Monday, November 6, 2023

November update...Autumnal colour, halloween, books and more...


~ Fall Colour ~

The limelight hydrangeas are turning pink.
I picked a big armful to dry on the porch and placed them in a jardinere on the buffet.

~ Trick or Treat ~

We had a VERY BUSY Halloween night answering the door and giving out treats!

Fortunately I purchased 250 treats...
we started the evening out by handing out 3 each,
then quickly realized the street was abuzz with children!

We had well over 100 children pop by and we ran out by 7:30
so we turned out the lights
coincidentally, our neighbours did the same at that exact time!

Fall colours are putting on a lovely show here at the cottage.
As we walk and drive the rural roads we are very aware of the different foliage on display.

I found this book in a free library on my walk.
I had not heard of Bobbi French or the title but was interested after reading the cover.

I read the book in a couple of days and am giving it to a friend.
It dealt with a difficult subject but was done so with such sensitivity and grace.
I recommend it.

BC Ferries sail by the cottage many times each day...
this one looked like a Cruise Ship all it up.
Our neighbours here refer to them as "birthday cakes!"
We also play a Yachtzee game...
if you see 5 ferries all at once on the sea you call Yachtzee.

I am so thrilled with the vintage ironstone transferware platter.
I found it at Kay's Korner in the Cook Street Village.

We don't have a Blue themed decor in The Humble Bungalow but the cottage does!
I think this tray elevates the casual beachy vibe.

Found another great book in the wee free library.
I have read several of Gill Paul's other books and really enjoyed them...
this one has hooked me already and I am enjoying the story.

I found this distressed and tarnished jug at the thrift shop.
I think it was 35 cents...
it has come in handy for casual flower displays.

I bought a silver tea strainer at the thrift shop for $1
I plan to polish it up but need to buy some silver cleaner...
it will be lovely not having to use those gauzy paper slips 
 for my loose teas here at the cottage.

I am drinking a lot of loose teas these days and most of it comes from Murchies.
The Princess blend is a lovely floral rose tea which I drink most afternoons when i sit and read my book or knit.

A scarf knit on the bias.
This will go with lots of my blue denim and my blue down puffer coat.
The yarn is Japanese Noro blend of alpaca, wool and silk.

I found the pattern and yarn at my favourite local wool shop The Beehive.

The "feel of a yarn" while knitting is very important to me...
I spend a long time making a project so I like to enjoy the process.

This lovely wash cloth was knit by my friend Michelle.
It is whisper soft and such an interesting pattern.
I purchased two new soaps when I was at Marshall's the other week.

Love the packaging...
Orange and Cinnamon
Asquith and Somerset
(a generous bath size bar)
Will be savouring this for awhile!

I better close for now and put the kettle on and do some knitting.
It is a grey rainy day here at the cottage and I have soup simmering on the stove.
Feeling Very cozy and the views are wonderful.

Hope that you are enjoying the start of your week.
Have you got anything exciting planned?
Are you reading a good book that you care to share?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

11 comments: said...

I do enjoy your blog. Such pretty pictures and you live in awonderful place. We have our little RV, Rubi, in Napa, Ca, about 2 hours from home. We wandered around Oxbow(a big market place, and had coffee at Modeles Bakery. Modeles is know for it's english muffins and more.
We leave tomorrow and i have chemo on Wednesday. Not fun but necessary. I'm a few years older than you but you do look great. always lovely pictures.

Lorrie said...

All of the trick or treaters from our neighbourhood must have visited elsewhere this year because had much fewer of them. It's fun handing out the candy to them. Your knitting project is a lovely one and will be a warm addition to your wardrobe when you've finished.

Anonymous said...

Love the muted shades of your Japanese yarn.It's very satisfying to create something unique to you. I had never heard of Gill Paul, but will look up her books. Thanks to you a little while back, I bought The Lincoln Highway and A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. They have now risen almost to the top of my 'to be read' pile of books!!

Ann said...

Your blog is beautiful! Thanks for the book tips - I am a retired librarian and love to read ( plus take care of the small library in our apartment building) so I will be on the lookout for those titles. Don't you love those knitted cloths? I have had several for many years that my dear aunt made...she is long passed. Living in an area with lots of Amish I just yesterday found a little shop that sold handmade items and found two new ones...made for my kitchen. Thanks for all your posts! Happy November!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is my favorite of the several I read regularly. You give me great ideas as your style on decor and style is similar to mine. I also love your thrifting finds.

Brenda N said...

Hi Leslie, Another fun getaway with your blog. Love that blue and white transferware platter, just beautiful. Your ombre knit scarf on the bias is also lovely. I jotted down the books you mentioned. We finally have a cooler cloudy day down here in San Diego, it's a reading kind of day. Reading "We are the Brennans" by Tracey Lange and also finished her newest book last week. Now I have to wait for her to write more!
Take care :)

Sheila said...

I love "birthday cakes" to describe the ferries - that's exactly right. That silver tea strainer is gorgeous, what a score! You're making me crave a crawl through the VV boutique!

We had some annoying firecrackers right outside our condo - scared our poor kitty.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Tahoe Girl ~ I am sorry to hear that you require chemotherapy treatments. Your RV in Napa must be a wonderful getaway! The towns that you get to explore must be a refreshing change from your usual routines...that is one of the reasons why I love coming to Pender. Take care

Lorrie ~ It is interesting how areas change...younger families are much more common here in Fairfield. Our street has lots of kids now...

Erika ~ Hope you enjoy the Amor Towles books. Gill Paul has written some great books...I highly recommend her work.

Ann ~ I made so many of those cotton dish cloths over the years!! I like to give them as gifts with a fragrant soap. The scarf is coming along nicely and the pattern is easy to follow. The yarn is so will be a warm and cozy scarf to wear!
Take care and Enjoy your week.

Anonymous ~ Thank you and have fun if you venture out thrift shopping!

Brenda N ~ I find the cooler weather is more conducive to staying indoors reading, or knitting or baking. I have to accomplish something productive in the house before I sit down...knitting is a very meditative hobby. Have a fun week!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Sheila ~ I have to head to VV sometime soon...I haven't been there for many months. I've had good luck at the smaller thrift shops. I bought some silver polish and the tea strainer now sparkles!!
Enjoy your week!

Patricia said...

It all sounds lovely and cozy at the cottage, and it is definitely elevated by the blue transfer platter. I love it ! I am busy planning for a short holiday in the near future, heading south to another State, and going with a tour group to see art and gardens. It will be much cooler than Queensland. I am enjoying the recent autobiography of actor Sam Neill. Your limelight hydrangeas are so pretty, especially turning into pink. I have never seen them in reality. And well done with Halloween - 250 treats, amazing.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Patricia ~ Oh your upcoming trip to another state to see art and gardens sounds fabulous...I would love that trip as well! We have a rainy afternoon here as we sit in our chair, hubby is reading and I am knitting...we have leftovers from last night to eat so dinner is easy...pot roast, roasted veggies and gravy. It is what I call comfort food :-)) Have a lovely tour Patricia!