Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Summertime and wee snippets of our family vacation...


We are on vacation at Quarterdeck cottage...

These are the lazy days of summer that I look forward to every year.

Time for simple card games 
family meals, hopscotch, bubble blowing, 
sidewalk chalk art
beach ball volleyball in front of the cottage
swimming in the pool
 the laughter and fun that we have while making precious memories.

Crib games were mostly won by Mr. HB

Towels and bathing suits...hanging when not in use.

The cottage takes on a rather more casual vibe when the family is here.
We tidy up a wee bit but mostly it just fills up with stuff!

I actually enjoy the chaos as it feels more genuine than a picture perfect image.

A special girl celebrated her 9th birthday!

The party was casual and had a beachy theme...

This inflatable beach ball was a big hit!
The Volleyball Games began and so far have been quite popular.

Sunshine and a seaview...great combination for a holiday.

 ~ Vintage fish sculpture ~ 

It was the first thing I purchased when we bought our share in the cottage...
it is originally from the Grand Cayman Islands.

I have been busy preparing and serving meals to the crew...
it is one of the things I most enjoy.

Watching people happily eating at the table.
they score a seat at the table!

Our table seats 6 and the kids have had extra friends visiting...
so it is a wee bit of a race to grab a seat. 

Those of us who are served last 
sit on the deck overlooking the Salish Sea 
which is actually the best seat in the cottage :-))

Well I must close for now as I have people to feed and things to do!

Hope your summer is ticking along nicely.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~


the veg artist said...

Your cottage looks wonderful. I'd love an occasional bolt-hole right on the sea. Happy Holidays!

Sheila said...

Happy August and glad to see you enjoying the good life at the cottage, L! Happy Birthday to the wee one!

Ann said...

Sounds like you are having the perfect family time! Enjoy the end of August!

Kathryn P said...

Sounds wonderfull. Happy Birthday to your Granddaughter. Your photos are top notch. Beautiful weather and blue sky's.

Susan D said...

Sounds lovely in your lovely cottage with your family and especially celebrating a birthday.
Missing your instagram again, so sadly have to wait for your blog postings.
Enjoy the rest of the summer.
Susan D

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

We feel very fortunate to have this special place in the Gulf Islands :-)) Home now and back to our home and garden...lots to do in the yard !

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Mira enjoyed her birthday...we had a busy time and are back to our usual routines here at home! Great memories were made!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I had fun with the kids and spent a lot of time preparing food to keep the energy levels up! Such active kids and the pool time was very popular!!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I love capturing the beauty that I see in my daily round...my IPhone is my only camera but it does a fabulous job!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Susan I am very sorry that you cannot see my Instagram...I went back to a public account so I think you should be able to see it.

La Contessa said...

The cottage would be hard to leave for me!I bet the birthday party was a SMASH!To be nine years old again!!
Wonderful memories for everyone!