Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2016



The roses are just about finished blooming in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
This summer has been a splendid year for the roses here in our garden.
They have loved the heat and the sunshine and we have managed to keep them hydrated and happy.

Jude The Obscure 
My favourite David Austin Rose
has a few blooms clinging to the bush.

McCartney Rose
a fragrance Hybrid Tea Rose
a few sprays of flowers left but are slowly fading into Fall.

The Hydrangeas are a mix of fresh blooms and dead heads.
I picked a few to bring inside and hope that they will dry slowly so I can keep a bunch in a vase for a few months.

I think I may have already shared this photo with you.
I know I posted it on my Instagram page.

The blue and mauve hydrangeas are cut from the same plant.
Unfortunately these blooms wilted quite quickly after bringing them in the house.

I love this vintage blue and white jug.
It is made by Woods and Sons.

Peppers Market in Cadboro Bay Village 
is hosting a contest.
 $100 gift voucher for guessing the weight of this huge pumpkin.
I have no idea... so I have not entered yet.
Any Thoughts?

These hairy "things" are on hanging on a clematis near our bungalow.
I think they look like Thing One and Thing Two...
perhaps from a Dr. Seuss book.

Speaking of books, I am reading a great little one right now.
Halfway through it and am keen to read more.

 I have a busy day here in The Humble Bungalow as we have all the family coming for the Thanksgiving feast and I need to focus on the menu.

Earlier this week I took my favourite recent thrift shop find, 
a pristine vintage Canadian made leather bag
 out to tea.
I am loving this new bag!

I will try to take a few pictures of our table and dinner if I get a chance later today...

Happy Thanksgiving!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October sunshine...a day in my neighbourhood.

If you are tired of seeing pictures of the seafront where I walk you maybe want to click away now...
The views are the same but the colours and subjects that frequent the area change throughout the day. I never get bored and always find something of interest to capture. I feel very fortunate and grateful to be able to walk in such beauty.

The temperatures were hovering around 13 degrees Celsius this afternoon when I went for my walk. I wore a long sleeved T shirt, jeans and my Barbour vest and I was very warm once I got going...I had to unzip my vest and other walkers were in short sleeves!

There was enough of a breeze to launch the hang gliders off the cliffs.

I've often wondered what the views would be like from a glider.

Can you see the freighter out on the water?
That has been sitting there for weeks as the company that owns it apparently has gone bankrupt. I wonder what will happen to the boat? I would think it could be a hazard to navigation as it is very close to the shipping lanes.
With the foggy mornings of Fall it could be a disaster waiting to happen.

After I came home from my walk I noticed how dirty my windows were...
I started to wash them and dear reader I am absolute RUBBISH when it comes to cleaning windows!
Then I got onto my hands and knees and washed the kitchen floor 
which I am much better equipped to do!

I picked some hydrangeas this week and popped them in one of our arts and crafts vintage vases.

We are hosting Thanksgiving dinner and I am going to be busy preparing the family feast. 
We are looking forward to having everyone here in our small bungalow to help us celebrate.

A friend recommended this book...
it is quite different, 
not sure what is going to happen 
but it all takes place over dinner at a high end restaurant 
two couples and something terrible has happened involving their children
 that is about to be revealed...

Nerine Bowdenii blooming in various beds in Our Humble Bungalow Garden.
Thank you for stopping by my blog today.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hostess Tips for Thanksgiving Dinner

Are you hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year?
Does the thought of getting all the food to the table feel overwhelming?

It can be a daunting task if you are unprepared...

Thinking about the family celebratory dinners that I have prepared over the years made me realize that I actually have a routine...perhaps my tips will help.

Set the date for your dinner and invite the guests.
Peruse cookbooks, magazines, and your recipe box and decide on the menu.
(keep the menu simple if you are new to cooking!)

You many ask your guests to bring a dish already prepared to share.

Decide on your table setting...linen tablecloth and napkins.
Purchase or gather things to decorate the table ~ candles, flowers, pine cones, pumpkins and gourds.

A couple of days the food and ingredients that you need to prepare the dishes.
One day ahead prepare as many dishes as you can...
I prepare most of the vegetables and place them in their oven proof serving dishes ~ then reheat them.
Write down the cooking and reheating times of all the dishes so that you leave nothing to chance.

While the roast or turkey (main dish) is in the oven.
Set the table...then sit for a bit and rest!

Enjoy the time with your guests and excuse yourself when you need to go to the kitchen.

When the roast is resting on the carving board make the gravy and cook any other veggies that you are serving.

Ask people to help carry the food to the table.
Serve and enjoy!

For our Thanksgiving dinner I used several recipes from Ina Garten's Foolproof cookbook.

I used her basic Brussels Sprouts recipe.
(I omitted the meat because we have a vegetarian in the family)

I cooked a small salmon filet and some mac n cheese for the grand children.

These Sophie Conran dishes are so handy...
they look nice and all go into the oven and microwave.

Ina's Parsnips and Carrots
colourful and tasty.
(Corning Ware oval roaster)

I served her English style potato recipe which was a huge hit.
Crunchy and delicious...
not one crumb left in the bowl!

Simple Sweet Peas and mashed yams rounded out the menu.

