Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mid May Musings...from Gardening to My "minimalist" approach to Style...


May is a very busy month here in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
We have all kinds of plants blooming and various plans for new beds and borders.

Mr. HB is digging up the wee front lawn which has been struggling to grow 
ever since the neighbour's Arbutus Tree grew tall and shaded our front garden.
We will build a small patio using old bricks.

I hope to relocate the black birdbath to the centre of the new patio
buy a black pot and plant a large Boxwood Globe.

I am so looking forward to sharing the new area and will do so in a future post! 

With my broken ankle I have been sitting more...

Tea, a good book on the porch in the sunshine listening to the birdsong
 is not a hardship!
In the wee library across the street I discovered a book by author Susie Steiner.

I really enjoyed her first book Missing, Presumed.
Quickly put the next 2 books in the series on Hold at my local library.

DSI Manon is an interesting and complex character, as are the rest of her team.
One feels that they are REAL people.

UK Crime Dramas fascinate me...

Was surprised to learn that Susie Steiner passed away at the age of 51 
 a glioblastoma brain tumour.

I know of a few people who have passed away recently from a glioblastoma

~ Pavement Series Rose ~

This reliable, vigorous, hardy, drought tolerant rose is VERY thorny.
It can be grown as a hedge.
The blooms are frilly, frothy and fragrant.

Mr. HB managed to grow a new one for our neighbour from a shoot.

Soon all of our roses will be in bloom...we have over 30 roses in our small garden.
It might sound excessive...but I am a passionate rose grower.

When our Olive Tree died in the cold snap this past winter I was sad.
Was so hopeful that we might have a wee bit of Italy in our backyard.
Alas it is not to be...

Mr. HB suggested I buy a new rose to fill the space :-))
It took me NO Time at all to find a new candidate...

Bathsheba, a David Austin Rose, is now growing in that space!

Made a Cheese Sourdough loaf of bread and it was surprisingly easy.
Recipe found online at Pantry Mama.

The sourdough exploratory journey continues!
Who knew that baking bread would ever be such a big part of my week?

Some thoughts and musings about clothes, style and fashion...
shoes are not shown
 Comprising of several pairs of loafers, sandals as well as white sneakers.

I have various pieces of outer wear which I have not included in this closet.

Eileen Fisher blue swing coat, Eileen Fisher Khaki jacket, 
distressed Old Navy denim jacket, 
black moto,
Ralph Lauren black quilted barn coat.

The Minimalist Wardrobe continues to be working...
I am constantly editing.

(Summer Wardrobe)

Black, white, grey neutrals and shades of denim blues
with a few POPS of Colour.

I much prefer a smaller wardrobe as it makes getting dressed so easy.
No more standing in front of the closet humming and hawing about what to wear!

In order for a small wardrobe to work, and be versatile,
I have found that I need to pay extra attention to texture and accessories.

This blouse is a great example...

Tiers of cool textured fabric ~ flow.
I have worn this with black pants and jeans.
Accessories are Key components in any outfit.
Big Baroque Pearls make an appearance frequently.

I consider these a "Statement Piece."
My smaller Akoya Pearls are much more subtle.
Both get equal wear.

Basic Players for Summer are :

Two Old Navy denim shirts, 
one a medium blue the other very soft and faded.
Gap sleeveless denim top with pin tucks.

A couple of white shirts, a few white Tees, a sleeveless linen tank.

Several pairs of black pants...2 are dressy.
A black pair of ankle length cuffed pants which have white flecks.
Tan and white striped pair of wider profile ankle pants (NEW) from Talbots
2 pairs of denim blue Jeans
one light the other dark
pair of white jeans

Black tunic top crinkled by Cut Loose wear with black capri tights.
Black sleeveless crinkled dress, black with white polka dots shift dress.

Denim dress, 
white and blue striped maxi length linen dress
bold yellow Italian linen maxi dress.

White and Black skirt with asymmetrical flounce.
White shift dress with pockets in cotton.

I no longer wear shorts...

Lacy socks add a bit of fun worn with my white sneakers and loafers.
The juxtaposition of the lace and the nacre of the pearls works.

Clothes are more than just coverings...
they are an expression of one's personal style.

Creativity definitely comes into PLAY :-))

This thrifted sequin top is a Wild Card in my wardrobe...
whimsical and totally surprising.

Think of wearing it with my white denim jeans...or polished black ponte knit pants.

Maybe even the San Tropez silk skirt I found at The House Of Savoy?

I have kitten heels with some sparkle on them that will be fun to wear...
these sandals are about 15 years old and they need to get some time out of their box!

~ Behind the Scenes ~

Not everything needs to be classic and conservative...
Prima Donna make such beautiful lingerie that I cannot resist
 A Pop of Colour

What really started me on the minimalist wardrobe edit 
was flying off to France in 2015 for 3 weeks with ALL my clothes in a carry on...

I am having FUN with fashion and am really enjoying a fresh new focus.

Clothes that work well with my retired lifestyle
are often found in consignment and thrift shops.


Are you a minimalist or a maximalist?

