Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Seeking sunny thoughts...

The terrible news from Belgium has cast a dark shadow on our world...
more lives have been lost in these attacks.

As horrifying as the news is...
I feel powerless and sad.

My sister called me to tell me a friend of hers has passed away today.
She had been battling cancer, the fight was fast and furious, but very brief.
Several types of cancer had spread and metastasized before her initial diagnosis.
She knew it would eventually take her life...
she leaves behind a husband and adult children and many friends from the local garden community.

I visited her garden at Deep Cove on the water...she and her husband had created a special oasis on the edge of the sea.
Her garden was a place of tranquil beauty.

So lovely to wander along the paths, stopping to smell the flowers, or touch an unusual plant, make notes of the interesting foliage planted together so that each plant took centre stage and stood out.
Martha Stewart once sent a crew to take photographs of their home and garden...I don't think they were ever published in the magazine.

An overblown Parrot tulip sits in a vase in Our Humble Bungalow bathroom...
the tulips are very beautiful and remind me of paintings from the Old World Dutch Masters.

Each tulip is different...just as an artist might paint them.
Mother Nature and her handiwork helps ease the spirit.

Droopy tulips 
can you see the leaves have a few cat bites?

Bowing their heads...
I forgot to pierce the stems just under the tip of each bud to help them keep hydrated and stand up straight.
Their colour is so cheerful...

(leaves with the cat bites!)

The culprit is Chester...
he is the cat that we lovingly refer to as "the troublemaker."

Keeping busy helps helps to soothe the soul...

I made a cheesy frittata for dinner and will serve it with a simple green salad.

Easy Peasy Frittata

6 large eggs whisked
1 chopped red pepper
2 green onions sliced thinly
1 cup of leftover veggies cut into small bite sized pieces
( I used squash)
leftover beef, chicken, salmon or crab cut into small pieces
2 cups grated cheese
salt, pepper, parsley and any other spice you like
(I used 1 tsp. of Italian seasoning)

Pour into an ovenproof casserole or quiche pan.

Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes until set.

Serve with a simple green salad tossed with a vinaigrette.
Bon appetit!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Inviting colour in small doses...

The dark days of January here in the Pacific Northwest are making me crave colour...

My minimal wardrobe could use a dose of energy... as could I!

The basic clothes that hang in my closet are functional and everything works together.
Planning and shopping with the basic shades makes it simple but with the dark days of January here in the Pacific Northwest I find that I crave an injection of colour.

Eileen Fisher would be the designer whose clothes I could exclusively wear and own...
and she works mostly in shades of grey, black and navy in winter.

I saw a sweater from her new spring and summer line made out of a loose linen weave in a soft grey and I absolutely loved it...but the price tag was almost $400. Yikes!

Oh but it would look fabulous with my white jeans...
perhaps...time will tell...I have a birthday coming up in March.

After shopping I came home I brewed a cup of hot tea and painted my living colour!
I am getting better at this.
The health and look of my cuticles are improving with the use of gloves and hand cream.

Here is that punch of colour that I am craving and at a price that I can afford!

I met darling daughter for a healthy lunch earlier in the week and tried on her newest cocktail ring.
If you are on Instagram please check out her site.
She has the most stunning collection of jewels and she has an etsy shop where she sells some of her gems.
(etsy shop link on her IG page)

I am going to a celebration of life which is coming up soon 
and I have been trying to decide what to wear.
I will be volunteering at this function.
I went to school with the woman who passed away at 61.
She was a successful lawyer, a court judge, wife and mother.
The volunteers are planning on wearing mostly black.

Vintage Leather vest Pamela McCoy which can be layered over any number of tops
paired with the versatile Lisa Campione skirt.

Lord and Taylor waffle knit sweater.
Pair this with tights and short boots.

Jeanne Beker poly sleeveless top adds some sheen.

Susan Bristol (ages old) knit sweater jacket.

Tweedy jacket
(Mother approved)

Assorted Pearl layer or wear alone.

Vintage bakelite clamper bracelet.

I may wear a LBD as I have several contenders in the closet.
What do you wear to funerals or celebrations of life?

New brighter lipstick by L'Oreal number 590 Blushing Berry.

The colour is actually darker and richer than it looks in this light.

I bought a new address book to replace the one that I had that was falling apart.
It took me over an hour this past weekend but I managed to update and  transfer all the addresses.

New fitness/workout wear from Costco.
Inexpensive and the fabrics are super cozy.

I just heard that Alan Rickman died...I loved his acting and enjoyed his films.
His passing came right on the heels of David Bowie's death, 
both 69 and both died of cancer.
So sad.

I must get out of my colourful Ralph Lauren PJ's...
I've been at the computer far too long but oh my
the coffee tastes good this morning...

Time to seize the day!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Poppies and Remembrance Day...

To mark Remembrance Day and honour the veterans we visited the cemetery.
We slowly walked along the rows of graves in silence and read the stones...

Poppies are the symbol that we associate with Remembrance Day.

Listen to Leonard Cohen recite the Poem by John McCrae 

These poppies were painted by students at Central Middle School.
The students laid the stones on the graves joined by the sounds of bagpipes and drums played by 
The Royal Canadian Scottish Regiment Pipe and Drum Band.

