Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Awakening in September.

The month of September arriving used to be a time for me to get ready and geared up to return to work.
I would buy several of the Fall Fashion issues of Elle, Bazaar and Vogue magazines and make notes of what was new and work appropriate. The lists were always longer than the funds that were available! 
These past two Septembers have come in quite quietly with very little new purchases...retirement dressing is not that demanding. I dress much more casually but am aware that if I do not make the effort to add a dash of colour or a scarf or some jewelry I am bored with myself.
I plan to edit my wardrobe and write a list of a few new things that I would like to purchase this season. 
A grey cashmere sweater is high on my list and perhaps some new ballet flats in a bright colour. 
Maybe some bright boots too for our rainy days. 

What have you got on your list so far? 

Taking note of colours that make me feel happy and cheery during the grey and gloomy weather that we have in the Pacific Northwest is very important. 
Apple season is upon us and a crisp juicy apple adds fibre and vitamins to the Ancient Grains cereal that I eat for breakfast. I add a dash of honey and skip the milk. When I do have milk it's skim. 
I am still trying hard to count my points...less walking means that I need to be more aware.
I might have to go to the pool for Aqua Fit classes if this knee is going to be an ongoing problem.

We walked to The Driftwood Centre on Pender last week and almost halfway we stopped at this rural farm stand. 

French radishes are delicious served with sea salt and soft butter....

Loved the tins and vintage touches on the rustic stand. 

Burlap, old boxes, flowers...it oozed country charm. 

I love patty pan squash and will plant some in the garden next year. 
Aren't they pretty little things? 

Green beans were served regularly when I was in France. I love steaming them until they are tender but crisp then tossing them with butter salt and pepper. What could be simpler? 

Vintage rusty old tractor and a scarecrow. 
I wonder what life on a working farm would be like?

Periwinkle blue flowers were popping out of the ditches. 
Amazing to me that they have survived a hot dry summer and still are blooming. 
These put a smile on my face. 

Mr. HB and I had natchos for dinner one night this week. 
The day's blend together and often I cannot say if it is a Sunday or a Tuesday!

Taco chips topped with melted cheese and served with "boat made" Salsa.
We had a small amount of a commercial salsa left in the jar so I cut up and seeded two small red jalapeƱo peppers, a small onion, half a green pepper and added about half a cup of tomato Ketchup and a few teaspoons of Franks Red Hot Sauce. I covered this and set it in the fridge for a few hours to allow the flavours to bloom. 
Boy! they did their job and WowZa that sauce was spectacular! 

What's new with you these days? 

I am blogging from my IPAD mini and have the Blogger App which works for most things but I cannot add hash tags or Facebook or Pinterest so you will just have to suffer along with these posts until I get back home from the boat. 
Take Care and be Kind. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

After the storm....

The winds were wild and gale force in the Straits near Victoria and Vancouver yesterday.
Fierce winds battered the coast, trees blew down and there were power outages. 
We stayed safe albeit a wee bit wet from the driving rain.

Today we slipped out of Otter Bay Marina and headed down to Poets Cove Resort.
The seas were lumpy and the winds moderate.

Last nights sunset....
"red sky at night sailors delight...red sky in morning sailor take warning."

Otter Bay have nesting boxes for the Purple Martin birds. 
They must have already flown south as we did not see any while we were there. 
We enjoyed our few days at this small Marina. 
Last night there was a wedding aboard a sailboat and there were dozens of people attending. 
The bride was taken out the boat in a dingy and she wore a lovely long white gown. 
Chiffon, off the shoulder, and her hair was up and she had a tiara of pearls. 
The rain held off for their nuptials and after their vows the heavens opened up and poured rain. 

I did some cleaning today as the boat was looking a wee bit unkempt. 
Living in a small space means stowing everything when it's not in use. 
I have a bad habit of kicking off my flip flops and leaving them in the middle of the floor where I trip on them later! You'd think I would be more careful. 

Tonight we are going to dine on a big crunchy salad, a BBQ steak, 
Rose French wine and some boiled new potatoes with butter salt, pepper and mint. 
Simple, easy and so satisfying. 

I have saved my favourite magazine and plan on reading it cover to cover after I finish my current novel. 
The anticipation and the lovely covers are part of the joy this magazine brings me every month. 
Do you have a particular magazine that you enjoy? 

My daily regime on board our boat is pretty close to the one I do at home. 
I don't use or bring Fresh Sugar face masks as they are far too bulky. 
All these fit into my small make up bag. 
Sunscreen is a must! 

My basket is full and the two books I have already read were donated to the previous two Marina libraries for other Mariners to borrow. 

I made this appetizer tray up earlier in the week. Small chunks of cheeses, crackers, pickled asparagus, and wine salami. These take up very little room in our tiny galley fridge and add a bit of luxury in the evening. 

I need to get some exercise that is not going to stress my knee...so laps are on! 

Well I must close for now as the swimming pool awaits...

Friday, August 28, 2015

SeaRay Summer...August 2015

We have been cruising for the past few days and the pace of life has slowed down to a gentle rhythm. One that allows us to sleep in and slowly make our morning coffee. 
We read a few chapters before eating our breakfast. 
I have been eating a high fibre oatmeal cereal with a sliced banana and Mr. HB has been enjoying Raisin Bran with a V8 juice on the side...
as you might surmise nothing too out of the ordinary has been happening. 
Well except we had a power outage this morning and we had to boil the kettle on our BBQ! 

