Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Walkabout....Victoria's Chinatown.

Your sensitive and thoughtful comments and emails continue to surprise and amaze me...
I am grateful and truly humbled.

Now moving forward after that anonymous rant and getting back to the business of blogging.
Blogging in the manner to which I am accustomed.

My Volvo was in being serviced at the dealership and so I had a few hours in town to do some exploring.
My first stop was Value Village as I do love to peruse the books and china tea cups...I found myself looking at handbags and found a vintage Furla leather bag in chestnut brown leather.

It's a bit of a monster in size but I do like a bag with lots of room for a book and a bottle of water.

I like the tied handle details...

I've been looking for a bargain bag in brown to go with my watch strap for several years.

Our local Value Village is a vast warehouse full to the brim with all kinds of goods.
I find it an amazing place to find everyday basics and clothing.
You'd be surprised at the quality of some of the items...
I think a lot of people, myself included, declutter and are too lazy to have garage sales!

I am on maintenance at WW and went to their new location in Royal Oak for my monthly weigh in and was down half a far I have not fallen off the wagon!

Salads are so satisfying especially when they have some protein added like the blue cheese and nuts here.
This combination was delicious...apples, blue cheese and nuts atop of baby romaine lettuce.
A simple vinaigrette which I sparingly drizzled over top.
I ordered a decaf Americano coffee to go with the salad from The Grindstone across the street from Value Village.
Lunch out is a treat and I don't mind dining alone.

After lunch I decided to take a walk in Chinatown.

There are guided tours of chinatown which are really interesting.
 On the tours you visit the Mah Jong parlour and go inside the temples and some of the buildings and the shops.
I highly recommend going on a tour if you are visiting Victoria.

The Gate of Harmonious Interest
the entrance to Victoria's Historic Chinatown.

Fisgard Street is chock full of shops, cafes, markets, temples and buildings.

One of my favourite spots to browse...
there is a resident cat that frequently snoozes in the window but he was not there this afternoon or I would have taken a picture of him as he is quite a handsome and very large feline.

There is a sweet little garden out through those french doors...
if they had been open I would have stepped out and taken a picture.

I popped into Silk Road Tea Company on Government Street which is around the corner from Fisgard.

They were serving Lullaby Tea a new blend which is a sleep tea.
The roller ball of aromatherapy oils is reported to induce sleep as well.
It smells lovely!

It seems that many women suffer from sleep issues.
I do not want to rely on any pharmaceuticals so I am experimenting with these.

I also picked up a tin of Japanese Sour Cherry is a particularly refreshing tea served over ice in the hot weather.

It's another glorious day here and I must close for now as I am going to take a walk.
I'll see what I can find to share with you as I wander about in the neighbourhood.

Do something nice for someone today...
you'll feel better for it.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Nighty Night...sleep tight.

It's night time and all is quiet and calm in The Humble Bungalow kitchen.

Mr. HB and I have been watching House of Cards on Netflix and I am stunned by the evil and malice of Frances. 
He is the character that Kevin Spacey portrays so convincingly alongside his on screen wife Claire played by Robin Wright whose role is a nasty piece of work as well.

It is about as far away from delicious and addictive Downton Abbey as it can get but we sit riveted just the same.
I like the grittiness of the cinematography, the sepia tones playing against the blacks and white of the sets.
Robin's hair cut is very chic and she looks so attractive in her stylish wardrobe.
I do not know how she walks around in those high heeled shoes though...
meandering on a path in the park with her lover she walks with such grace that it looks effortless.
(a skill that I have never mastered!)

I have a routine at night...before getting myself ready for bed.
Do you?

I plump the pillows on the love seats.
Put all the dishes in the dishwasher and turn it on.
Wipe down all the granite counter tops and stove before turning out the lights.

I take off my make up and wash my face before applying a light layer of Sea Buck Thorn Salve.
Brush and floss my teeth and put some lip conditioner on before grabbing a bottle of Perrier.
If I wake up during the night I'll have a few sips so that I stay hydrated throughout the night.
I am a firm believer of drinking lots of water.
I think it helps in so many ways and keeps my skin clear.

