off location in Washington State.

Just before we were leaving for our walk I spied some crocus blooms and had to stop and take a few pictures to share with you. Mr. HB is used to me delaying our departures when a garden flower catches my attention!

Earlier in the week I stopped to capture the Hellebore Blooms

One sunny morning 
the sunlight illuminated Our Humble Bungalow 
bathing it in a warm and cozy glow.

Our arts and crafts bungalow is dark
due to the use of wood in the interior
and the design of the roof overhang and front porch detail.

We rely on many lights and even more lamps during the Fall and Winter.

There is salt spray from the ocean on the windows in our living room
which always surprises me as we are a block away from the ocean.
The gusty winds carry the salt spray and deposit it on anything and everything. 

(I'll be calling our window washer in a few weeks.)

The Massage Therapist worked on my shoulder this week.
 While the session was uncomfortable (painful) 
it was so worth it 
because I have more range of motion and less pain.
I plan to go every week for awhile...
I am starting to feel like a "high maintenance" woman!

We went to the Belfry for the world premiere of Forget About Tomorrow.
I highly recommend this play if you ever get the chance to see it.

In other news 
our lovely DIL and I dined out one weeknight
then we headed to The VV Boutique for a peek.
(aka Value Village)

I found a silk twill scarf with hand rolled edges.
made by Vetter of Switzerland.

The scarf should go well with this top.

Hope that your weekend is ticking along nicely.
Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

 ~ Be Well and Be Kind ~