The hydrangeas are fading...
I have read two books which were disappointing...but the third book is fabulous! 
It's called The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DE Witt. It's a very different genre for me but came highly recommended and has won rave reviews and numerous awards. 
You might enjoy it too. 

We walked for an hour and a half to get groceries this morning and my knee is aching. 
I really am a baby when it comes to pain, and I am not a fan of taking pain medicines either. 

I have been posting on Instagram and will continue to do so regularly. 

We are at a lovely little Marina on Pender Island called Otter Bay. 
After 5 nights at Telegraph Harbour Marina yesterday we scooted at 20 knots and an hour and a half later we were tied up here. 

The pool beckoned  and so we had a quick swim and I have done the laundry so we have clean clothing....showers, swimming, reading, walking, relaxing and eating tasty simple meals are what SeaRay Summers are all about. 

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for stopping by...
I'd love to hear from you and welcome your comments if you have the time or inclination. 


 Notify me

Friday, August 21, 2015

Hair and my OOTD...a quickie post.

It's a casual day here in The Humble Bungalow...
quiet domestic routines are in place.
While the dryer was tumbling the linens I took a wee break and took some photos.

My hair is slowly growing...
it's a tedious process at best.
My hairdresser gave it a bang trim and tidied up the back layers.
I'm not blow drying it these days.
I have a new Bumble and Bumble product which I am using
 I scrunch and twirl my hair as it dries...

~ written on the tube ~
for great hair days without the heat or the hassle
pour avoir de superbes cheveux au quotidien, sans brushing

Scrunching it encourages the curl.
You can see the grey tinsel amid the brown locks.
The grey really comes out more as the hair dries...

I don't mind being grey and I wonder why I fought to keep it hidden under colour for so many years.
Lots of women I know colour their hair and feel very strongly about not going grey.
It's an identity issue...
(and it's very personal)
we either accept ourselves and the things that occur naturally with aging
or we fight tooth and nail and resist and delay the inevitable.

It's not a great image is it?
One day I really must buy a better mirror one that can be located in a better lit area of our bungalow.
DKNY Boyfriend Jeans
Monoprix Linen Tee
Vintage silver belt
assorted sterling silver bangles

Sperry Shoes

I have put on a bit of weight these past few weeks as my knee has been bothering me so I am not able to walk as much.
I will have to go to the doctor if it keeps up.
It started when I was "guerrilla gardening" and has improved since I have eased off the serious digging and weeding but there are twinges of shooting pains and it is very stiff periodically throughout the day. 
I am using Voltaren a pain relief gel and that seems to take the edge off...
(I don't usually complain so please forgive me for this little whine)

Mr. HB and I are off for a few weeks on our boat.
We have lots of books to read and there will be simple meals prepared aboard our Sea Ray.
I'm looking forward to doing laps in the pools and exploring the Gulf Islands that we visit.

White Iceberg Rose

Please follow me on Instagram where I'll be posting pictures as long as I can get a WiFi signal.
I'll miss out garden and the cats but know that they are in the tender loving hands of a friend.

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dinner time for the deer and the dears....

There are a few plants in the front garden of Our Humble Bungalow....
that have delighted the resident deer population...Dinner is Served!

Sum and Substance is a large leafed Hosta...
those bite marks are huge!

This Hosta had it's flower stalks bitten down and most of the leaves removed.
I planted it this Spring...may be moving it next Fall to the fenced back yard.
Yum Yum someone had a tasty treat.

Another Hosta that was planted this Spring...
munch munch munch.

The deer have left this Giant Rudbeckia alone...

The grasses are untouched but the Orange Crocosmia flowers have been all eaten.

They love eating roses...the tender new foliage and the flowers.

David Austin Rose William Shakespeare has not been a target yet...
perhaps because it is surrounded by Hostas 
which I have decided are the snack of choice for the deer.

This is the same size as the deer that I saw walking along our side walk out front of The Humble Bungalow. I think he must need a lot of greenery to keep him feel full...don't you?
(picture from the archives)

Plump Rose Hips are forming on our neighbours rose bushes.

They are really quite beautiful...

Indulged in a wee bit of pampering...
a relaxing spa pedicure with a bright red polish.
Give me a Lido Kiss

We had the family around to celebrate Mr. HB's birthday.
I cooked up a big batch of macaroni and cheese, made a couple of salads, baked a salmon, and served cupcakes with coloured sprinkles.
Mother and Aunty Jennifer got to meet Mira Louise and we had plenty of cuddles and hugs from the children...
it was a lovely evening.
Seriously The Best!

The house feels so quiet now...
I can hear
the dishwasher swishing and the linens are in the washer spinning.
I can still hear the enthusiastic voices of the little ones...
 singing Happy Birthday to Grampa.
They will sustain and keep me happy until I see them again....
Life with Grand Children...
is as Good as it Gets!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Comfort in the routines...

In seeking comfort...

I look to the simple and quiet routines that are found so surprisingly in every day domesticity.

Home keeping.

Cooking, cleaning, baking, sweeping, washing...they all feed my spirit.

Weeding, raking, digging in the dirt...
tending the garden
softly connecting with Nature
elevate flagging spirits.

Sitting on the porch having a wee break.
 A time to reflect on all that I have to be grateful for in life.

I've just started Edith Wharton's 1905 classic House of Mirth 
I've just finished chapter One and I know I am going to LOVE this book!

Good to the last drop!

Wearing my uniform...
Now Designs linen apron and a wrap dress by Jones Of NY.
summer flip flops...

The View from here...

Thank you for your thoughtful comments on my last post.
I appreciate them very much.

Hope you are having a lovely week...