Do you have a wee closet like me 
or a walk in closet with built in drawers and shoe racks?

Well I must get off the computer and start some lunch for my husband who is toiling outside in the Humble Bungalow Garden!

Cheerio for Now...

Look forward to your comments on the subject.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, March 4, 2024

March ~ Birthday and some other tidbits....


Tulip Mania has begun with a bold red and yellow bunch!

Such great mood lifters on a grey winter's day.
I love to buy these cheerful blooms...
deciding which colours to choose is always a challenge!

I had my birthday yesterday March 3rd.
I turned 69 and don't feel OLD.

My new glasses are Face a Face from Paris.
I had my former pair for 6 years and when my prescription changed I decided it was time for a new pair of glasses and sunglasses.

Vintage rhinestone brooch pinned on my wool beret.

My beret is made by The Canadian Hat Company.
Decades old Burberry scarf
Eileen Fisher Coat

Still having FUN and playing around with clothes and my personal take on style.

Been very lucky at the Thrift Shops lately...

Gold bracelet

I don't have anything like this in my jewel box and thought it might be fun.

Heavy crystal etched vase, possibly Swedish.

Perfect for wee flowers.
Snowdrops are what come to mind.

I love to hunt for sea glass on my beach walks.
On my birthday beach walk 
I found a lovely piece of aqua glass just as I stepped on the beach!

Aquamarine is the March birthstone 
so I thought it an appropriate find.

The sunset was quite remarkable the other evening...
looks like The Danish Flag hanging over Salt Spring Island.

Perhaps my ancestors waving hello?

Our family tree goes way back...
to a former Queen and King of Denmark.
So many interesting names along with that incredible detailed history.

Sabine Be sunglasses...
Mom had macular degeneration so my eye doctor advised me to wear sunglasses.
I need to remember to wear them regularly.

Treated myself to a new candle and some dark chocolate bars.

I recently read that dark chocolate is full of good polyphenols
which help with inflammation, digestion, cognitive function, and protect cardiovascular health.

Adding a couple of squares with my afternoon tea seems pretty easy!
Been eating more avocados on sourdough toast...
they are nutrient rich and high in fibre.

After my colonoscopy the doctor told me that he removed 3 polyps.
(I watched the entire procedure on the screen) 
He also mentioned to keep my diet rich in fibre as it has many benefits.

Staying on top of one's health is a priority.
Healthy habits and being mindful of stress and toxins in the environment are so important.

What is new with you?
How are you managing the aging process?

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Abundance of roses, and clothes that Spark Joy!


We have a full garden with an abundance of roses.
I consider myself an avid rosarian....
desiring more roses in an already full garden is rather greedy.

My husband mentioned that our olive tree might have died during the icy cold snap.
He mentioned I could always buy a rose to fill the space where the tree was planted!

What a great idea!!!

I have always been smitten by shoes with bows.

I own a pair of Ferragamo black patent shoes with bows.
Years ago I had purple suede flats with velvet bows...I wore them out!
They were my "Happy Shoes" I felt so joyful when I wore them.

A few years after the demise of the purple shoes 
I found a pair of black patent flats with black velvet bows.

Mom had a similar pair...
they were such a great mood lifter.
We smiled at each other knowingly when we were together 
wearing our patent bow toed shoes.

So when I was in Twice As Nice consignment looking for a wool winter coat
(which I didn't find)
I spied these shoes by Browns...
tried them on and HAD to have them.

My current "daytime" winter wardrobe.
Athletic wear is stored in the bureau
evening and dressy clothes are in the Hobby Room closet.

I have been adding a few thrifted finds lately...

Gap casual sweater.
Will be worn with my denim and white denim jeans.

A sequin top!!!!

The volunteers at the thrift shop were literally doing a "Happy Dance" 
when I approached the cash desk...
asking how much it was?
They said $2.00 and I was so stunned that I gave them $5 and told them to put the extra money toward their new building fund!

I am definitely going to wear this top and perhaps it will be daytime.
It is a JOYFUL top.
Do you think it will SPARK JOY?

I love how we can shift our moods with clothing...
wearing brighter colours on a dark dreary day.
Adding accessories that elevate a plain outfit or dress.
Finding inexpensive and vintage pieces in the thrift shops that are cheap and cheerful.
One needn't go into debt to have fun with fashion.

Happy Hunting in the Thrifts!

An abundance of Sea Glass...
one day's haul after my beach walk.
Saw two fat seals lying on a floating log...
a familiar face and a shaggy dog
a wee chat with a neighbour.
Gulls, Ravens and a majestic Eagle calling...
Fresh Air, a gentle breeze, and I feel rejuvenated.

Jar of sea glass...
probably my 10th jar.
(I must go downstairs to count them, they are in the window sill of the Hobby Room)

~ Sunshine and Blue Skies ~

Farm Fresh Free Range Eggs
a lovely gift from Becky.
They look like jewels such pretty colours.
Taste great too!

Finished this fabulous book by Anthony Horowitz.
Need to read some more of his books...have read a couple and they are so well written and are wonderful murder mysteries.

What are you reading?

