Showing posts with label remembering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remembering. Show all posts

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Remembering Mom and the trinket box...

Remembering Mom...

My sister and I get together regularly and we frequently go for a walk,
followed by a bite to eat and then we do some thrift shopping.

Mom told us, before she passed away,
that she wanted us to make time for each other...
it was her wish
that we both see each other weekly
just as we had done when Mom was alive.

We would all get together for an "outing."

Shop, then go for lunch, tea, or dinner...
it may have been a pot luck at mom's condo or a light meal out in one of Mom's favourite spots...
The Oak Bay Marina or The Oak Bay Beach Hotel.

Mom loved her jewelry and she had a large citrine ring that was designed by local jeweller Tony deGoutiere. Mom wore this ring a was a "signature piece" not unlike her opera length baroque pearl necklace that Dad had given her one Christmas.

My sister was given the ring by sister had it made into a pendant as she felt the stone was "too big" for her hands.

I cannot remember if I wrote,
that Mother,
before she went into Hospice,
asked us to go to her bedroom and get her jewel box?

She had us sit close to her chair in her living room and she alternately handed us an item from her jewellery collection until only costume pieces remained...
she said we could do "whatever we wanted" with them.
Some we kept, some we gave to family, and others we donated to charity.

My sister and I cried throughout the entire process...
we weren't really "ready" for this...and today as I look back,
I cannot help but think how much strength it must have taken Mom to do this...
she did not cry.

Mom was a very determined woman, a no nonsense kind of gal,
whose years of nursing had helped her come to terms with her cancer diagnosis and prepare her for death.

I miss mom,
I think of her fondly...everyday....many times in a day.

So when this wee trinket box caught my eye...
I knew at once I had to buy it.
The stone reminds me of the ring...

 Mother's Day 
is going to come and go
the second one without Mom.

Memories will keep me company.

 I will wear some of Mom's jewels
on Sunday in her honour.

Hope that you have a lovely Mother's Day!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, April 6, 2018

Shopping with a nod to Mom...

The damp cold rainy weather has kept me indoors more than usual...

I have gone for shorter walks and took a page out of Mother's book!
Going shopping when inclement weather prevails...
Mom was a super shopper...she could have taught lessons on how to shop!
Mother absolutely loved fashion and clothing , she found such joy wearing and accessorizing her beautiful clothes. She was well turned out until the last couple of weeks before she passed away...and then she only wore her PJ's and bathrobe.

Mom had 4 full closets when she died... many classics and some quite trendy pieces...unfortunately we were not the same size...
I have kept her grey cashmere waterfall sweater and a black wool wrap...
they are so cozy and remind me of her when I wear them.

I've brewed up numerous pots of tea
layered on the extra warm cashmere and wool sweaters and shawls.
(thanks to mom I have two of her coziest)

My hands feel the chill so its nice to warm them with a cup of something hot.
Something soothing and tasty with zero calories!
I am mindful of my WW points and the slimming is slower than last time.

My Chelsea boots are away at the cobbler getting some new heels
so I have been wearing my favourite red shoes...
the pop of red makes me feel happy.

A few red things in the Humble Bungalow kitchen...

"Walking in the shops" has been productive...
(of course mom knew this!)
I found a new coat.

I'd gone into Aritzia to look at their Wilfred Free tops 
as they make a nice basic which fits and has a great shape...
with a silhouette that skims and in a knit fabric that can be casual or dressy
a U hem detail which looks good un-tucked.
I already have one in black.
They were out of my size so I ordered one in a neutral soft light grey shade that I will layer with my white jeans and pants.

While I was in the shop I noticed the Babaton line of lightweight coats...
in a light soft fabric, with almost a Tencel feel.
They were far too long on me and I did not want to pay extra to take one to the seamstress to have it drastically shortened.

I found a similar coat at The Bay by Vero Moda
a deconstructed trench coat in a very light and soft fabric.
It was marked down and I got it for a great price.

Have you noticed how many straw and wicker bags are showing up in the magazines this Spring?
I've got a straw tote bag but it is too large for everyday use...
it's more of a market tote 
one that I use when going to the farmers market or to the beach.

Never fear...
Etsy has oodles of vintage straw and wicker bags...
I spent about an hour looking online and then this one popped up 
I could not resist!

The bag is by Ann Taylor
look at that pop of red!

It will work with my denim skirt and jeans
my red ballet flats
 it has just that little extra oomph which I think will perk up my basics quite nicely.

I am eager to see this and hope that the delivery is speedy.

I found this distressed looking Tee at The Bay this week too...
it looks like nothing (well maybe like a dish rag) on the hanger
 it is much better on!

I will wear this with my white jeans
 layered with my denim shirt
underneath a long white and grey linen top
Maybe even pair it with my black ponte knit pants.

Its going to get a LOT of wear.

Last evening we met up with darling daughter and her husband 
to see their new place.
I found a vintage mint orange Catherine Holm kettle and an icy modernist piece of art glass as their housewarming gifts which were well received!

We took them out to dinner after at our favourite local eatery...Zambri's.