9 pound Prime Rib of Beef Roast...
cooked to perfection thanks to an online beef time chart.

I made gravy while this beast rested for 20 minutes on the board until Mr. HB expertly carved.
(he sharpened all the knives the day before we hosted the dinner)

After dinner ~ before dessert,
 a couple of guests helped clear the table while I put the food away.
We put the coffee on...
set the table with dessert and fresh plates.

The dinner plates were quickly loaded into the dishwasher and the silverware soaked in soapy water.
Pots and pans were stacked for cleaning until after the guests depart.

Retro Time Warp Chocolate Wafer Log for dessert.
(Christies Wafers have the recipe on the box)
I use freshly whipped cream instead of the whipped topping that they suggest.

Prepare at least 4 hours before serving, cover and refrigerate.
I served the log with fresh strawberries.

Relax and enjoy your guests.

Clean up after they leave or postpone it until the next morning.

Launder the linens, iron and put them away.

If you are lucky there will be leftovers for dinner and you can take the rest of the day to put your feet up!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Thanksgiving...October Oranges.

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and with that in mind,
 there are a few autumnal features in our Humble Bungalow.

Small simple additions are creeping in...
orange mini pumpkins.
Given that I prefer natural seasonal touches to those made in factories
it's relatively inexpensive and easy.

A dried allium bloom from the garden is housed under a glass dome
on top an arts and crafts copper tray
hand hammered copper arts and crafts Roycroft "Princess" candle sticks
Objibwa First Nations tamarack duck decoys

Canada's Thanksgiving is on Monday, a month before the US celebrates their Thanksgiving.

We are hosting dinner here in Our Humble Bungalow
So I'm looking through my cookbooks
and planning ahead.
Some dishes are prepared in advance so that I can enjoy visiting with our guests.

I like to set the table early
lay the tablecloth and linen napkins
arrange the silver
the glasses and plates.

I'll be wearing my linen apron and "fussing in the kitchen" for most of the day.

I'm looking forward to dinner with our family.
We all live in the same city, which makes it easy to gather together often and share a family meal.

Giving Thanks
honouring family
in a humble and simple way
with a home cooked meal
served with love

remembering thanksgiving feasts from the past

carving out and creating future
for the elders 
and the wee ones.

I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

What a difference a day makes...OOTD

What a difference a day makes...24 little hours.

This was the view on my walk yesterday.
Dallas Road bathed in warm sunshine and not a breath of wind.

Calm seas ~ still reeds ~ Peace and Quiet

A lone sailboat on the horizon towards Port Angeles and Port Townsend in Washington State.

I passed only a handful of walkers.

There is evidence that Fall is here but with yesterday's spectacular weather one truly wonders...

The mums are about to burst forth and bloom.
~ But ~
I spoke too soon as 
there is a distinct chill in the morning air.
One that requires an extra layer of wool...

~ OOTD ~
Black Merino Tee ~ Cloudveil is topped with a black woolly sweater vest ~ Zara
Denim skinny jeans ~ g21 
I 'm loving this shawl collared style vest which allows me freedom to move about 
yet provides me with warmth to my core.

It's the perfect day for a comforting bowl of hot soup

and a chance to plan the menu for the Thanksgiving Feast!

Walking today I'm going to need to wear my Barbour quilted jacket.

Hope that you are all Keeping  cozy!

Saturday, October 11, 2014


The "Attitude of Gratitude" is alive and well and thriving here in The Humble Bungalow.

Canadians are "giving thanks" this Thanksgiving Weekend...
families and friends gathered together to share food and celebrate by acknowledging all their blessings.

Some folks are down on their luck, some have mental illness, some have addictions and many more are homeless.
If they are lucky they may receive a handout from the many volunteers who help our marginalized citizens.

There are vans with kind volunteers that drive around town giving out food, warm blankets and supplies.
Turkey dinners for the needy have been full of hungry patrons all week...
the local soup kitchens and shelters are open...
wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone was fed and had a nice warm bed to sleep in?

It's a harsh life out there when you have no one to extend a helping hand.
We need to stick together...

I suppose that is why we "give thanks" every day.

Life has it's bumps
some are big and some are small
some can threaten to de-rail you and others are a minor slip.
There is no perfect life
we play the cards that we are dealt
life flows...
it changes
there is no control...

we can only control how we react to any situation.

I try to react with grace and poise...
wisdom and age help guide me
but I still can learn...

I need to remember to breathe...
to pause
to think...

I am still learning about life...

With unrest and turmoil in the world,
the threat of war,
the ebola virus,
thinking of the people who are locked down in their homes in Slocan City, BC
while a shooter is on the loose,
one never knows what might be around the next corner.

So with that in mind...
we must savour the beauty in life

Seize the day

I captured a few images.

I wonder as I sip my first cup of tea,
what I might see in my daily round that moves me.

My life is not perfect, but whose is?
I try to make the best of each moment.
Look for beauty
savour the sweet,
hug those I love and be grateful.

Do you embrace joy everyday?

Maybe by complicating our lives we set ourselves up for failure.

For me it's all about the simple things...
at least that's the way I see it, today at this moment in time, and I feel content.

Happy Thanksgiving.