Sunday, June 9, 2019

Trying harder to budge the winter weight, salads and a Fitbit

One step at a time...

Walking in comfortable sneakers is my idea of luxury!

These New Balance shoes are unbelievable!
I think its the memory foam...

I finally broke down and bought a Fitbit.
I opted for the new model Inspire HR.
So many women I know love them and say that they really help motivate them 
to walk longer, farther and to stay active.

They also record sleep, 
the length of time slept, 
the sleep stages...
awake, REM, light and deep.

You can track weight, water, heart rate, calories, steps, kms walked or run.

I've noticed that I am more mindful since wearing mine.
I'm going to track my weight too and see if there is any change.

The weather has been wonderful this weekend and I spent quite a few hours outside pulling weeds and deadheading the roses.

Marigold the Mouse designed and created by the talented artist Robyn 
is enjoying the Climber Royal Sunset.
Its a fragrant frothy rose that grows up on a trellis on our deck overlooking the back garden.

Arugula, red onions, strawberries and goat cheese salad.
a light vinaigrette dressing and lunch is served!

Lunch out with Mr. HB at a new waterfront bistro
Boom and Batton

Mega yachts 

a tasty salad and a glass of wine

Reading this humorous book by Olivier Magny.

I think I may have been to his wine bar in Paris when I was there on tour in 2015.
We went to a tasting in a cavern that looks exactly like the pictures online and he must have been the sommelier who led the tasting as he looks the same!

He's written other books which I might buy:
Into Wine: An invitation to Pleasure
WTF? What the French

How was your weekend?

What are you reading?

Do you wear a Fitbit?
Has it been a game changer for your fitness regime?

Have you had difficulty leaving comments on my blog?
I have had a few readers email saying that they cannot comment anymore and I have no idea what is wrong as I have changed nothing!

Try Bloglovin where I also have the blog listed on their platform.

I've got to close for now as I am having guests for dinner tonight and need to prepare a few more dishes.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Blue and white...My Stylish French Box

When I read a few months ago that the theme of the May delivery of My Stylish French Box was going to be blue and white I did a little happy dance!

I posted pictures of our collection of blue and white porcelain before on the blog.
Our collection is small and carefully curated...will share them later in this post.

Look at how beautifully the contents are packed!
A feast for the eyes and the fragrance from the Fragonard candle is divine.

Letol scarf
Gien porcelain mug
La Pompon linen bags
Fragonard candle in a decorative reusable porcelain lidded container.

Notebooks and a lovely blue Swarovski crystal pendant.

I love receiving this elegant treat every few months.

If you are interested in ordering the August box or an annual subscription 
please click the link here 
You can also read the reviews from recipients.

Porcelain Bowls by Harumi Ota
Wee Vessel with bunnies by Robert Amos
both are local Victoria artists.

My newest dress is also in blue and white.

a cool loose linen frock

Have you read this book?
Its a classic!
one that I re-read every so often 
especially when I want some French Chic style inspiration.

What are you reading?

Where do you find inspiration for fashion and home decor?
Pinterest? Instagram? Magazines? Blogs? HGTV? You Tube?

I've just made a pot of Mariage Freres Earl Grey Tea.
 I am heading out to the front porch with my book .

Until next time...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, May 31, 2019

A Humble Bungalow Garden Tour featuring Marigold The Mouse

If you follow me on Instagram you will have already met the charming and charismatic Marigold the Mouse...
If you are meeting her here for the first time you are going to be smitten by this wee little gal.
She is made by the talented artist Robyn who creates a myriad of wonderful creatures and features them on her Instagram page @williewoolly.
Here is the link to her website

Welcome to The Humble Bungalow Garden.

David Austin rose Gertrude Jekyll

A throne!
 Hosta Sum and Substance a HUGE specimen.

Sunbathing with a Calla Lily


Solomon's Seal

Hanging out with the roses.

The Russell Lupines
faded a bit now but still standing...

Stop and smell the roses
this one is Iceberg a very vigorous climber.

The blooms are almost a big as Marigold!

Marigold looks like she's enjoying being the star of this tour.

Abraham Darby 
a stalwart David Austin rose
very fragrant and a repeat bloomer.

I think she's having a fun morning!

Jacob's Coat 
a superb rosebush 
whose colour varies from bright yellow to a deep orange.

Abraham Darby and foxgloves

Smilacena Racemosa
an unusual plant whose flowers are softly scented.

Jude the Obscure
my favourite David Austin Rose.
Just in bud with the promise of many flowers soon to flush.

Fragrant Showy Pavement series rose...
the stems are very prickly 
a vigorous drought tolerant rose with a habit of spreading.

Hosta leaves with droplets of water from the sprinkler last evening.

I spy a wee tear from Marigold 
saying goodbyes are often difficult...

until next time

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

Hope that you all have some fun this weekend.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Swimsuit shopping...

My need for a new swimsuit came as a wee bit of a shock to me...

I was in the change room at the local pool and was putting on my old swimsuit and working up a sweat trying to pull it up! I had to wriggle and ease the spandex up inch by inch and when I was finished I realized that I could hardly breathe!

What happened?

It must have shrunk!

So I HAD to go swimsuit shopping...
not my favourite thing to do, but we are off to the cottage,
and they have two lovely pools and I like to swim laps,
so needs must!

Do you believe in miracles?

This is what a size 14 swimsuit looks like on the hanger...

I am not proud of the fact that I have gone up a size.
The weight gain is all in my midsection where I once had a waist!

Simon Chang swimsuit.
This one is also a size 14 but it looks smaller because it is black.
I like the mesh detail at the top and at the leg holes.

I purchased two swimsuits because I don't like putting a wet bathing suit on and I may be swimming a couple of times each day.

I walk everyday and some days I walk farther than others...
I do watch what I eat but I could always cut down on the carbs.
My husband loves pasta so I make it once a week and I adore potatoes.

My thyroid is sluggish 
(but that's no excuse)

 I have taken medication for hypothyroidism since I gave birth 
to our daughter 40 years ago.

Loving life and feeling gratitude is part of my daily routine.
Every day is a gift and it never fails to offer up something of beauty. 

So in the whole scheme of things 
is a size larger worth getting all bent out of shape over?

I am doing what I can to stay active and healthy.

Thank you for popping by and reading The Humble Bungalow Blog today.

It's sunny here at the cottage and we plan to go swimming today.
With two suits to choose from I have to make a decision which one to wear...

I hope you are having a great weekend.

Until next time

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~