I ordered this succulent fish feature and I had a "Julia Child moment!"
Do you remember the movie Julie and Julia?

It is the scene where Julia is in Paris 
dining in a small cafe 
and tastes 
for the first time 
fish cooked in beurre blanc...

Oh my this dish was a little slice of heaven on earth.
I must try to make it at home.

I have kept this vintage avocado green Catherine Holm bowl in our kitchen cupboard for quite some time and I casually mentioned it to darling daughter and it seems that she would use it so it is off to a good home soon...

Before I close 
I want to share some of our very tall snowdrops...

Drenched with precipitation...
things are definitely greening up in the Humble Bungalow Garden!

Hope you are having a fabulous week...
and hey its already Friday!

I've got to get in some groceries and stock up on some cleaning supplies.
Maybe I will do some research on the beurre blanc recipe too.

Whats on your agenda for the weekend?
Have you been shopping for some Spring things?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Birthday #63, the anniversary of Mother's demise...same day as it happens...

I had a rocky start to my birthday on March the 3rd...
coffee and cats were involved.
One of the cats knocked over the cactus in the bathroom and ripped all the leaves off of the plant...
it was Mom's cactus.
It is now in the compost.

The other cat "messed" 
on the carpet downstairs 
so I had to haul out the cleaner and wash the rug.

By that time I was REALLY ready for my morning coffee...
the espresso machine had other ideas!
It was not working.
My husband kindly offered to go out and buy me a latte...
bless his heart.
But after three tries, and a few cuss words
(I do not usually swear)
 I was able to make a cup.

I sat in my chair in the living room and thought about Mom.
I recalled the events of her last day with great detail...
I relived the feelings that I felt on that day.
A few salty tears rolled down my cheeks
 I spoke with friends on the telephone.
I wasn't sure 
if I would be able to go out of the house...
But I managed to pull myself together.
 leisurely showered 
got dressed.
On the agenda
shopping and lunch with my husband.

After lunch 
we went to Black Goat Cashmere on Government Street 
where I tried on a few sweaters...

In the dressing room...stripes are the theme.

Saint James Top
Black Calvin Klein skinny ponte knit pants.

(see the black goats on the curtain)

My husband bought me the most luxurious cashmere sweater
it is really a jacket...
the cost of which,
 was, well, a wee bit more than I thought
let's just say that it is an investment piece and will be a workhorse in my wardrobe...
like so many other classics it will never date.

I am so happy with it and I know I will wear it often.

Flowers wired from our dear friends in France.

Here's the sweater...
thick cashmere and oh SO SO SOFT!

The silhouette is loose and the coat has a "swing style."

I wore it to the grocery store when the temperature was 6 degrees and was so very cozy and warm!

You can button up the collar or leave it open...its like a built in scarf!

This is going to be my "go to" sweater for the foreseeable future...
I have mom's grey cashmere waterfall sweater and the black V neck cashmere that I received from my husband for Christmas...
I do not own any other sweaters.

Chester likes playing in the bag.

Fast forward...

Besides writing this post 
I managed to wash the love seat slipcovers
 the bathroom towels
iron the linen
meet a friend for lunch
take mom's income tax stuff to the accountant 
(for the last time)
buy a roller ball of lavender essential oil for better sleep
(I swear by this stuff now...)
buy a big ball of Bernat cotton yarn that I will knit into dishcloths
run and empty the dishwasher
make a salad to go with our dinner
read a few chapters in my current book.

So enough about my day...
how are you doing and what is new?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Raindrops keep falling....thinking of MOM.

It has been a pretty wet, wild and windy week.
I have felt rather out of sorts...
not blue, 
just kind of irritable...

Despite these feelings
I've managed to be quite productive.

Frequently when the rains set in I tend to "cocoon"
laying low 
reading, knitting and taking tea.

One advantage of these blustery days is that I prefer 
 staying close to home...
I did go to bridge lessons and play bridge and I made a Grand Slam!

I have baked several dozen batches of sugar cookies 
sprinkled with red and green sprinkles.

I wrote out our Christmas cards while sipping tea by the fire.
Picked up and worked on my knitting project, 
the large lap blanket that is quite large and awkward to manoeuvre.

Of course there has been some reading...
laundry and ironing.
There is always a lot to do here in The Humble Bungalow.

The newest book is by Mary Lovell 
who also wrote The Mitford Girls 
a book that I devoured and savoured reading...
so I will be expecting the same quality and interesting subject matter.

I broke one of my dental crowns
it fell apart as I was nibbling coleslaw.

There is a temporary on my tooth right now as I wait for a replacement crown.
The crown was 2 years old and apparently they come with a 5 year warranty
so I am relieved that I do not have to pay for another one.
Must say that this was a welcome surprise...

Evenings we have been sitting by the fire in The Humble Bungalow
keeping warm and cozy
makes me appreciate our tiny home so much more.

The dark wood in our bungalow glows with the lamplight
it looks best 
during the Fall and Winter months.

Drafts seem to disappear when the fire is roaring
lovely to hear the sounds of the crackle and pop 
as the wood burns.

