Thursday, March 20, 2014

Walking in Sunshine ~ OOTD

Mr. HB and I walked the seafront and I couldn't resist sharing some of the sights...

Dallas Road Waterfront is a popular place for locals and tourists to walk.
On a sunny day there are lots of people out enjoying the fresh air and gorgeous scenery.

Hang gliders flock here when the wind blows.

The cemetery has many interesting trees and is a quiet spot to meander or sit on a bench and ponder for a spell.

"All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking."

 ~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~

Ribes are blooming and the hummingbirds love their flowers.

Plum trees are full in flower and sweetly fragrant.

Branches make lovely arrangements in the house if you are fortunate enough to have one growing in your yard.
Or brave enough to sneak snips with your sharp secateurs under the cover of darkness!


How can such a tiny flower radiate such cheerful beauty?

Looks like Mother Nature used a paintbrush on this variety of croci.


about to burst forth in bloom.

Gelco puffer jacket
Versace sunnies
Roots mini cross body bag
skinny g21 jeans
Lands End trail shoes

Mr. HB commented that he won't lose me in a crowd wearing this jacket.
I like the pop of colour as it makes me feel like I am adopting a sunny disposition...
the same kind of happiness that I feel when I wear red shoes!

"For happiness one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair."

 ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh ~

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Post 1000 ~ GOLD and a GIVEAWAY!

Well I think we might be in for a wee celebration...on two counts.
This happens to be post number 1000 and I am a bit taken aback that it seems just so impossible.
I still remember the trepidation I felt when I finished my first blog post and pressed "publish."
Here's the other cause for's a key and it's GOLD!

The Golden Key which signifies that I am a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers.

The key chain and the awards I have collected on this weight loss journey.
It's been quite the ride!

I was a little uncertain about my weigh in this week because we were out for a birthday celebration at a local Italian establishment that caters dinners.
13 people were gathered at the table for the multiple course meal and the wine flowed.

We started with a tomato herb and garlic bruschetta.

Prawns in white wine, butter and garlic.

Pasta with a sprinkle of Parmesan and basil leaves.
I only ate about a third of this as it is loaded in WW  points!

Sauteed peppers, zucchini, butter browned chicken breasts with a wine reduction.
I ate all the veggies and about half of the chicken breast.

Followed by a palate cleanser of simple salad with a vinaigrette dressing.

Dessert was a delicious chocolate mousse cake.
I had a small piece and ate every morsel!

"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek."

~ Mario Andretti ~

With all this celebrating going on here in The Humble Bungalow...I think a giveaway is in order.
 I'd like to take this opportunity to honour the people who follow my blog.

To enter you must be a follower and you need to leave me a comment.
I am specifically looking for feedback on which post topics you most enjoy and if there is anything that you'd like me to write about, something perhaps that I have not covered in these 1000 posts.
I am not making any promises I am merely posing the question!

The giveaway consists of...

A wonderful novel...

Silk Road bath salts in personal favourite blend!
 Silk Road Velvet Potion chocolate tea which I sampled around Valentine's Day and think is quite lovely.

Please enter before midnight PST on Monday March 24th, 2014.
I'll choose one entry based on the comment and will post the name of the recipient sometime the following week.
Please keep reading The Humble Bungalow Blog and check back to see if you are the winner.
 You'll need to email me your mailing address so I can send the parcel on it's way!

Bonne Chance!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Nighty Night...sleep tight.

It's night time and all is quiet and calm in The Humble Bungalow kitchen.

Mr. HB and I have been watching House of Cards on Netflix and I am stunned by the evil and malice of Frances. 
He is the character that Kevin Spacey portrays so convincingly alongside his on screen wife Claire played by Robin Wright whose role is a nasty piece of work as well.

It is about as far away from delicious and addictive Downton Abbey as it can get but we sit riveted just the same.
I like the grittiness of the cinematography, the sepia tones playing against the blacks and white of the sets.
Robin's hair cut is very chic and she looks so attractive in her stylish wardrobe.
I do not know how she walks around in those high heeled shoes though...
meandering on a path in the park with her lover she walks with such grace that it looks effortless.
(a skill that I have never mastered!)

I have a routine at night...before getting myself ready for bed.
Do you?

