Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Geek Chic" Goggles and a Bungalow Style Weekend

Weekends see me getting up later and lazing about in my robe longer
savouring the slow pace
listening to the sounds of the clocks chiming in the bungalow
as life ticks along...

Breakfast usually turns into brunch
with a light snack to follow later in the afternoon
before a hearty dinner of roast chicken or roast beef.

One skillet
brunch for two.

I had a play day and went thrift shopping with my daughter and BFF.
I found a butter dish in our everyday Maxwell Williams pattern

 a large vintage English Johnson ironstone bowl
which will be fabulous for pasta, salad or fruit.

I picked up my new glasses
  "Geek Chic goggles"
(can you say investment glasses?)

I don't know if they are chic
  they definitely are GEEK!

I love them especially with my bright red Chanel lipgloss.
At my age I feel that I have earned the right to push the envelope...

I can see so much better now...
it's been 3 years since my last prescription 
words were getting blurry, very distorted and wobbly.

If things get much worse I might need to get a seeing eye dog...
a Golden of course!

A Canadian band
who played at my high school...
there's a bit of a story...
I played the flute
and backstage my BFF and I met the band
we got autographs
the flute of Burton Cummings jumped into my hand 
and he indulged me
and listened
a very nervous girl
who was somewhat awestruck
played a few notes 
before their concert 
 my BFF and I were in the front row!

I have been cruising the internet for their songs...
check this out...
Bruce Springsteen
He's going to be touring soon
I hope I can be there!

Have a fabulous weekend

Friday, January 20, 2012

January Blues...

Are you feeling BLUE?

Blue Boy
designed and made 
by The Hostess

January and February are months that many people experience a slump in attitude or the blues.
Feeling blah in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing.
In order to feel joy one does need to know what sadness feels like.

If you are feeling extremely depressed and have lost interest in things that normally made you happy then it is a more serious condition and you might consider visiting your doctor.

Feeling low happens from time to time.
It can be lack of sleep or vitamin D or not enough exercise...
or a combination of things.
Often it is due to worrying about things that are beyond our control.
(I am guilty of this one!)

Are you eating a variety of healthy nutritious foods?
Have you remembered to drink 6-8 glasses of water each day?

Do you set aside some time to sit and quietly reflect on the positive things in your life?

Have you been keeping in touch with your best friends?
Friends are a very dear breed as they accept us with all our quirks and foibles.

I think of these low ebbs as a time to delve deep and learn strategies I need to employ in order to alleviate and reclaim a happy mindset.

Fortunately I have learned to listen to my body and I am proactive and take steps to ward off the blahs...
but if they do strike despite my best efforts I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Flowers are my go to pick me up...

snow dust on the back deck.

"Blues Busters"

Pick fresh flowers from the garden or buy some at the florist.

Call and chat with a friend 
or better yet meet for a walk and a coffee.

Wander through your neighbourhood and greet the people you meet.

Watch a movie
(I prefer romantic comedies)

Soak in a hot tub of scented salts
slather on shea butter when you get out
wear your robe and slippers and cozy up with a good book.

Explore the local galleries and museums.

Take a class in something new and exciting...
many courses are offered throughout the community
photography, bridge lessons, ethnic cuisine, crafts and dancing, 
are just a few ideas.

Volunteer to help in your community.
The local SPCA is a great place to start...think of all those animals needing a little TLC.

Pepper was a rescue kitten.
Pets are wonderful companions
I highly recommend owning one.

Put your favourite music on and play it loud!

Make some comfort food for lunch or dinner.

Get creative...
knit, sew, paint, decorate.

Browse through inspiring and beautiful coffee table style books at the library.

Have one chocolate and savour the flavour.

Go to the cosmetic counter and have a free makeover
take advantage of the freebies they offer you.

Reorganize your closet.

Go thrift shopping for something whimsical that speaks to you.

Give yourself permission to be sad for a set amount of time and then get on with life.
It's OK to be blue
just don't make a habit of it.

If you or someone you know is depressed 
take action
and seek professional help.

