Friday, August 30, 2019

Style statements...

Do experiment with bright colours and bold shapes when it comes to your clothes or accessories?

Or do you play it safe and steer clear of anything "off the beaten path?"

I see women in my city wearing "edgy" clothes...
in brilliant colours that really make a statement.

Some sport neon hair colours in bold stripes.

Often it's jewelry...large ethnic pieces that are museum worthy.

Vintage items are a fabulous way of adding interest...
I love searching for those pieces in the thrift shops and local antique mall.

Personal style choices can show off a creative and artistic nature.
I admire women confidently putting together unique looks and having fun with their clothes and accessories.

Maybe I am playing it too safe adhering to mostly conservative fashions...
but if I am to be honest, that style choice is what reflects my personality.

I want to stay on the fringes of fashion
blending in
rather than standing out or
pushing the style envelope.

Garments in sturdy fabrics that skim the body and flatter my curves work best.

I did buy something this week...
an accessory,
what do you think?

NO they are NOT bracelets!

They are velvet scrunchies.

Black, grey and purple.

I've been letting my hair grow...
and it's getting longer.

I plan to grow it even longer.

Keeping the stray strands out of my face has become an issue.
I wear a scrunchie when walking, doing housework and gardening.

I've heard
Scrunchies divide the masses.

What would the Fashion Police say?

What do YOU say?

How do you approach style?
Do you go for bright bold and artsy clothes?
Or do you dress conservatively?

Please leave a comment below.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
Have a fabulous weekend!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~


Anonymous said...

I say, if you feel they “work” for you and make you happy then wear them! 😃 ... being comfortable, confident and happy is what matters ...
I’ve enjoyed having longer hair, this last year or so 😊 xxx
ps I’m commenting as anonymous, as it seems easier, lol, Rosie,” loveSwitzerlandsnow” xxx

Anonymous said...

I love your new scrunchies! Yes, I've heard that a woman over 40 should not be wearing them, but I'm 60 and just love to wear my shoulder length hair back in a scrunchie on a daily basis. I'm active with fitness, gardening and cooking and like to keep my hair back, out of the way. I've worn my hair this way for so long it's probably my 'signature syle"! I would love to see a picture of you in your scrunchies!
Carol in Colorado

Jeannine said...

I think I lost my comment - this happens so often. I'm a conservative dresser. I'm with you on not wanting to stand out, etc. I don't care for the unusual hair colors that some people sport these days. That being said, I do like your scrunchies and would be interested in seeing a picture of them in your hair. I'm certainly not the fashion police and have no idea what they would say about scrunchies!

Jo in Chicago said...

We are each unique. Be you and be happy.

sensitive poet said...

Your garden is your style statement!

Sheila said...

As one of those women in our city sporting bold colour choices, I say YES to that! ;-P

I'm also growing my hair out - L, you would be shocked, it's a light silvery grey! But having long hair means getting it out of your face. I'm happy to see scrunchies come back, especially in those lovely velvets (good for taming the wispies on fine hair). Yes!

Madame Là-bas said...

I think that I am a blend of style with fairly conservative pieces with interesting jewelry and scarves. As a smaller curvy woman, dramatic shapes would be unbecoming. Like you, a tunic and ponte pants or jeans or a looser linen dress are my staples. I have been adding some pastel accent colours and a bit of print lately. Your hair must be getting long. Mine has some shorter layers at the top but the hair by my face can be annoying. I tuck behind my ears. Scrunchies may divide the masses but my daughter who has longer curly hair uses them a lot for practicality. I'd like to have a messy, curly knot one day. Perhaps...

KSL said...

I just bought velvet scrunchies before our trip and have worn them a lot. Love your colors and I think you'll enjoy them.

Lorrie said...

I am most comfortable wearing classic, non-showy clothing, although some of my festive clothing is more showy. I made velvet scrunchies for my daughters last year for Christmas - they are apparently very trendy at the moment. Love your beautiful roses.

Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie, Kudos to you for growing your hair longer! I am 66 and have had long hair for years. I keep it up during the day with an alligator clip. There are loads of hair accessories out there to choose from. I haven't colored my hair in years, only a few strands of gray so far. I have never hidden my forehead under bangs as many do and it works for me.
My style is conservative and tend to dark colors ala Parisian. I am slight and fit into small sizes but stay away from trendy looks.

Jules4a said...

Oh those roses, my heart is full.

MabonMoon said...

I am all for velvet scrunchies! Especially in the lovely autumnal colours you have chosen. I tend to wear simple, minimalist classics, with a twist ~ or so I like to tell myself. I don't care about standing out. As I have gotten older, I know better what works on my shape and what I feel comfortable wearing. I love boho style, but I know I can't pull it off except perhaps in tiny doses, so I leave it to those who can. Your roses and late summer garden are so beautiful...

