Showing posts with label hearts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hearts. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Beach Bliss continued...

Point No Point Resort is nestled in the trees on a point of land along a rugged rocky shoreline.
The paths that weave their way throughout the property are well marked.
Bird song and the crashing of the waves are all one can hear for miles.

Wandering silently along the path 
with the warmth of the sun to keep us company
we are deep in thought
taking stock of the beauty and bounty of nature.

Despite the fact that we are off line I took the opportunity to create some blogging images.
The Humble Bungalow Blog is very close to my heart...
it is a personal expression
a creative outlet
a hobby if you will...

I put my heart out there and have faith that someone will read my words.
Many readers drop by and I'd like to reach out to more people.
Lisa from A Mid Life of Privilege has been instrumental in my presence here in the blogosphere.
She encouraged me to get started and I consider her a friend...
she generously linked my blog on one of her more recent posts
and she kindly emailed me with a few pointers as I would like to expand my audience.

I got a "bee in my bonnet" about collecting rocks in the shape of hearts
and proceeded to spend the next hour searching...

the time was not spent in vain
slowly scanning the rocks beneath my feet
I looked closely at the details and shapes.

three hearts...

and a new collection is born!

time spent relaxing is an investment in good health
quality of life is a delicate balance of work and play

These snow leopard printed Polar Feet sox are keeping my feet warm...
if you have not discovered the joys of cozy fleece you might want to head on over and treat yourself to a pair.
I have several pairs of these sox and they are great to wear on the boat or when hiking.

Speaking of cozy...
you might like to spend a few days in the peace and quiet of Point No Point Resort.
We like the Hummingbird cabin...

It's got everything one needs to put together s few simple meals...
though we dined at the restaurant twice during our stay.
The duck confit at dinner was beyond belief 
and I would be remiss if I didn't mention the grilled salmon served with salad that I ate for lunch.

My heart collection came home with me...
I'll be looking out for more as I meander along the beaches.
You might see me on the shoreline with my head bowed...
I'll be happy to chat with you if our paths cross.

I'm so grateful for your comments and emails...

I savour the connections that I continue to make here in cyberspace.

Until next time...
Be Well.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Heart Day!

Valentine's Day!
I hope that you enjoy the day....
and that you can share your love...

Please stay tuned for an important women's heart health video later in the post.

my special heart rock
a lucky find from the beach front 
~ ~ ~
it's a simple reminder that one needn't spend lot to celebrate Valentine's Day
~ ~ ~
found or homemade gifts
given with love
speak volumes
~ ~ ~

something good to eat
breakfast, lunch or dinner
fresh and delicious
prepared with TLC
~ ~ ~

if it's a luxe treat that you are looking for
I think of jewelry

vintage is often great value
the designs unique
~ ~ ~

"Candy is dandy"
~ ~ ~

"but liquor is quicker!"
 Yes to a glass of yummy bubbly
~ ~ ~

chocolates are classic
~ ~ ~

flowers are always in fashion
a dozen roses or just one
hand picked or sent from the florist
~ ~ ~

Take care of your heart
and please watch out for symptoms of a heart attack...
in women they are so much different than those that men experience.

Have a look here.

There's a wonderful weekend getaway
fresh in my mind
always a welcome treat.

  Simple. rustic but classic comfort
Hostess approved accommodation!
~ ~ ~

walks on the beach
quiet couple time away
and very romantic.

Thanks for sharing my life Mr. HB!
~ ~ ~
I hope that you have something fun planned
 someone special to share it with
someone to love.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Collecting diamonds, one heart at a time, creating a family heirloom.

I am a gal who likes sparkle and diamonds are up at the top of my list. Pearls are likely second on that list and then it all goes awry...sapphire blue, emerald green, ruby red, the mind boggles.

I am a collector, so naturally I collect. It doesn't have to be things that are bought, it can be "found items."
I have colored beach glass that I have found and put into a sealer jar. I have found "bits and bobs" in my garden when digging, a rusty jack knife, marbles, a child's ring. I have some shells, some rocks, huge conifer cones, a brick from Sidney Island.

I also collect diamond hearts, or hearts with diamonds. I have them on a bracelet and am making my own memory piece to bequeath, a modern day heirloom of sorts.
I wear this bracelet with my channel set diamond hoops or my simple diamond studs.

I have a pink and yellow gold pave set diamond heart that can be added to any of my pearl necklaces. I particularly like this as I feel somewhat whimsical wearing it.

You may have seen me!

My nose is usually pressed near the glass case in an antique shop looking out for my newest vintage heart! I am serious about creating a family heirloom one heart at a time.