Remember to take deep breaths
try to relax

this too shall pass....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What a dump and something rather controversial for the Fashion Police.

We got a surprise when we woke up this morning...
a dump of snow overnight!

The North side of The Humble Bungalow

The east facing covered front porch!

Our resident hummingbird at the feeder
I bumped up the amount of sugar this morning.
We take this in at last light and put it out at first light.

There were two of them buzzing around today.
One sits on a branch very close to the feeder conserving energy and possibly standing guard
marking the territory.

Miso soup a warming concoction was made in a jiffy by a chilly hostess.

Carrots, parsley water and miso paste
oh so easy peasy.

Now for the controversial portion of the post
fasten your seat belts!

Some of the following images may be disturbing
so proceed with caution.

Fashion Police look away!

Sperry Boots
Jules and James Jeans
Lands End cashmere cardigan
Lands End T shirt
Vintage Fur Coat

I have no idea what type of fur this coat is made from...
it's very old.

rolled cuffs

 by Eaton's Fur Salon 
I am guessing sometime in the 1940's

Please do not judge me too harshly...

I thank you on behalf of 
my great aunt Tirzah.

A lady of some style whose many fur coats were bequeathed to various family members
upon her demise.

I have a confession to make...
this is the warmest thing I own for these minus weather conditions.
I do feel like a target for the red paint brigade.

I put on bright red Chanel lipstick just in case there might be a sighting
one does want to be co-ordinated!

So I am interested to know where do you weigh in on vintage furs?
love em?
hate em?

If you were given one would you wear it?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mr. Snowman...

We have snow and ice, and the roads are treacherous.
Walking is safer than driving but it limits how far one can travel.

Our students had so much fun at recess making snowmen, snow angels and forts.
When I was a child I got so excited when the snow fell.
I have lost some of that enthusiasm...

It is lovely if you do not need to go out or drive anywhere and can stay warm and cozy by the fire, occasionally stirring the soup as it simmers on the stove.

This fellow greeted me today.
He is a handsome specimen if I do say so myself and I can take no credit other than snapping this image.

The temperatures are dipping again and more snow is on the way...
I may pull out my vintage fur coat as the down puffer coat is not quite as warm.

I wish that I had purchased some serious gloves or mitts as my fingers were frosted and chilled to the bone.
I wore my old boots today as I did not want to risk getting road salt stains on my new leather babies.

Have you met Tabitha at Bourbon and Pearls?
I am swooning over her boots
and whose boots is she wearing ?
you may well ask...

I'll give you a hint
the maker's name starts with the letter 
she's got the best taste....

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....

Monday, January 16, 2012

What a difference a day makes...

My IPhone is with me on my walks and I am finding that it is so handy when it comes time to taking photos.
I rarely get a call while I'm out walking, I take it just in case I might need to make a call.
Hopefully there will never be a need to make an emergency call,
but if one was required I'd be prepared.

I never was a Girl Guide.
I was an Explorer, a Discoverer, and was in C.G.I.T.
(Canadian Girls in Training)

Mother always made me take some money in my pocket for the pay phone just in case...
and she impressed upon me to be aware and alert at all times.
(that and her clean underwear rule!)

I can still hear her voice with her reminders as she zipped up my coat
and then wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug.
I know she loved me so much
and still does...

(it's that maternal feeling of protection that never leaves us moms even after our children are grown and fly the nest)

But I digress...

this is not broken glass...

it's a sheet of ice

the air is crisp and cool
the sun is shining
there's a quickness in my step
I can see my breath as I exhale
too chilly to linger
I keep moving forward
generating heat
and keeping my hands in my pockets
my leather gloves are lovely but sadly they are not warm enough
I need to go mitt shopping!

that was yesterday....

                                             we awoke today to find a dusting of snow on the ground

sprinkled snow
looking like icing sugar

it's not too deep

everything looks so pretty in white...

the forecast is saying there's a lot more snow on the way!

I'll be looking out for snowmen and snow angels
stay tuned...
and keep those home fires burning
'cuz baby it's cold outside....