Showing posts with label aging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aging. Show all posts

Saturday, March 5, 2016

OOTD ~ Not a Birthday Suit!

March 3rd came and went in a flash...
the birthday celebrations started a few days before and are continuing well into the weekend.

~ Tea and nail polish two routines that I now view as rituals. ~

At 61 years of age I have lived long enough to know what I "need" to be happy.
often it is "not doing" 
but resting 
 taking "time out" for scenic walks that makes the biggest difference.

Shutting out the "should"  messages and exploring the "could" messages is also incredibly powerful. Freeing up time for personal hobbies and enriching activities makes me feel so much contentment.

Embracing the attitude of gratitude made the most significant change in my life.
It sounds like a little thing because it is relatively easy
 it alters the perception of everything in such a positive way.

I have learned a lot about life during these past decades
my body is not as young or toned as it used to be
there are aches and pains
there is wisdom
outside there are the signs of aging

"laugh lines" sound so much better than "wrinkles"

this arts and crafts oak table shows signs of wear and it is circa 1912
much older than I am 
we are not refinishing it or giving it a "face lift"
this table has a history
it's imperfections are indicative of it's age

I like to think that is true about women as we age...
many stories
our faces reflecting life, love, and laughter over time.

My Mother, sister and I walked along the Esplanade at Willows Beach before dining at the Snug in the Oak Bay Beach Hotel.
The light was quite luminous after the rain.

Friends joined us for a casual delicious sushi dinner at The Oak Bay Marina.
Three tasty truffles were shared 6 ways!

Mr. HB gave me a silver bangle to add to my collection.
This one is carved by a First Nations artisan, Alex Helin.
He was the youngest carver to work on the totem for The Commonwealth Games.
The carving on the bangle is in the hummingbird pattern which represents healing, joy and love.

Flowers arrived from dear friends who live in Vancouver and the south of France.
My favourite bouquets consist of white  and green flowers with a smattering of greenery.

NYDJ skinny jeans
 Chaus printed tunic top

~ The good news is that I can rise my right arm high enough to take this picture ~
(physiotherapy, exercises and massage are paying off)

View from the change room...
I'm looking for new black ponte knit pants.
My current pair are 2 years old and I wear them twice a week at least so they are on their way out.
I tried on 3 pairs but they were not made of thick and sturdy fabric.
I want them to hold their shape and wear well.

The birthday celebrations will continue into the weekend.
What plans have you got for the weekend?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Friday, August 21, 2015

Hair and my OOTD...a quickie post.

It's a casual day here in The Humble Bungalow...
quiet domestic routines are in place.
While the dryer was tumbling the linens I took a wee break and took some photos.

My hair is slowly growing...
it's a tedious process at best.
My hairdresser gave it a bang trim and tidied up the back layers.
I'm not blow drying it these days.
I have a new Bumble and Bumble product which I am using
 I scrunch and twirl my hair as it dries...

~ written on the tube ~
for great hair days without the heat or the hassle
pour avoir de superbes cheveux au quotidien, sans brushing

Scrunching it encourages the curl.
You can see the grey tinsel amid the brown locks.
The grey really comes out more as the hair dries...

I don't mind being grey and I wonder why I fought to keep it hidden under colour for so many years.
Lots of women I know colour their hair and feel very strongly about not going grey.
It's an identity issue...
(and it's very personal)
we either accept ourselves and the things that occur naturally with aging
or we fight tooth and nail and resist and delay the inevitable.

It's not a great image is it?
One day I really must buy a better mirror one that can be located in a better lit area of our bungalow.
DKNY Boyfriend Jeans
Monoprix Linen Tee
Vintage silver belt
assorted sterling silver bangles

Sperry Shoes

I have put on a bit of weight these past few weeks as my knee has been bothering me so I am not able to walk as much.
I will have to go to the doctor if it keeps up.
It started when I was "guerrilla gardening" and has improved since I have eased off the serious digging and weeding but there are twinges of shooting pains and it is very stiff periodically throughout the day. 
I am using Voltaren a pain relief gel and that seems to take the edge off...
(I don't usually complain so please forgive me for this little whine)

Mr. HB and I are off for a few weeks on our boat.
We have lots of books to read and there will be simple meals prepared aboard our Sea Ray.
I'm looking forward to doing laps in the pools and exploring the Gulf Islands that we visit.

White Iceberg Rose

Please follow me on Instagram where I'll be posting pictures as long as I can get a WiFi signal.
I'll miss out garden and the cats but know that they are in the tender loving hands of a friend.

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Silver stars ~ Roses ~ Happy and Sad news

Hope to goodness that you are not tired of seeing The Humble Bungalow Roses because I am posting a couple more...if you are bored scroll down and check out some of my favourite lotions and potions.