Reading is not one of my regular night time routines unless I go to bed super early.
My mind gets over active when I read at night and I have a difficult time quieting it after I close my book.

Sleep is much deeper on the days when I walk vigorously and get plenty of fresh sea air.
On nights when I have had a busy or stressful day or had caffeine after 4 pm I need to practise Yogic breathing...
it works surprisingly need to count sheep.
Alternatively view this You Tube Sleepy Time Yoga session.

Soft cotton sateen sheets, a feather pillow, and the goose down duvet all contribute to making my sleep as restorative experience as possible and I need at least 8 hours or I cannot function.

How are you sleeping at night?
What habits have you adopted to ensure that you enjoy a restful night of slumber?

Sweet dreams,

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Gift From the Sea ~ beachy whites.

When I think of beachy whites I think of Anne Morrow Lindbergh's book "A Gift From the Sea"
This book has influenced me over the years...the first time I read it I was in the throes of peri-menopause and felt like I was at sea with my emotions, trying desperately to keep myself ship shape and stable in a violent storm.
Her words helped me to take stock and to look for the small things in my daily round that would keep me on an even keel. Those wise words continue to inspire and resonate with me today.

I make a point to read Anne's book every year. You might enjoy reading it.
A small book which can be a quick read, if unlike me, you do not stop after each chapter to reflect and digest the message within...

Anne wrote a lovely account about "finding herself" in a beautiful place where she lived for a short time as she needed to escape from her duties as a wife and mother. Anne lived a very simple and solitary existence listening to the waves and watching the tides roll in and out with the rhythm of the sea.
The beach taught her many of life's lessons.
Taking time to be in a quiet place, seeking solace from her hectic life, she was able to stop, listen to her heart, and it was only then that she found inner strength, her truth and was able to find her voice.
Writing this book has been her gift to many of us who have struggled at some point with the demands of life.

I am so grateful to have stumbled upon her work...and I often ponder what it might be like to own a rustic simple white washed home by the seashore.

I love looking at shabby chic rooms in the magazines and online sites.
This look is very popular, however, it is not in keeping with our dark heritage designated arts and crafts bungalow.

Dreamy, creamy whites are so soothing.
Beachy seaside whites play a big role in our guest room decor.

The all white collection of beach glass sits beside a clam fossil and some coral.

Barnacle and shell in the background.

Shades of white.

Sunshine and shadows.
Can you see Chester's silhouette in the shadow?

Large shells are often sold at flea markets and antique malls.
I bought this one at a local flea market many years ago.

The distressed oar standing up behind the wicker chair was a boulevard freebie.
I stop for boulevard freebies, often quickly!
 If you are following behind me in the car proceed with caution and I do put on my turn indicator.
I abide by the rules of the road.

I am guilty of following rules to the letter and I cannot tell a lie...
perhaps a little teeny tiny white lie
but only if it concerns a wedding or baby shower or a surprise 
never ask me to lie for you, it cannot be done!

I've added a touch of pink...
reminds me of Rachel Ashwell who created the Shabby Chic shop and books.

I loved watching her TV show and would dream of having my own Shabby Chic cottage.
So this guest room satisfies my urge to live in such a cottage...
 if it was on a sandy beach I'd find myself walking barefoot in the sand while the waves wash in and wash out beach combing 
for some pure white sea glass and creamy shells.

"The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choice less as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Skincare and some beautiful bloomers!

It's been ages since I have thought of writing a skincare post.
Healthy looking skin is something that I do not take for granted.

Naturally I have wrinkles and some slackness at the jawline but I am embracing aging in a positive way.
I don't want to lament about having a face that has some life and laugh lines.
Personally I would feel odd  if I looked the same  as I did when I was 30, especially now that I am nudging 60!
But don't think for a minute that I have given up!

I use a few tricks...mascara, eye liner, creamy peach blush, bronzer and lipstick.
Bobby Brown's line works for me...her foundation seems to even out my skintone and goes on like silk.
It gives me a bit of a healthy glow which I like.
Make up works a treat but the skin beneath is where one needs to get serious.

