Monday, August 11, 2014

Limelight Hydrangeas...and my OOTD

Limelight hydrangeas are in full bloom and are looking radiant...
our Humble Bungalow has 4 growing in the front yard and 2 in the back garden.

I went a bit overboard when I first discovered them a few years ago and just HAD to buy the last remaining plants in stock at the nursery!

They make a lovely statement with their large floppy moppy heads...
and when they get wet they bow their heads low to the ground.
That's when I took my handy secateurs outside and cut a few blooms before they got muddy in the soil.

With such pretty flowers one needn't use a fussy vase...
a simple white ironstone jug is more than adequate.

A reader recently asked if I had any of my paintings on display in our Humble Bungalow...
If you look at the top left of this image you can see one sitting on the plate rail above our arts and crafts trestle table in the kitchen.

They even look good outside on the deck...

Lime has snuck into my wardrobe too and my OOTD goes with the theme of this post.

Tribal ribbon top.

I wore this top with a mocha coloured skirt and some sandals...
(no picture was taken as I was late and running out the door to meet a friend)
Punctuality is very high on my priority list.

I have joined Instagram and hope that you might like to follow me at HostessofTheHumbleBungalow...
I will try to figure out how to link it on my sidebar.
I still haven't linked my Pinterest on the blog and am feeling very much like I could use a techy on staff here.

In the meantime I will plod along and hope to catch up...

Chester has been nibbling the planter on the deck...

Sleep will not come easy tonight as I went out for dinner with a few gals I knew from school and we chatted for three hours over dinner and after a couple of glasses of wine I was sipping several cups of tea, 
(which were not decaf)
so I know that I am in for an evening of tossing and turning in bed.
 I decided to work on this blog post instead of disturbing Mr. HB who has to get up early in the morning and go off to work.

Two new grand babies have been born into our circle of friends 
They are first time grand mothers so it is a joyful event.
One of the things on my do list this week will be finding gifts for these two boys.

"For happiness one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair."

~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh ~

 Thank you for stopping by and spending a few minutes here in The Humble Bungalow.
Take care as you go about your business this week.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Weight Loss Secrets...what I learned on my personal WW journey.

Several readers have emailed me and asked for specifics about my weight loss journey, asked for tips and any "weight loss secrets" that I could share with you.

Weight Loss Secrets are a hot topic!
 Ads promoting these "secrets" and food advice and diet regimes are popping up all over the web.

In the past and out of desperation I clicked on many of these links and read with anticipation eager to find that miracle diet as I knew it HAD to be out there somewhere...if only I kept looking.

Let me state first off that I was a staggering 160 pounds...and at 5 foot 1 inch that put me in the obese category.
I felt immense shame and my body image was very low...I wore tent shaped clothes basically, stylish tents but voluminous pieces that were meant to hide my bulk...which they didn't.
I was trying to pretend that they did...
It's sad but true how we choose denial in these situations.

My blood pressure was through the roof and I was put on high blood pressure meds and my doctor insisted that I lose at least 10 pounds.
Ten pounds should not be an insurmountable task but I could not shed these on my own even after trying several diets and reading numerous books on the subject.

Fruits in their natural state are free of WW points so they make a great choice for a snack between meals.

But I still clung to the hope of that miracle food or diet that I thought I could quickly and easily shed the weight, after all 10 pounds is not much.
I actually believed in my heart that if I followed some of the quirky advice out there that I would be able to slim down without putting much effort into it.
I admit it now, I was just plain lazy.
I'd rather sit around and read than hit the pavement and walk or go to the gym.

Hah what a joke...and the joke was on me.
I was under the wrong impression and found out very quickly that what I needed was a simple basic regime and some healthier life style changes if I was to be successful.

There are No Weight Loss "Secrets"... 
it's mere science and common sense.

I needed help and some educational tools and support so I went to WW online.
They had so many published "success stories"  that I figured if these average women could do it I could too.

I knew that I needed to be accountable and online would not be the best route for me so I joined the local chapter and have never looked back.

Low point breakfast Little Big Bread toasted with a boiled egg for protein.
I find protein stays with me and helps me feel satisfied longer.

