Saturday, November 26, 2011

House dressing...

With the Christmas season approaching I like to add a few touches to The Humble Bungalow.
Living in such a wee space I cannot decorate on a grand scale so I choose a few token touches to add a little of the festive spirit. We purchase a live tree about a week before the 24th and then we really get serious and lay on the shine and sparkle.
In the mean time...

The front door must be dressed and a wreath is a "must have."
 I prefer natural and organic accents.
This will last throughout the season because the climate here is cool to cold.
If you were in a hot spot you'd need to mist this daily.

A small tree which I will wrap in some sparkly garland closer to Christmas
for now it will just be green.

Paper whites
 bulbs of distinction 
they grow tall and bear the prettiest white flowers 
which have a rich and heady perfume.

I use this glass building block for paper whites every year.
The glass beads can be purchased at most home decor stores.

It's busy times here in The Humble Bungalow.
Mr. HB is stringing up the exterior white lights
while I am inside tidying up and doing laundry
(and yes, I'm blogging!)

How are you dressing your home for the season?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Chanel and shopping...

Lovely daughter in law and I tripped the light fantastic and went to the shopping mall to buy some Christmas clothes and toys for the adorable Miss Isla, grand baby extraordinaire.

Our expedition started out at Starbucks for some yuletide lattes...

We found many cute things for her at The Gap
and then we traipsed into the big toy store...
Toys R Us and found a couple of board books and an educational toy.

We also checked out some boots, shoes and lingerie at The Bay...
our very own Canadian store which has been sold to an American conglomerate!

I found some new lip gloss from Chanel...

Rouge Allure Extrait De Gloss
#517  Triomphal
which is
A Limited Edition Christmas Colour.

Rouge Allure Laque
#74 Dynastie

I sat on a tall chair which I had to jump up onto
(I am height challenged so lovely DIL asked if I needed a boost!)

I managed on my own however it was a very ungracious looking move
as I was
laden down with parcels and bundled up in my Burberry quilted coat.

Perched on the chair I was there for all to see as the cosmetician tried several shades
( I think several passers by were very amused!)

after testing, swapping and swiping
we decided on two new colours...

Dynastie is for daytime
the Triomphal is bolder and richer 
perfect for nighttime.

The super glossy one is a bit of a change for me
but it catches the light and will look good in the evening.

Lily was the name of the gal at the counter...

 she added some samples of Chanel No.19 
which is a grassy lighter green scent.

Quite a departure from Mother's signature scent Chanel No. 5.

We were home in time for me to wrap the presents.
This year I have vowed to wrap as I buy...
don't really know why I just feel like it.

Last week I bought Michael Buble's Christmas CD and he does have me in the spirit already!

It's the eve of the weekend here and I hope that your weekend is a dreamy one...

If you are shopping Black Friday Sales
be careful of those bargain hunters
I read in the paper that they can be dangerous.

I'll be posting my Christmas fruitcake soon so stay tuned!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving !

Happy Thanksgiving!

In the US it's Thanksgiving and there will be families and friends gathered together to share in celebrations.
There might be a turkey and the traditional dishes on the menu
or possibly it will be a vegetarian or vegan feast.
It may be simple fare or a gourmet dinner.

You'll probably be dining inside in a heated home,
you might be the hostess or a guest.

Hunger is a something you might never know...
there will be food banks giving out groceries
and organized dinners provided by dedicated volunteers
feeding the homeless and those down on their luck.

Our simple table set for Thanksgiving last year.

However you celebrate I hope that you have an enjoyable day thinking thoughts of gratitude.

You could be volunteering in your community helping the under privileged,
even digging deep into your pockets to help
share some food with someone who is less fortunate.

It is always better to give than to receive....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Walking in the rain...

The skies opened up with torrents of rain...
the streets slippery with liquid sunshine
booted and clad in rain gear
I venture forth...
with trepidation...

fallen leaves
slick streets

red leafed boulevards

heritage trees clad in autumnal coats
with sturdy gnarly trunks....

granite and lichen
complimenting each other...

fence and leaves 
harmony perchance?

the road rising up ahead...

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

traditional gaelic blessing

berries along the way...

a decaf low fat latte as a reward... 
a port in the storm

the village coffee shop
a respite from the elements that nature has shared with us today...

time to dry out
before embarking on the watery walk back home!

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.  
~Roger Miller

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blogger meets Blogger!

I got to meet a blogger face to face!
We arranged to meet up at the local Value village store.

Sheila from Ephemera is a fashion blogger who posts most every day what she wears and she has been doing this since 2008! She has great taste in clothing and likes to wear bright and bold colours. She definitely has, what I call,
"the fashion gene."

Sheila with her Saks Fifth Avenue skirt!

Sheila wore some really great stockings!

Charcoal Hue tights and Joe boots 
for the "Sturdy Girl Hostess."

We were in the VV Boutique for about 2 hours scouring the racks. Sheila wears a much smaller size than I do so we browsed the racks in the same areas in tandem...sweaters, dresses, shoes, skirts...I found a skirt by Desigual for her to try and she bought it!

I spent $83.93 and came home with some great loot!

It's Saks Fifth Avenue for the Hostess too!

I like the details 
good quality, great fit, soft knit
and it's that shade of grey
that makes my heart flutter.

this looks great on but has no hanger appeal 
and it needs to be steamed to get rid of those wrinkles

I'll wear this with a white long sleeved T shirt.

a hat 

handbag in ostrich leather

I wished that the Liz printed sweater had worked for me 
Sheila found that one but even though it was tagged at medium I was swimming in it!
It must have been mis-labelled :)

Cecconi Piero from Italy

earrings with a tribal vibe

Sheila has Blogger cards...
such a nice touch.

Thank you Sheila I had a great afternoon!

P.S. If you are doing the math I bought a few other small items one of which will be a Christmas gift!