Lest We Forget.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Silver stars ~ Roses ~ Happy and Sad news

Hope to goodness that you are not tired of seeing The Humble Bungalow Roses because I am posting a couple more...if you are bored scroll down and check out some of my favourite lotions and potions.

This vintage silver BREAD tray caught my eye at the Thrift Shop...
I know it will need polishing...many people despise silver now because of the work it takes to maintain the lustre and shine.
That's why it's showing up in so many shops AND for next to nothing you can take them home!
I quite like to spend time cleaning tarnished silver pieces...for me it's rather meditative.

I bought some French Rose and sipped a few glasses
I pretended I was still visiting France...
I can close my eyes and still recall the dizzy and giddy way I felt when I was in Paris.
I'm so glad I went and would encourage you to follow your dreams if Paris is on your bucket list.

I mentioned this mask recently and am doing so again because it is saving my face.
With our hot summer weather it has been a real challenge keeping skin hydrated.

I'm test driving a new eye product by Andalou Naturals.
1000 Roses Eye Revive Gel.
The skin around my eyes is getting very crepe-like these days.
I'm guilty of not using specific eye products very faithfully over the years.
Not expecting a miracle but a little reduction in lines would be a welcome and pleasant surprise.
I'm not one to give up and give in...

L'Occitane's Almond Milk is still a star player 
my arms and legs would be as dry as the Sahara 
without a daily dose of this wonderful silky lotion.

~ Happy News ~

Our grand daughter's name is Mira Louise Austin
she weighed in at 6 pounds 15 ounces and was born on August 10th.
We think she's a red head like her big sister Isla!
She's a precious little bundle.
It's no surprise that hearts just explode with JOY when we cuddle newborns...
they are such a gift.
Babies are just so darned wonderful aren't they?
Can you feel the excitement?

~ ~ ~
We've also had some very sad news...
there has been a death in the family 
out of respect for those involved 
I will not go into any details 
but suffice to say it was very tragic, and although expected, came all too suddenly...

~ ~ ~

And just yesterday we got the call...
dear friends lost their adult daughter to cancer.
Our hearts go out to them in love and support.

"Grief can be the garden of compassion. 
If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life's search for love and wisdom."

~ Rumi ~

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

and then the rain came...

It's raining today and it has was coming down steadily throughout the night.
Our forests and gardens are parched so it has come at a good time...
perhaps some of the forest fires will be extinguished and give the overworked fire fighters a well earned break.

These are onion blooms.
I planted them a few years ago and they reward me every year with a lovely show.
They have a slight onion-y scent but it is not so overpowering that you are brought to tears.
I  bring them indoors and pop them in a vase.

The fuchsia shade is vibrant and looks so pretty with the soft white buds.

Colour has a big impact on how I feel.
  I notice when the skies are grey and the rains come that my outlook and mood is affected. 

When the gloomy days arrive that I need to be proactive and focus on things that cheer my spirit.

I've been thinking about debilitating depression since hearing of the tragic death of Robin Williams.
He was such an extremely funny and gifted actor who gave so much to us over his career.
Just how low and distraught he must have been is difficult for me to imagine.
I hope that his family will come to understand and accept his demise.

I wonder how depression starts...
Is it a series of events that pile up to overwhelm one's spirit or is it a chemical imbalance in the body?
Is it too much "living in one's head" or lack of exercise or isolation?
Or is it a combination of all of the above?
If we are aware of our tendency to go to the dark side 
I wonder if we can use strategies to keep that Black Dog away...

~ Into each life a little rain must fall. ~

We all need tools and strategies to cope with the bumps on the road of life.

Given that I am not clinically depressed nor have I ever experienced a serious bout with depression 
I really have no idea how a severly depressed individual struggles to maintain a balanced equilibrium.
I know friends and a few close family members who are on medication for depression.

Finding the right medication can be tricky and it takes several weeks for the drugs to take effect.
It is a rocky road to wellness.

On a cold grey day I like to brew a pot of tea...

It is not a cure all but the delicate aroma of a good blend does have a soothing power.
If I need a cheering up I use a particularly lovely china cup and saucer.

Comfort is important so I opt for a warm cozy cashmere sweater and some woolly socks and slippers.
If the room is chilled I climb under a warm blanket or duvet.

Lighting a scented candle helps elevate my mood.

If I have a good book on the go I might pick it up and read a few chapters...
 thumbing through a stack of magazines
or watching a favourite movie.

I might pick up the phone and call a friend to chat.

Going out for a walk or trying out a new recipe work wonders.
Tackling a messy cupboard ~ reorganizing and tidying. 
Volunteering to help others less fortunate is a tonic.

What do you do when you feel sad?

Why is Joy so hard for some to find?

Is there something that we as a society can do to prevent future suicides or help alleviate depression?
Accepting that mental illness is an illness on it's own, not unlike the flu or diabetes might be a start.

In the meantime my thoughts and condolences go out to Robin William's family...

"That's the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it's impossible to ever see the end. The fog is like a cage without a key."

~ Elizabeth Wurtzel ~

If you need help seek it, if you notice someone else needs help offer it, 
let's never give up on ourselves or those we hold dear to our hearts.