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
Until next time...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, March 24, 2023

OOTD and I may have solved the problem with comments...


 ~ Walking ~
I love walking along the waterfront.
Fortunately we live close to the seafront but I frequently walk in Oak Bay.
The Esplanade near Willows Beach is a scenic spot for a stroll.

I spied this beaded bracelet on the arm of the blue Adirondack chair...

I stopped to take a closer look and noticed the card inside.
Oak Bay Trinket Fairy

I now follow this Instagram account and have learned 
that this bead artist makes and leaves them for people to find!
What a lovely idea...
similar to those painted rocks that were once popping up in our neighbourhood.

Friday ~ post published today 
as I am going to busy this Sunday...
I have been trying to keep the posts regular but a wee bit of a BLIP is fine.

On the heels of my denim jumper purchase I found a coat!

New Eileen Fisher blue coat...
a simple and classic choice for Spring and Summer.
Turns out that I really like Eileen Fisher coats as I now have 3 of them.

~ OOTD ~

Wore my big pearls from Hong Kong to tea at a friends home.
We sip tea ~ chat and knit together.
I paired it with a crisp white Old Navy shirt and a wool Lord and Taylor skirt.
Layered over Hue capri tights and my Josef Seibel Chelsea Boots.

Rather an "edgy" look but very comfortable :-))

Do you wear "edgy" fashion choices?
It is a wee bit of a stretch for me but after wearing this combo several times 
it feels honest and natural.

Let's have a quick chat about hair...
it is supposed to be our crowning glory.

my hair has been thinning this past year...
which has been a worry but I do have a thyroid condition and that is one of the issues.
I take medication for my thyroid but hair loss is a concern.
My hair used to be SO THICK!

Has your hair thinned?

On my last visit to my stylist I mentioned this to her she cut in more layers 
now it looks fuller and has more body
so I am happy with the results.

In other news...

I have been researching the blogger problem with comments.
Your emails have not gone unnoticed...
May have found an answer...
fingers crossed 
so please try now and see if it works.

Leave a comment and we'll see if it works.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Blues ~ Tea, clothes, books and knitting

~ Tea ~
The Elixir of the Gods

I partake in afternoon tea each day.
It might be served with a silver service or poured over a bag in a humble mug.

Tea is good accompanied with a small snack...
a cookie, an apple, or a few bites of chocolate.

Decaf tea is my go to brew after 4pm and later in the evening, after dinner.

Tea goes well with my knitting :-))

The Miriam pattern sweater (available on Ravelry)
Rowan Felted Tweed yarn.

Italian wool and alpaca blend, so soft.

You may remember that I knit one of these casual cardigans in soft grey and love it!
I chose this turquoise shade as I think it will pair well 
with my classic denim and black wardrobe.

My chunky pearls and the new shirt...

Caught my eye while shopping... versatile soft Tencel shirt
 inexpensive and will fit in well with my minimalist wardrobe.

I don't buy a lot of clothes,
 but when I see something that meets all the criteria that I have for garments I pounce!

Life continues to be busy...
lots of social opportunities and meet ups are on the calendar.
Being a social being I quite like the flurry of activity.

I do enjoy quiet time and spend part of each day here in The Humble Bungalow 
tidying, cooking, doing laundry, knitting and reading.

Am immersed in this story set in Tuscany...
loving the characters and the setting.
It spans several decades and follows the lives of a group of friends
and acquaintances on their adventures.

Apparently it was named number one of the "best books" for 2023. 

I've got quite a few books on my TBR list...
have some Holds at the library and a few on my bookshelf.

Reading continues to be one of the luxuries that I really enjoy since retiring.
I used to be too busy when I worked full time to really get into a novel.
Holidays were the only time that I could devote a chunk of my days to books.

I was such an avid reader as a young girl growing up...
I always had my nose in a book!

I was a regular at the local Carnegie library downtown.

It all started with Nancy Drew mystery books, 
then L. M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables series.
I graduated to more serious fiction in High School 
reading various authors among them: 
Aldous Huxley, 
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leon Uris, Ayn Rand, Leo Tolstoy
Walt Whitman

I have read and continue to enjoy many genres.
Reading is definitely a passion of mine and I always have a book on the go.

Are you an avid reader?
Who are your favourite writers?
What are you reading now?

It is time for me to close this post and get busy with dinner.

Hope that you are well and enjoying the start to the New Year.

~Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Loving Linen ~ OOTD ~ a new skirt


linen skirt
made in Canada

a whisper weight that will be very swishy
worn with a variety of tops and shoes

thinking of a white top with casual flip flops for a walk on the beach

kicked it up a notch with my pearls
an Eileen Fisher tank top with Nanette Lapore cropped sweater
blue leather Rieker flats

smocked elastic waist with drawstring ties

So comfy and great for warm summer weather...
just waiting for it to warm up a few degrees!

Read this page turner in 2 days

Am already into this new book!
Such great writing and another riveting story set in Paris.

Hope that you are enjoying your weekend.

A gentle mist has just rolled in here bringing light rain...
an opportunity to stay indoors and read.
One of life's little luxuries.

What are you reading ?

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~