Sunday, December 13, 2015

Walking in between the Windstorms...

We had a brief respite from the storms that have been pummelling our coast and the sun shone brightly in a clear blue sky.

What a lovely view!

The blue sky was such a gift after so many days of gloomy grey.
I felt so much energy walking along the seafront.
I found myself smiling to myself and to those that I passed by.

This seagull let me get quite close to take a photo.

The sun illuminated these trees and cast an amber glow.

The shoreline was littered with large logs washed ashore from the storms.
They are tossed around like match sticks in the winds and some land on the sidewalk and the road.
The pavement was full of rocks and pebbles that had been thrown up by the cresting waves...
it was a walk where I had to look down often so as not to trip.

It felt wonderful to breathe in the salty air and have the sun beam down and warm my face.
There was not even a hint of a breeze...

on the way back home the sun was setting into the sea
another day done.

Earlier in the week 
on one of those ghastly windy days 
I splurged and had a facial.
I have not had a facial for ages and ages...
it was a lovely experience being pampered.

It was my first visit to Sapphire Day Spa.
The lovely young woman who takes good care of my feet in the spring and summer months moved to this spa which is located downtown.
She used a line of organic skincare products called Eminence.
I love the variety of products that are targeted to individual skin care needs.
I purchased a couple of "Starter kits" with smaller sample sizes.
I will be switching over to this new line as the products are remarkably effective.

While I was out buying a few gifts, I found two new bras 
(which I needed)
 Olga and Triumph bras at bargain basement prices.
Then on the way to the check out I zigzagged to the clothing racks...

Black and Blue with a touch of mustard yellow = leopard

This Chaus top is just what I needed to "perk up" my black and grey wardrobe.

I bought some new skinny jeans with a "higher waist" 
Mom Jeans 
(so much more comfortable now that my mid section is wobbly)
The waist is not tight at all, the spandex in the jeans acts as a tummy tamer!

Hope that you are pacing yourself and enjoying the Christmas preparations at a reasonable speed.
Give yourself permission to reduce any unwanted stress...
take away anything that is not necessary.
Christmas will still happen and everything does not need to be "picture perfect."
Please do not exhaust yourself...stay calm.
Be realistic and choose to celebrate traditions that are most important to you and your family.
Ask for help, delegate some of the jobs or cross them off your list!

"Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life."

~ Marilu Henner ~

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Parisian lunch...

Last Spring when I visited Paris I savoured the delicious food served in cafes and restaurants.
The breakfasts consisted of croissants, yogurt and fruit served with strong coffee and steamed milk.
They kept me going while I walked for many hours exploring the various arrondissments.
When I needed a rest I would stop at a wee sidewalk cafe for lunch...

I took a cooking class at La Cuisine and learned how to prepare duck.
I have not made it yet since coming home but it is on my "list of things to do!"

This cookbook is full of great recipes and there are stories and snippets that go along with each section.
I love his simple recipe for making omelets.

Beat 2 large eggs and add 1 teaspoon of cream or full fat milk.
Toss in some herbs, salt and pepper.

Lay a handful of Arugula or Mesclun greens on the plate.
Dress with a little vinaigrette.

Melt butter in an omelet pan on medium high heat until it foams and bubbles.

Pour egg mixture into the pan and cook until the edges are set.
Top with a little grated cheese.

Here is the basic recipe as seen on Page 133 of David's book.
You can see that I am a messy cook dripping bits and smudging the pages...
I think these little "splodges" left behind show which recipes are used most often.

Slip a large flipper underneath the omelet and flip carefully...
roll over on itself and out of the pan onto the plate.

Lunch is served.
Low in calories, filling and with every bite I recall the sights and sounds of the Parisian Cafes.
Taste and food can transport you back in time...

A beautiful Hellebore flower seen on my walk.

I managed to get out for a 5K walk yesterday between the windstorms...
right now as I write this the winds have whipped up again and the trees are straining and bending with the sheer force of the gusts.

I'll be back with some more photos from the walk but right now I have an appointment and I do not want to be late!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Cooking and antidote to cabin fever.

With the windstorms and the rain I have spent a lot of time in the house...
I am not walking as much due to flying twigs and snapping tree limbs
plus my walking partner has been pre-occupied with ailing family members.

What have I got to complain about?
in a nut shell, nothing!

I am just feeling a tad bit grumpy...and I want to shake this unsettling feeling asap.

Maybe I have "cabin fever,"
I am not sure...
that is what my Grandmother called it when she stayed in for a long time...

We actually chatted about this on the phone when she was alive...
I was home with toddlers...she with arthritis and a dodgy hip.

When your cat stares at you for a long time...
you wonder what he is thinking.

I am not one that has truly befriended idleness 
so I tie on my apron and get busy.

Cooking and cleaning are so therapeutic...