I plump the pillows on the love seats.
Put all the dishes in the dishwasher and turn it on.
Wipe down all the granite counter tops and stove before turning out the lights.

I take off my make up and wash my face before applying a light layer of Sea Buck Thorn Salve.
Brush and floss my teeth and put some lip conditioner on before grabbing a bottle of Perrier.
If I wake up during the night I'll have a few sips so that I stay hydrated throughout the night.
I am a firm believer of drinking lots of water.
I think it helps in so many ways and keeps my skin clear.

Reading is not one of my regular night time routines unless I go to bed super early.
My mind gets over active when I read at night and I have a difficult time quieting it after I close my book.

Sleep is much deeper on the days when I walk vigorously and get plenty of fresh sea air.
On nights when I have had a busy or stressful day or had caffeine after 4 pm I need to practise Yogic breathing...
it works surprisingly need to count sheep.
Alternatively view this You Tube Sleepy Time Yoga session.

Soft cotton sateen sheets, a feather pillow, and the goose down duvet all contribute to making my sleep as restorative experience as possible and I need at least 8 hours or I cannot function.

How are you sleeping at night?
What habits have you adopted to ensure that you enjoy a restful night of slumber?

Sweet dreams,

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Eleven requested...

Jen Lawrence of Dwell On These Things gave me a nod...and I am not one to shy away from a challenge even though it requires me to share 11 personal tidbits...

But before I go there I have been seriously distracted....tea at Mother's with my family today was sublime.
Tea, food, family, a cacaphony of conversation, and a charming child who had us all in the palm of her hands made for a fabulous afternoon. I came home with a renewed strength of family connection and a larger reading list!

I lit a candle to set the mood.
For me there is nothing like a scented candle to invite quiet contemplation.

I have my Town and Country magazine on the bedside table waiting...

Paris is very much on my radar...
I have been online checking out apartments and am trying to wrap my head around the cost.

I am saving money and will need to get creative as I am now retired and on a pension.
 I will need to be more frugal in order to save money as I do not want to be penny pinching in France.

OK 11 things about me...

I am afraid of spiders.
I cannot tell a lie...I have tried it never works!
My favourite colour is green.
Potatoes are my favourite all time food...I could eat them forever....possibly because of my Irish Roots.
I have NEVER pumped my own gas...hope I never have to cuz I have no idea how to do it in style!
Love diamonds and pearls...have only a few pieces of costume jewels and think I might be a bit of a snob because I rarely wear anything faux.
Have a passion for scarves...especially Hermes.
My nails are rarely polished because I garden and I am rather hard on them.
Tim Minchin's White Wine in the Sun makes me weep.
I brush and floss my teeth 4 or 5 times a day.

I could go on....
well I must as that is only 10 things!
Am addicted to Downton Abbey and House of Cards.

 I would like to invite any bloggers to join in and share 11 facts about themselves.
I do not want to single out any one in particular so please link your answers here and we can follow up on your response.

See you soon...
sweet dreams.


Friday, March 14, 2014

OOTD French Lessons

White tank top by Coldwater Creek
Grey Lord and Taylor cashmere V neck cardigan
g21 skinny jeans
black Mee Too ballet flats
English coin necklace
(thrifted costume jewelry)

I just finished reading this book, which I found quite by accident when I was at the public library.
 The subject has been carefully researched by the author and is very well written.
I would recommend it if you are at all interested in the elements of living with grace and style.

This old tote has come in handy for all my French textbooks, workbooks and dictionary.

I like to keep things all together so I find a tote is the perfect vessel for the job.
Once my homework is finished I pop everything right back inside and zip it up.
It's so easy to grab on my way out the door when I go to class.

The sun is shining down on us today and the birds are chirping.
The smell of fresh mown grass is in the air and the neighbours are outside pottering in their gardens.
Spring weather is so uplifting...and I cannot help dreaming of what Spring time in Paris might feel like!

Mother and I are hosting a tea for family in her condo.
We will be using her polished silver tea service, fine bone china and vintage linens.
She has ordered a chocolate torte from Pure Vanilla.
 I am making stuffed devilled eggs and arranging a fruit and petit sandwich tray.

Hope that you have some fun planned for your weekend!