I have had some nasty flare ups with rosacea over the years.
Rosacea is exacerbated by certain harsh additives and chemicals, spicy food, stress and wine.
My family ancestors hail from Denmark, Sweden, and Ireland. I am told that it is the genetic background that have given us the tendency to flushing and rosacea.

After avoiding the obvious triggers one needs to find a gentle regime that works with sensitive skin.

I appreciate the custom of French Femmes focusing on skincare.
Young girls learn early how to take care of their skin.

Your face is the first thing most people notice... 
so before investing a fortune on designer clothes and bags
consider taking time to make your skin the best it can be.

Eat healthy nutritious food.

Drink plenty of water...I like to think of it as Nature's Moisturizer.

Get fresh air, exercise and a good night's sleep.
Try to avoid stress...
 Try Yoga or meditation if you do feel anxious.

I am not an expert nor do I represent or receive any money from the L'Occitane company...
I just want to tell you what works for me.
~ ~ ~
Using a light hand and a gentle cleanser pay special attention to removing all your make up.
I use the Immortelle foaming cleanser by L'Occitane and a soft bamboo wash cloth.
When my face is clean I spritz with the Immortelle water and then while it is still damp I apply an emollient cream, L'Occitane Divine works and it's an award winner.
A little goes a long way which is good because I think it's rather expensive.
It delivers on all it's promises and my skin seems to stay calm and rosacea has been kept under control
so naturally I have become a loyal customer.

I love a gift with purchase...
especially when it contains items that I already use.
Perfect for travel.

Every couple of days I use a gentle scrub to exfoliate and once a week I apply a clay mask for deep cleaning.
I have not indulged in a spa facial for many months and although I love the pampering I'd much prefer to spend the money on quality products that I can use everyday.

The Humble Bungalow Garden is still very much in bloom.
Our roses are putting on a wonderful flush of floral fabulous~ness.
Their beauty is not lost on me.

Soft pretty petals.
an intoxicating and sweet fragrance.
No wonder they continue to be my favourite flowers.

Did you read Lisa's post where she shares her tips on looking youthful and gorgeous?
She might have influenced this post today.
Thank you Lisa!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Walkabout...and the California Cat connection...

I thought you might like to tag along on one of my walks...
the weather was a wee bit wet

misty and sprinkling
not wet enough to wear a hood or put up an umbrella...

fear not you won't get damp.

street tiles are disappearing

some quicker than others!

arts and crafts bungalows are frequent in our neighbourhood

gardeners are passionate around here
and the gardens are a feast for the eyes

granite pillars and stonework 
are popular

lovely flowers line the streets

some homes are larger

some smaller

some have been made into suites and condos

the evening was quiet
 I only met a handful of walkers and most had their dogs on a leash

this poppy stopped me in my tracks...
pretty and pink.

The Humble Bungalow is softly quiet
life is ticking along in time with the tick tock of the clock
night is drawing nigh and the street lights are aglow...

it's time to crawl under the warm duvet 
settle in for some luxurious slumber
sweet dreams

tomorrow is another day...
and Chester is an early riser
5:30 - 6:00

I found out that Chester is from sunny California...
he and his mom and his 7 or 8 siblings along with another mom and her large litter were 
rescued from 30 degree temperatures
near a freeway 
close to a cat shelter
they have hopped over the border and are looking for homes.

No Passports
are needed!

I am so happy that Chester has landed on his feet
so close to mine...

Chester drinks from the tap like Pepper does!

Don't get me started about not being responsible pet owners...
SPAY and NEUTER your animals.

Just in case you are wondering how the transition is going...
they were face to face tonight
a low growl from Pepper
a submissive hunker down from Chester.

They have their own spaces...
they are sneaking around.

Pepper has eaten most of Chester's dry food
Chester has tried to eat Pepper's food but the kibble is far too big!

Pepper has eaten gobs of Chester's wet food

They are co- mingle ing
all looks good so far....

if I get more than 6 hours sleep tonight I will consider myself lucky!

(as I type...Chester is on my lap and Pepper is a stones throw away)
wish me luck
I am very tired.....

I am seriously close to calling in sick...