Anonymous said...

I have always been a jeans gal and dress up was black pants with white and black and tops with a little bling usually vintage. I too am growing my hair longer and I feel that as I am older and wiser as long as it is all clean, jeans and a white shirt still work. Love your flowers and your posts.

Anonymous said...

I love wearing beautiful colors. For me it's the cool pinks, blues and burgundies that bring me joy and light up my coloring.
I used to only wear black because it was safe.
I don't want to blend in anymore.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Longer hair is more versatile. I like wearing it up in a messy bun or twisted with a clip. Knowing what suits us Is key to dressing well.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I don’t adhere to age appropriate rules either! The scrunchies do a great job when it comes to hair control!!! I appreciate you sharing your thoughts Carol!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Oh that’s frustrating when a comment happens to me too. I will try to take some pictures soon and share my scrunchies in action!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Well said Jo! I agree with you.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I suppose it it! Summed up as “roses galore” and so much more! Frothy and flowery with a twist!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I see your posts Sheila and you look fabulous. Your WW career is coming to a close and you will be missed by many as you’ve inspired hundred if not thousands. Best wishes! 💐

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Scrunchies really help keep the wispy bits off my face. They are super handy and the velvet ones are much more elegant than just a tie. Your new fall plums and pink wardrobe is very flattering to your skin and hair colouring. That Cheney necklace you have is a great statement piece too.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

I think that’s s fabulous coincidence that we both bought velvet scrunchies!!! I gave two to Isla a beige and a brown one as her red hair suits those shades.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Festive clothes usually have a little extra something whether it’s the cut, the fabric or some added detail. Clever you for making scrunchies if I had a sewing machine I probably could have made some but I don’t own one anymore. I sewed when the children were young but gave it up after making drapes for our dining room. I admire creative sewers like yourself.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Sounds to me like you are a woman whose comfortable in her own skin! Well done! We should all feel good in what we choose to wear.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Happy to share them with you! 💐

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Knowing what works and what feels like a genuine representation of our personality is honestly the easiest approach when it comes to clothes. Keeping it simple works for me.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Jeans and a white shirt are can always add a scarf or pearls and your ready to go out. Black is such a wonderful colour for a simple dress or pants then I add something with an interesting texture especially helpful when dressing in all black.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Bravo! You’ve kicked up your approach to dressing with brighter shades! Enjoy your new style. 💐

Margie from Toronto said...

I prefer conservative styling - but with punchy or edgy accessories - a great pair of earrings or a statement necklace, or beautiful scarf.
I've never been one for prints although I do like stripes and the occasional polka dot.
I'm short & round and don't need any additional ruffles - and prefer a black & white or navy & blue wardrobe. But over the past few years a bit of pink has been added to my wardrobe - a colour I refused to wear as a child! And this winter I am looking to add some mauve and maybe even a dark purple cardigan to my collection.
I stopped colouring my hair this past year and I actually love it. I have some great white streaks all along the front of my hair and people have even asked me where I get it done - thinking it's highlighting. I have also grown it out - at least down the sides - and I am trying to get used to hair blowing in my face and hanging down - it's odd as I've always worn it very short. However the back is cut short so no scrunchies for me. I see nothing wrong with using them when you are out walking or gardening and need the hair to be out of the way - but - I don't like them as an every day hairstyle. One of my sisters grew out her hair but then wore it up in a short ponytail with scrunchy every day so I often wondered why she bothered growing it. She has since gone back to a short haircut.
I am looking forward to switching over to a fall wardrobe - I actually got to wear a couple of lightweight cardigans over the weekend!

Susan said...

Like you, Leslie, I dress very conservatively---never wanting to stand out in a crowd. I also prefer blending in. I do like to dress appropriately though and find that I often find my wardrobe lacking. I need to get out there and do some shopping.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Shorter hair suits larger statement earrings and jewelry.
Like you I avoid prints, much prefer stripes and a few polka dots...I love seeing women wearing gorgeous bright prints I think you need to be taller to wear them well.
One woman who wears bright colours and prints and has great style is the Vintage Contessa.
Growing out my grey hair has been a wonderful surprise...who knew that we would love it so much?
Cardigans have not been required here yet...still enjoying a few warm days but I can tell it won't be long before we will need them.
Scrunchies are so handy when one needs hair off the face...I have a few French barrettes too that I use when I am going out running errands...I pull the side of my hair back a bit and clip one in, it just feels more polished that way.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Happy shopping Susan! I am trying to avoid the shops right now and focus on shopping my (soon to be finished) closet :-))