This vintage silver BREAD tray caught my eye at the Thrift Shop...
I know it will need polishing...many people despise silver now because of the work it takes to maintain the lustre and shine.
That's why it's showing up in so many shops AND for next to nothing you can take them home!
I quite like to spend time cleaning tarnished silver pieces...for me it's rather meditative.

I bought some French Rose and sipped a few glasses
I pretended I was still visiting France...
I can close my eyes and still recall the dizzy and giddy way I felt when I was in Paris.
I'm so glad I went and would encourage you to follow your dreams if Paris is on your bucket list.

I mentioned this mask recently and am doing so again because it is saving my face.
With our hot summer weather it has been a real challenge keeping skin hydrated.

I'm test driving a new eye product by Andalou Naturals.
1000 Roses Eye Revive Gel.
The skin around my eyes is getting very crepe-like these days.
I'm guilty of not using specific eye products very faithfully over the years.
Not expecting a miracle but a little reduction in lines would be a welcome and pleasant surprise.
I'm not one to give up and give in...

L'Occitane's Almond Milk is still a star player 
my arms and legs would be as dry as the Sahara 
without a daily dose of this wonderful silky lotion.

~ Happy News ~

Our grand daughter's name is Mira Louise Austin
she weighed in at 6 pounds 15 ounces and was born on August 10th.
We think she's a red head like her big sister Isla!
She's a precious little bundle.
It's no surprise that hearts just explode with JOY when we cuddle newborns...
they are such a gift.
Babies are just so darned wonderful aren't they?
Can you feel the excitement?

~ ~ ~
We've also had some very sad news...
there has been a death in the family 
out of respect for those involved 
I will not go into any details 
but suffice to say it was very tragic, and although expected, came all too suddenly...

~ ~ ~

And just yesterday we got the call...
dear friends lost their adult daughter to cancer.
Our hearts go out to them in love and support.

"Grief can be the garden of compassion. 
If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life's search for love and wisdom."

~ Rumi ~

Monday, March 2, 2015

This is how we celebrate...60...OOTD

Mr. HB and I discussed my 60th birthday...
how we would like to celebrate and we decided on a catered dinner, a gathering of family and friends.

We were originally going to go to a local restaurant with a private room.
 and just before we booked the venue our friends offered to host it in their gorgeous heritage home.
This table was set up in their living room!

 Thorn and Thistle is my go to for flowers and my friend artfully arranged them in her vintage vases and planters.

~ Delicious appetizers ~ 
crab cakes followed by lamb popsicles based on Vikram Vi'j's recipe
started the evening off as they were served while we mingled sipping flutes of Prosecco.
All the catering was done by our good friend Julie who is a superb cook and has an eye for every last detail.
She owns and runs Jules catering here in Victoria.
If you have a special event and need some help please give her a call.

We set up a bar...

Caesar Salad to start...

Home made pasta with Gorgonzola sauce with a garnish of crunchy walnuts

Lemon Chicken "Piccata" so tender that it practically melted in my mouth!

Rice pilaf
and trays of roasted vegetables.

Dessert was a chocolate quinoa cake served with whipped coconut milk and fresh raspberries.

Oh and there were cards, gifts, Euro's and tears of joy.

My children totally surprised me with a beautiful pearl pendant and bracelet from Birks.

A pretty silver star and a handy jewelry pouch for travel...


I dressed up for the party...

I wore my favourite LBD with an artisan necklace by Debra Kay...
which was swapped for the gorgeous pearl pendant as soon as I opened the box!

Banana Republic Robson handbag and Stuart Weitzman shoes complete the outfit.

I am so grateful for this special party and thank you my wonderful husband, family and friends.
It was a memorable evening and I loved having everyone around helping me usher in the next decade.

We have frequently marked my birthdays on the sandy beaches at Point No Point.

Writing messages in the soft wet sand...
only to watch the waves wash my words away.

"Time and tide wait for no man."

~ Geoffrey Chaucer ~

“The world is a looking-glass, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. Frown at it, and it will in turn look sourly upon you; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly kind companion.”

  ~ William Makepeace Thackeray ~

Plan to keep looking for the magic in each day...
and savouring the beautiful.

In my early 20's in the Magic Kingdom...
where does the time go?

Inside I feel very much like that young woman...
 a few exterior changes...
My hair is grey, with laugh lines, my jaw is softening...
No longer 110 pounds ~ no longer able to fit into that size 6 leather jacket.
Still like to laugh and smile as often as possible.
Have fun and experience Joy.
Love spending time with our friends and family.
Grateful for our grandchildren ~ the greatest gifts.

Thank you for stopping by...