Store made BBQ chicken and salads were an easy peasy Saturday night dinner.
(after the neighbour's Cookie open house)

The next day it was transformed into a Chicken Pot Pie.

 It was not a Weight Watchers friendly supper...
it tasted darn good.

I lapsed 
and did some online shopping at L'Occitane.
I rarely do this but Mr. HB was watching hockey!

I got a gift card and some small hand lotions as a bonus for shopping the site
plus there was free shipping...

In the frenzy of activity and between storms I popped over to the club.
Where there is a quiet spot to sit for a cup of tea
Mah Jong, Bridge lessons and games.

Eggplants were on sale at the market...
I have always been fascinated with them and I prefer to call them Aubergines.
I have no clue what to do with them so I posted on Facebook asking my "friends" what recipes that they might share with me.
One particular friend suggested I try Eggplant Parmigiana.

So I did a Google search
and then Martha Stewart's recipe popped up!

I served this to my Mother and Sister as a side dish for dinner.
Delivered some at lunch time for our amazing DIL 
and 3 gorgeous children to sample.

Took time out to take tea.
I feel infinitely better when I sit and have a cup or two.
Not so crazed after quiet time...feel like a new woman.
ready to take on new challenges and boldly go....

Just saying that this is my kind of Fur! (FIR)

I am hoping to get out for a long walk later this week but in the meantime I am keeping busy.
Hope that you are having a great week!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Weather, walks and letting go....

Mr. HB and I went shopping for Diptyque candles in Vancouver a few weeks ago...
We purchased our Fall and Winter "go to scent"...Ambre and then it was time to branch out and try something new...
I opted for Roses, because of course, Roses are my all time favourite flower.

Mr. HB got into the swing of things and sniffed all the testers...he liked Menthe Verte.
A fresh light fragrance...greenish, like the Mint itself.

While the house smells all fresh and minty inside we have been adding greenery to the porch.

I had to stop on my walk and take a photo of the moss on a granite wall near The Victoria Art Gallery.

There have been wind storms this past week and there are more in the forecast.

It has been difficult getting my walks in 
as the winds are ripping limbs from the trees 
small twigs are flying everywhere...
I do not want to be a target or suffer a head injury.
So I have been doing what Mother does when inclement weather strikes...
I have been walking in the Mall!

Not that I am a "mall walker" per say.
(many seniors walk in the mall before it opens then they sit and chat over coffee in the food court)
I have been getting some Christmas shopping done and while I am roaming in the shops I make sure that I cover lots of territory!

interesting interior for an elevator
 a sheet metal fantasy

Wind blown hair...
I made an appointment with my hairdresser this week
 after months of the tedious "growing out period."
It has not grown as long as I want it to yet 
but with the festive season upon us 
I can wait no longer.

If I do I might earn the nickname "Scruffy."

These cute little felted animals have my full attention...
they are adorable and so charming.

Crafters that can create such lovely things have my utmost respect.
I have tried to make these and mine looked rather odd.
So odd, 
that I disposed of them before showing them to anyone.

Sometimes we need to let go of the things that we cannot do and let those who can, lead the way!

"Letting go helps us to to live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. 
It allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations 
that do not belong to us. 
This frees us from unnecessary stress.

~ Melody Beattie ~

That is my deep thought for the day....

I'm currently busy 
rather pre-occupied with cooking and shopping.

I am volunteering at a Christmas luncheon for about 100 people.
It will be all hands on deck trying to get the full turkey dinner 
and all the trimmings out from the teeny tiny kitchen
to all the hungry diners.

I plan to wear my linen apron and comfy shoes...
hope I don't drop any plates
or pour coffee on anyone's lap or slip on the gravy.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Red just keeps on popping up on my radar...

Everywhere I look I seem to notice Red...

The Red Camellia blooming in a neighbour's garden.

Ilex berries

The felted wee animals at a local shop in our Village.

Our neighbours hosted a cookie open house this weekend.
They made dozens of cookies and in the centre of the table was a gumdrop structure of Saint Paul's Cathedral.
It was done to scale too...
most impressive and the cookies that I sampled were very tasty!

We had stormy wild winds and rains yesterday and there is more wild weather in the forecast.
I took a short video of the storm as it lashed the breakwater at The Oak Bay Marina...
it is on my Instagram page if you want to check it out!

Handy because you make it and then pop it in the fridge to bake later.

I bake it on parchment for even heating and quick clean up!

The shortbread is going to be stored in the red tin after it cools...
and then I will put the kettle on to boil and sit for a bit with my mug of tea and read.

I brought this book home to peruse...
I have always enjoyed Tricia Foley's style.

Red and White Roses at the local Oak Bay Coffee Shop and Bakery
called Delish.

It was cold and windy on my walk so I 
I stopped there for a pot of tea and a cookie last Friday.

How was your weekend?