I had to start some physical exercise and walking was the logical choice for me.
It is free and I can do it when it fits into my schedule.
As we live so close to the beautiful seafront and an area filled with lovely homes and gardens to gaze upon I felt distracted by the actual walking and felt more like I was enjoying the scenery.
Time passed quickly and soon I was able to increase the length of my walks.
I started out small...20 minutes everyday.
Now I aim for at least 45-50 each day with one or two 10K walks a week with a friend.

It has become a healthy habit and one that I look forward to each day.
It is a gift to me.
As if I am saying I am worth it...

I no longer need the high blood pressure medication and feel so much stronger.

If I can lose 30 pounds so can you.
It took me almost a year but in that year I learned what I should eat and how movement could change my shape and improve my muscle tone and bone health.

It was hard to stick with it when I saw friends eating battered fish and chips and munching on chocolates but I told myself that when I got to my goal weight I would be able to enjoy these foods sparingly...which I do now.

After my walks I often sit down to a small snack with my cup of tea.
I have been savouring the Food Should Taste Good multi grain cracker chips with a tablespoon of Hummus.

Wearing figure flattering clothes that are not "tent like" and meant to camouflage has been an unexpected bonus.
My first pair of white jeans in years has filled me with a new found confidence and I actually think my self esteem has improved.

The basic minimal wardrobe that I have put together almost exclusively through charity and thrift shops after consigning all my "fat clothes" has been quite a lot of fun too...
less expensive than buying all new and fun to find.

~ ~ ~

I wrote this post in response to several readers who are struggling with their weight loss journey.
I hope that I have answered all your questions and if I have not please leave me a comment and I will answer.

Weight Watchers worked for me and if you need a sensible way to lose weight I encourage you to enroll in the program.

If I am able to influence one of you to make a change and turn your life around it will be worth it.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Beach walking...weekend highlights.

Last weekend we motored over to South Pender Island.
The weather was positively gorgeous and we were snug and cozy nestled in our bunks for several nights of sweet slumber, gently lulled by the action of the tide.

The sunsets were amazing...

I finished The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry which I really enjoyed and have started reading Meg Wolitzer's new novel, The Interestings.
I'm impressed by her writing style and must remember to read some of her previous novels.

We savoured some succulent oysters in a mignonette sauce on the outdoor patio.
The Pender Island vineyard Sea Star Ortega was the perfect pairing...
so good in fact, that we purchased a few bottles to take home.

Keeping cool was a challenge...
the daily dips in the pool were essential.

Canada Geese and their goslings swam to and fro...from boat to boat hoping for a handout.

This cannon sits near the Canadian Customs dock...
I wonder if it a warning.

One of the most relaxing things to do when one gets off the boat is to saunter leisurely on a beach...
beach combing with hopes of finding some smooth sea glass or a shell.
Looking at Mother Nature's handiwork never gets boring...

The beach is made up mostly of clam shells...generally referred to as a midden.

The First Nations people would have eaten the clams as they were plentiful and easy to harvest.
The ocean would have provided a rich diet of seafood and the many small protected harbours would have been easy to reach by canoe for the hunter gatherers.

Archaeological digs are quite common on the Gulf Islands.
Arrowheads can still be found if one knows where to look.

The local Arbutus trees have a red bark that peels away like paper revealing a limey green wood underneath.

Seaweed and barnacles

The ocean is cold so I rarely swim in the sea.
There were people swimming and I am sure it would have been refreshing given the heat.

One big Barnacle!

Put to use as a place to store change...
toonies for the marina showers.

Hope you've enjoyed this wee peek into our latest boating adventure.
It's back to work for Mr. HB and I'll be catching up on the domestics and gardening 
here at The Humble Bungalow.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Creative pursuits...OOTD

Whitewater Cooks Runaway Train Wraps...

This recipe serves 6 and is a great way to use up leftover cooked chicken.

3 boneless chicken breasts cooked and sliced
6 tortillas
2 caramelized onions (recipe follows)
BBQ sauce
1 cup roasted Corn Salsa (recipe follows)
1 cup shredded lettuce or chopped fresh cilantro

Spread tortillas with BBQ sauce top with chicken, onion, salsa and cilantro (or lettuce).
Wrap up and cut in half.

