Saturday, July 7, 2018

Magnificent Obsession...

Our roses are in their glory this summer.
Such a wonderful display and so many blooms.
I am obsessed with roses...
it is a passion with such power that surprises me even to this day.

It started out so innocently with a couple of rose bushes
which has, over the years, become an obsession.
I suppose there could be worse things to be so crazy about...

Look at some of the roses that are putting on a show this month in our garden.

Summertime in The Humble Bungalow Garden 
Constance Spry roses....


Such a pretty flower
the bees like to fly right up inside 

Here's a bee gathering pollen from the Pink Pavement Series rose.

Gertrude Jekyll
a really fragrant rose in The Humble Bungalow Garden.

William Shakespeare a David Austin red rose.

Our most recent David Austin rose Jubilee Celebration.

Rose Petals litter the garden
like pink snow.

Climbing Royal Sunset
this rose continues to amaze me
its a lush climber with an apricot rose 
whose fragrance smells heady and intoxicating.

I have not shared the Iceberg climber, Graham Thomas, Jude the Obscure, Abraham Darby, Joesph's Coat or the 4 Claire Austins in this post...

I am trying to figure out where in the garden that I can plant a few more roses!

Hope you have enjoyed these snippets of roses from our garden. 

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, July 2, 2018

Growing pains...a transition of sorts.

My hair is going through a transition that I am now referring to as "growing pains!"

It has been a few months since I have seen my hairdresser...
I dearly miss our visits and chats...

I am in the process of growing out the short pixie cut that I had to get several years ago when my frozen shoulder prevented me from using a blow dryer...

Then darn it, the other shoulder froze!
 Which I was not expecting, as I am an optimist.
(I had been warned by the specialist that this may occur!)

So I kept the pixie as it was an easy option
especially when one is in too much pain to lift their arm above their head.

I purchased a Bumble and Bumble product appropriately named
 "Don't Blow It"
to help me with the "growing pains"...
The transition phase from one style to another is not the easiest to style...
at least that's true for me personally.

Oh and here is a bit of wabi-sabi 
the toothpaste tube sitting on the sink...
our humble bungalow is a rife with imperfections!

The back view
one that I don't usually see
shows an area of grey hair near the bottom
nature has had a hand in this as I have not streaked my hair.
The thing that comes to mind is skunk....

My hairdresser said I need to wait at least another two months before coming back in to see her...

So it's what I can only say must be wabi-sabi hair.

Do you change your hairstyle?

Have you grown it long, or do you like it short?

Is it grey or do you colour it?

Any tips on how you've managed the transition?

In closing this post
 before I go out and work in the garden 
I wanted to share this picture with you.
Lovely Constance Spry and Paul's Lemon Pillar Roses
climbing on the arbour out front of The Humble Bungalow on a sunny morning.
The path is sprinkled with petals 
an unintentional wabi-sabi welcome to the garden...

We just celebrated Canada Day July 1st
The 4th of July celebrations are next.

Hope you are having a great week my friends...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, June 25, 2018

The blues...

I've been quietly collecting more blue items in my wardrobe...
it all started so innocently.

Blue jeans have always been a star performer in my wardrobe...
they are what I consider to be a serious workhorse and they have been in my closet since I was a teenager.

I have three pairs of blue jeans...all by NYDJ.

Slowly, over the past year, I have added these blue items:

a denim shirt - Ralph Lauren
a blue chambray shirt ~ Cailey 22
a pale blue tencel shirt - Lord and Taylor
a navy and white top -Saint James
a thrifted denim jacket - no name tag inside ?
two blue and white striped tops - Cupio and Antibes Blanc
two pairs of blue shoes - Jungla and Ecco

prescription glasses - Face a Face Paris

You can see the blues in the 
centre of my wardrobe.

This is what the circa 1913 era closet looks like
its very small and not at all organized
currently on our list of future projects...
perhaps this fall or winter
it is part of the bedroom remodel that has been on our list for many years.
Our remodel list is getting smaller as the years buzz by...

Busy buzzing bees hard at work in the beautiful blue Agapanthus.

The Ralph Lauren denim shirt

Antibes Blanc linen top

No name denim jacket
white NYDJ jeans

I almost forgot about the blue patterned swimsuit!

The NYDJ boyfriend style jeans
are super comfy and great for the summer weather...
casual style dressing with a pop of red.

The blue and beige linen duvet cover will figure prominenlty in our remodelled bedroom as we plan to install white panelling and use blue accents.
Maybe we will get busy and organize something this Fall.

What have you introduced into your basic wardobe over the past year?
Are you playing it safe with colour or kicking it up a notch?

Grape hyacinths an image from the archives.

Hope that your week is off to a great start.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Summertime Snippets....from Quarter Deck Cottage

Jude the Obscure 
a David Austin Rose 
my favourite rose.

summertime beach reads
both set in Paris

Perfect for the week at the cottage
I read them both in a couple of days 
so I needed to get to the bookstore asap!

Fortunately I found a fabulous book.
I am halfway through this novel and do not want to put it down!

Friends came by for drinks on the deck...
fresh strawberries from the Farmer's Market
assorted cheeses and crackers, 

I like to keep it simple here at the cottage...
I give myself permission to relax by not making any meals 
that are too labour intensive.

Making more time to read, walk, swim and knit...
or just gaze out at the sea.

The pretty flower baskets hanging by the pool 
are frequented by numerous swallowtail butterflies.
The weather has been hot so the pool has been a great spot to cool off.

Jude is wilting in the heat!

It is cool on the deck after the sun sets.

A great day at the beach...
we found all this sea glass to add to our collection.

The jar is already half full!

Award winning rose from the local Sea Star winery
perfect with a summertime dinner.

grilled lamb chops
fresh carrots from Raven Rock Farms
sweet nugget potatoes with butter and mint leaves

Views of the Salish Sea and the setting sun...

I found a broken oar on the beach...
I plan to distress it a bit more and will keep it at the cottage.
You never know what you'll find on the beach.

I love to explore and keep my eyes open for things washed up on the shore.

I've got some things that I need to tend to here in the Humble Bungalow
deadheading the roses for a start!
so I will close for now.

How is your summer going?
Are you planning a holiday somewhere exotic or do prefer to spend time at a cabin or cottage? 
Perhaps camping or glamping is on your radar...
or a staycation.
Whatever you choose I hope that you will have fun.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Embracing Wabi-Sabi...

Are you familiar with the japanese art of Wabi-Sabi?

Wikipedia has this explanation...

"In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi (侘寂) is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete".

I have unknowingly followed this practice for many years...
finding beauty in the imperfect.

I just didn't know that it actually had a name.

The Globe and Mail published this article on Wabi- Sabi in April.

The following images are just a few things in The Humble Bungalow that are examples of how I embrace the art of Wabi-Sabi.

Vintage McCoy crazed bowl atop a distressed and well used quarter sawn oak arts and crafts trestle table which sits in our kitchen.

I bought this bowl years ago at a church sale...
the crazing is what attracted me to the bowl which was 50 cents!
It is one of my favourite pieces.

A wee vintage ironstone jug
also crazed 
found at a thrift sale.

Tarnished silver 
I like some of our silver polished and some of it wearing a dark cloak of tarnish.

The tarnish does not really detract from the piece.
It adds a patina that speaks to its age.

Original patina on the hand hammered copper arts and crafts tray.

a different and unexpected example of Wabi-Sabi...
soap cube from Marseille France.

Do you embrace Wabi-Sabi?

Please leave a comment to let me know what you have in your home 
that speaks of Wabi-Sabi.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~