Friday, December 23, 2016

Seasons Greetings...

The Humble Bungalow is dressed up with twinkling white lights.
We are ready for the Holidays.
Food has been purchased, presents have been wrapped, the baking is finished.

This year
Our Christmas tree is a faux one.
 (blame the naughty cats who climb the tree, drink the water and munch on it)

The faux tree came with lights and has a handy foot pedal that turns it on.
There are 11 different programs for the lights,
 I prefer to have them on old school style rather than waving on and off or pulsating!

We have been enjoying casual seasonal get togethers and creating some new family memories.


Gingerbread Men for the grandchildren to decorate.

We had fun decorating the cookies!

Many of the candied decorations were munched before they made it onto the gingerbread cookies...
This Grammy had such fun...
we will have to arrange to do this again next year.

This week a friend and I met for morning coffee in town.
we went to a book store and this book tree caught my eye.

Many of our neighbours have dressed up their gardens with lights and baubles.
The holiday spirit is very much alive in our neighbourhood.
Walking along our street I noticed that more homes are decorated 
than those that are not.
I love that people take the time to participate in making our street a wee bit brighter.

Colourful lights look so pretty strung up in a tree...
a simple idea that really adds ambiance.

Our holidays in The Humble Bungalow focus on the things money can not buy.

It is not all about gifts, but rather the memories...
those that we create today and those we remember from years gone by...
the people who are no longer with us always have a way of popping up in our minds at this time of year.

We toast to their memory...

stories follow
some are funny, some sad
the stories are not all "happy" 
they are part of our history

our festive season is made brighter by 
 connecting with friends and family...

 if your family is far away
unable to get home
you can give of yourself 
with so many opportunities out there 
it fills ones heart to help the less fortunate


you can invite a group of other friends whose families are unable to get together this year and celebrate with a simple meal
it could be a pot luck event
keep it simple.

Festive food and feasting...
treats, baking, chocolate.

Friends, who now live in France, sent us some chocolates.
We nibbled a few last night and they live up to their tasty reputation.
BETA5 is one of the top 5 chocolate makers in all of North America!

With all these extra treats I will need to be vigilant and keep up with my walking,
perhaps walking longer and farther to compensate for these delicious seasonal indulgences.
Weight Watchers will still be there for me after the holidays!

This post is a bit discombobulated and I am trying to rein it in,
 in a cohesive way,
 but I think it has gotten away from me so I had better close.

I am grateful that you are my audience and that you visit and listen...

Thank you so much for reading The Humble Bungalow blog.
Your comments and emails throughout the year are really appreciated.

Wishing you a Joyous and Festive Holiday. 

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~


Susan B said...

Merry Christmas to you, Leslie! Wishing you a wonderful holiday with your family.

LPC said...

I think your photos of the lights are just beautiful, Leslie. Happy holidays and festive cheer to you and your beloved family.

materfamilias said...

Merry Christmas!

Mystica said...

Wishing you the very best for christmas.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and happy holidays with your family!
Thank you for lots of book recommendations

Kathy said...

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year ahead.

Madame Là-bas said...

Merry Christmas! Love the book tree!

Becky said...

Can you tell me the name of the bookstore with the Christmas tree made of books? Is it in Victoria? I am a new reader from Michigan. Visited Victoria this summer and went to an awesome bookstore there. It looks like this used bookstore which I can't remember the name of. Enjoying your blog. Merry Christmas!

Margie from Toronto said...

Thank you for your thoughtful blogs throughout the year and all the lovely photos you post. A very Merry Christmas to you, your family, and all your followers.

Noelle said...

Thank you for a lovely Christmas Eve post.

kristieinbc said...

Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful time making memories with your family this holiday season. We have some gingerbreads that look very much like yours, brought here yesterday by my 3 ½ year old granddaughter. 😊🎄

Sheila said...

I believe that's Russell Books, on Fort Street - I live here too! It's one of the best book stores in a town full of them.

Sheila said...

Merry Christmas, Leslie, and all the best to you and yours (including those rascally kitties!).

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

It's been a joy following your blog for so many years and I am so happy for you that you have retired and travelled to France to meet up with other bloggers!
Happy Holidays!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Best wishes to you and your family Lisa...
I thank my lucky stars that I discovered your blog and continue to enjoy your posts and look forward to more!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Best to you Mater and I hope you have a lovely and festive Holiday.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Thank you Mystica, and I wish you a Joyous Festive Celebration!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Enjoy the holidays Dottoressa and I hope to post some more good books suggestions soon!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Seasons Greetings to you and your family!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Merry Christmas Madame!
A similar book tree was assembled using encyclopedias in a middle school where I worked before retiring.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Welcome Becky!
The name of the book store is Russell Books and they are probably the largest used book store in Victoria. Their shop is on Fort Street just off of Douglas Street.
Merry Xmas.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Thank you Margie,
Hope that you enjoy the festive celebrations.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

It is Christmas Eve!
Hope your holidays are one for the memory books.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

We are looking forward to seeing the little ones...they do make the season brighter as we view the holidays through their twinkling eyes and enthusiasm.
Best wishes Kristie!

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Our kitties are much better behaved with the faux tree!
Best wishes to you Sheila and I hope you have a memorable and delightful holiday.

Becky said...

Yes, that's it. I was so impressed by that bookstore. Wish it was in my town.

Rosie said...

Such a lovely post Leslie. Merry Christmas to you and your family ...have a wonderful day.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Leslie. Will contact after holidays....have a small heart shaped pebble from
France that needs a new home.


hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Thank you Rosie,
Merry Christmas to you and thank you for all your comments over this past year, they mean a lot to me.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

Merry Christmas Ali,
Oh now that French heart rock sounds like a wonderful souvenir!
I will look forward to meeting up with you in the New Year, its been awhile and I want to ask you questions about your "second home" in Provence.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

It is a vast space and I realize too that they sell new books s well...I usually head straight upstairs and waste no time getting focused on my "must read" list that I keep on my IPhone.
Happy Holidays Becky, I hope you enjoyed visiting Victoria and if you come back and want to meet for coffee please send me an email.

Jeannine said...

And you are very much appreciated as well, Leslie. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The cookies are perfect!
Have a wonderful time with your beautiful grandchildren and family tonight and tomorrow. (It looks as though the snow is gone!)
The happiest Christmas to you all.

Susan said...

I love the Gingerbread Men! I also love the idea of casual Christmas gatherings. Merry Christmas to you and your family Leslie. Have a joyous Christmas!

No Sacrifice said...

I hope you had a Very Merry Christmas Leslie, and I wish you Health and Happiness in 2017.

Patricia said...

Everything looks beautiful, and I love the idea of having the children decorate the gingerbread (which looks very yummy). I am sure you have enjoyed a lovely Christmas with your family and I wish you well for the New Year. It is a treat to follow your blog throughout the year.

galant said...

Just popping by to wish you a Happy New Year, Leslie, and hope you had a lovely Christmas (as indeed we did.) Yes, as Sir Roy Strong once said, Chrismas is Janus-faced, looking back on life and one's friends no longer with us, and looking forward to the New Year. May 2017 be a good one for us all,
Very best wishes,
Margaret P