To caramelize cut onions in a heavy skillet and saute in oil until translucent.
Add 1 tbsp of brown sugar and 1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar per onion and cook on low heat for another 15-20 minutes until syrupy looking. Season with salt and pepper.

Corn Salsa

2 cups frozen corn
1 cup roasted red pepper diced
1/2 cup red onion diced
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
juice and zest of 2 limes
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chili powder
1 tbsp brown sugar

In a baking dish toss corn in olive oil and brown sugar. Roast at 350 degrees until caramelized, about 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and add remaining ingredients. Mix well, place in a bowl, cover and put into the fridge.
Great with fish especially halibut.

I own three of the Whitewater Cooks books...the recipes are healthy and everyone that I have served them to have commented on how delicious, tasty and colourful the meals have been.

                                                                        ~ ~ ~

If you have been following my blog for some time you might remember that on occasion I dabble in acrylics...
roses are my muse and when inspired I find myself standing at the easel with a brush in hand waiting to see where it will take me.

Oddly I have not felt inspired to paint since retiring last year.

Last week I had an overpowering urge, almost an urgent voice beckoning me to paint something.
I had a full list of things on my "to do" list but the insistent voice would not be silenced.
I did as I was told.

July 2014



I have had this navy and white striped dress for over a year and have not yet worn it.
I now know why!
I thought when I bought it that it looked OK but it is actually a very unflattering dress.
It's very "mumsy" and it makes me look wider than a barge!
It will be donated next time I pass by the WIN thrift shop.

Do you ever make mistakes when it comes to clothing purchases?

I've been living in this Gilmour of Vancouver Bamboo dress and keeping cool in our recent heat wave.
Called a ballet dress, it is available in a variety of colours but I much prefer it in the black.
(no surprise)

I found a picture of the Eiffel Tower and Mr. HB hung it downstairs to inspire me...

I've a weekend of boat photos to share with you 
but there is a mountain of laundry that needs to be tended to before I can sit down and upload them all.

Until next time...
Be Well and Be Kind.

"Paris is always a good idea."

~ Audrey Hepburn ~

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lime Time

Home Sweet Home.

Our girls meet up was filled with laughter and good conversations.
We stayed up late and rose early, played bridge, cribbage, read and walked.
The mosquitoes were terrible!
I have about a dozen bites which are super itchy and have taken an antihistamine.

The washer and dryer are working hard and dinner is in the works but I had to sit down for a few minutes and catch up on my blog reading.
You can read the blogs I follow by scrolling down and checking out their links on the side bar,
they are a very diverse group and I am always searching for more interesting bloggers...
feel free to introduce me to your favourite bloggers.

I love limes...
freshly squeezed in a refreshing glass of sparking water on a hot summer day.

I am particularly fond of chartreuse green.

I recently made a shrimp 
stir fried with pea pods, red pepper slivers, fresh ginger, garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil grated rind,
and lime juice for dinner.
I loved the taste of all the flavours together...

A mesh bag full of limes is stored in the crisper section of the fridge.

Mouthwatering, delicious, and who says lemonade is the best summer drink?
I am thinking limeade is the flavour of summer.

A whisper soft French scarf with a smattering of lime.

Picture from the archives
(I am 30 pounds heavier in this image)

A gift from our friends who live part time in Auvillar France.

Lime light Hydrangeas

Our former boat, in the photo, a Mahogany 1957 Classic Chris Craft Constellation...

Lime Le Creuset...

Our Sea Ray looking toward Poets Cove Resort.
Smaller and much more compact and what I now refer to as  "A Go Fast!"

I'm trying to be greener with my food choices.
Organic and local and many grown in our own back yard.

Still on the kale bandwagon...

Wilted steamed baby bok choy...
packed with nutrients.
Try drizzling some balsamic "crema" over top of these and I doubt you will be disappointed.


These chairs are calling my name and I feel a cool beverage is in the offing.
Thank you for stopping by and visiting The Humble Bungalow.

I have had so much fun with my gal pals....
will be back soon.
Hope you are savouring all the goodness that life has to offer...

"If life gives you limes, make margaritas.”
~  Jimmy Buffett ~