Comfort foods and the cold weather seem to go hand in hand.
Soups, Stews, Roasted Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes
all have been cooked and eaten this past week.

Craving warm dishes, 
I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast most mornings.

French inspired...
yogurt with a tablespoon of jam stirred into it, 
a quick and easy bedtime snack.

The sun popped out one day
my spirits lifted
it was so good to see some colour.

Green moss encrusted pillar

close up of the moss 
with the Garry Oak Tree in the background

Lichen and moss on the trees near the Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary.

Our small tree on the front porch
dressed up with white lights
a few festive touches are slowly being added...

I wonder if I am experiencing some of the melancholy that frequently surfaces at holiday time when one is missing a recently departed family member.

It has only been 8 months since mom passed away
I do not weep as often but she is in my thoughts every day
many of her things are here
I am wearing her cashmere sweater
her pearl necklace and using some of her kitchen gadgets.

This Christmas may be more painful than I am expecting...
I know in my heart that she would not want me to be sad 
but how can one not think about the love and the memories
after spending 62 years together?

I try to be positive and optimistic.
No point being gloomy, 
but I do have days
where the sadness is more acute than others...

In the meantime I do not ignore the feelings 
they will ease with time.

I always feel rejuvenated when I get outside on my walks.
The shin splints are less painful so they must be healing.
 I should be able to resume my usual route soon, though I plan to walk slower as I want to avoid exacerbating those pesky shins.

What is new with you?
Are you reading something fabulous?

Have you started to decorate for the Festive Season?

lovely as they hang tentatively from the branches.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Shopping ~ a wee bit of Retail Therapy!

When one has a closet that is curated and has the basics there is no real "need" to go shopping...I have not inherited Mother's lifelong passion for fashion
and the urge to be continually purchasing and filling up more closets with beautiful things has not been my top priority.
(roses on the other hand, can one have too many?)

Mom was wearing current and up to date outfits until a few weeks before she died...always taking care of her shoes, handbags and beautiful jewelry.
She dressed up everyday as if she was going to the theatre and her neighbours would always ask her in the elevator where she was going as she looked so well turned out...her response was "I am going downstairs to get my mail!"

Since Mom passed I have been in a bit of a rut...
I would not go so far as to say depressed, but definitely content to wear my walking and Yoga gear all day...I suppose I am seeking solace and comfort in cozy comfy clothes...perhaps being a tad lazy in the process.

So with these thoughts in the back of my mind I took myself out for a shopping expedition to Sidney where Mom and I loved to look for clothes.

So I took myself to the shops...
(Emma Bridgewater tote bag)

The French company Saint James makes a variety of striped tees.

I like a V neck as I am so short and this particular top has side vents at the bottom which is helpful when one is not at their slimmest!

They make lovely sweaters, coats, tops and shirts.
I purchased this top and am very happy with it...the fabric is weighty enough to skim the body and it is smooth and soft.
Amazingly comfortable which is a priority for me.

I bought a striped Saint James umbrella last winter and a lovey raincoat.
I am tempted to buy a sweater for winter...

I consider this to be an investment purchase as it is a tad under $200.
But it fulfills my desire to have a new striped top...
the one that I bought in Paris at the COS store 2 years ago 
finally wore out from frequent wearings.
My hairdresser told me that the COS store has opened in Vancouver's Gastown district.
 I plan to make a pilgrimage to peruse their stock sometime this Fall.

The weather has been glorious for my daily walks.

The scenery is so beautiful that it encourages me to walk 
and the ocean calms at the same time.

I read this fascinating book
The Primates of Park Avenue by Wednesday Martin PHD
a memoir.
It was a peek into the lives of the privileged mommies who live in the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
A world unlike anything I have ever known!

I would recommend you read it if you are at all interested in how the uber wealthy young moms dress, eat and exercise...
and the lengths they go to to be the best that they can be.

A day in the garden spent in peace and quiet 
dead heading the roses and then taking some time to sit with a glass of lemonade on the front porch of The Humble Bungalow...

Feeling grateful.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Roses and the quest for the perfect scent...remembering Mom.

Humble Bungalow Garden Roses

Pepper seems to enjoy their fragrance.

Samples of rose fragrances sent from the Vancouver Nordstrom store.

The list of rose scented samples that I am testing and there are more suggested by readers of the blog.

Chester enjoying the box that held the samples.

William Shakespeare and Jude the Obscure 
David Austin roses from the Humble Bungalow Garden.

If I could bottle these scents I would.

I had a weepy day yesterday.
It was a combination of things...
the noise from the construction next door.
Power tools and the jack hammering of the road out in front of our bungalow 
I was thinking a lot about MOM and how much I miss having her around.

I have been frequenting some of our favourite spots:
The Willows tea room
W&J Wilson
The Esplanade
Nar bistro
Matticks Farm
Adrienne's Tea Garden
Barbara's Boutique in Sidney

This just brings it closer to home that she's gone and so I had a wee bit of a meltdown.

Fortunately my husband understood and he listened while I talked and wept.
There will be more days like this of that I am sure...
 I'll let the feelings flow along with the tears.

How's your week going?

Thanks for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.