Showing posts with label Hermes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hermes. Show all posts

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Seeing the light....and a wee bit of sparkle.

Light in Our Humble Bungalow is low...

The design of arts and crafts bungalows have extended overhanging eaves which do minimize the natural light...that's why we have so many electric lamps and light fixtures.

The walls are papered with organic toned period arts and crafts wallpaper which compliment the 100 year old + Douglas fir  beams and wood wall treatments.

Here is a weekend morning image of our dining room...
it is a challenge to get enough light to read a book or knit.

I finished the blanket that I have been working on for grand baby number 3
(I have folded it in half to take the picture.)
It's the classic block pattern that I have used for all the baby blankets and this time I used a thick cotton yarn in an off white shade.

I usually sit in our living room to read in a Morris chair situated right under a large lamp and this book held me spell bound for several days...
It is a thriller in the style of Alfred Hitchcock and I can see this book easily being made into a film.
The characters are very dysfunctional and quirky...the story held my interest and it is worth reading.

The foyer of the Garnier Opera House in Paris was dimly lit...
it would have been originally illuminated with lamps and candles before electricity.

Can you imagine doing fine needlework, knitting or sewing by candle light or an oil lamp?
It would be hard on the eyes.

I purchased this cheerful towel in France.
I spend so much time in my kitchen that I thought it would be a wonderful reminder of my trip.
I've hung it on my stove.

The sponge is from La Cuisine where author and Ooh La La Paris tour leader  Jamie Cat Callan and I took our cooking class together.

I spied this wee key chain at the local Pharmacy on Oak Bay Avenue.
Which instantly reminded me of the Ooh La La Tour!

I forgot to mention in a previous post that I bought two linen Tees at the Monoprix in Paris.
This one is white with a wee bit of sparkle and the other is in a grey nubby linen.
Both are super comfy and very cool for summer.
The Monoprix has cute fashions...
they are basics and available at affordable price points.
Monoprix is like the American Target store...
(wish we still had Target here.)

I treated myself to a couple of new Hermes scents...
this one I have been wearing daily since I got home from France.

I've also indulged in a hot coffee with foamed milk each morning...
(sometimes two!)
I use espresso in my French Press and foam the milk in the Starbucks electric machine.
I like it much better than cream and an added bonus is that it is WW point friendly.

I miss those cute French glass jars that they store and sell yogurt in, in Paris and France.

A little bit of France has back home with me...
in my head and in my heart.
Memories are the best souvenirs.

Like that first kiss 
I think I'll always remember Paris!

It's a sunny day today and it's Mother's 88th birthday so we are taking her out to celebrate.
It's a surprise and my sister and I are in cahoots about where we are going!
Hope she likes what we have planned.


Monday, June 1, 2015

Paris purchases...

Paris was full of wonderful galleries, churches, museums, cafes, bistros, gardens and parks.
It goes without saying that Paris has wonderful shops and boutiques and I ventured into many of them...
One of the gals on the tour and I took a leisurely stroll through the Chanel boutique and had a browse at the clothing...which was lovely but exceeded my budget and the garments do not suit my retired lifestyle.

We popped into the fabulous boutique ~ Didier Ludot.

They sell vintage and gently used designer goods.
If you want to purchase a Hermes Kelly bag this is a great place to look!

Didier Ludot stock luxury goods and there are lots of tempting treasures inside the store!

The white cocktail dress would be fun for a summer party.
 And how about lunch with the ladies in the red Chanel suit?

There were so many shops with gorgeous clothes...
I just did not devote time for much shopping.

I wasn't on a mission for clothes...
I wanted to experience the art, history and culture of Paris.

I bought this vintage Jeanne Lanvin silk scarf at a pop up vintage shop in BHV.

I bought this striped top in COS in the Marais.

The Hermes scarf which I showed in a previous post was my big purchase.
(a wearable souvenir!)

I bought this fun grey mesh sweater and silver necklace
in the Marais at a shop whose name I have forgotten.

Since I have been home I have been lusting after a black leather jacket like those I saw women wearing in Paris...

and my lovely daughter saw this one on sale and the rest is history.

I bought this rustic vintage jug in the south of France.
I wanted to have something to remind me of the countryside and this will be perfect for my roses.

Shepherd hut
seen on the drive from the Pech Merle Caves to the enchanting Village of Saint Cirq-Lapopie.

Signage adjacent to the hut.

Very basic shelter...and at this altitude it would make for a very cold night.

The stone buildings are so quaint and picturesque.

For gifts 
I bought French soaps, chocolates, magnets with the Eiffel Tower depicted on them...
 hand made semi precious beaded bracelets, a pottery necklace, a book for the grandchildren, scents from Hermes for my sister and husband.

(This post was in response to Jill's question ~ and thank for posing the question Jill!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Paris Pilgrimage ~ Hermes...

As a self confessed scarf addict I knew that I would be making the pilgrimage to Hermes when I was in Paris...
in fact I visited not once but twice!

Once with my friends when we made the rounds on the first or second day and I was not prepared to take up their time while I made my choice so I knew I would come back before I left...which I did accompanied by Jamie Cat Callan and several of the gals on the Ooh La La Tour.

love their window displays
you can see the Haussmann style buildings in the reflection...

My sister would love some of this tack for her barn!

Look at the huge wooden structures!

Hermes seems to do everything on a grand scale.

Look at the vast array of colours.
Ooh la la the sumptuous silk scarves...
decisions decisions!

A small silk square in a pretty pattern that will go with most everything in my closet.

These pillows and blankets are so soft...would love to cozy up under one and have a nap.

I am wearing my Hermes scarf around the house as I tackle the domestics...
a little Parisian pizazz goes a long way!

I'm planning a few more posts on France.

I am feeling so content after my trip...
(basking in the afterglow)
I wonder if I will still have anything left to say...
(time will tell)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Retail therapy...a welcome tonic to a grey day.

For the past few months I have been consciously avoiding shopping for clothes.
Saving as much money as I can has been my goal.
I'm not too good at being frugal...but I have been quite prudent with my spending.

My daughter and I ventured out on a bleak and grey afternoon to browse the shops...
"browsing" being the operative word!

Lovely daughter bought several things...
a soft dove grey wool coat, a cute black felted Fedora, several tees and some jeans.
She works in an office downtown and likes to dress well...she loves fashion and mixes vintage, and thrifted items with new garments. I love her sense of style...and may I remind you, she is my fashion advisor!

I browsed too but kept reminding myself that I already own a basic core wardrobe at home,
and it meets my "needs."

I'm drawn to the various shades of grey, especially when it comes to clothing...

I like how it fits in with the black palette that I have chosen for my wardrobe.

I tried on this soft tee top in Forever 21...
and at almost 60 you'd think I would not find a thing in a shop with that name!
There were oodles of young women trolling the aisles, coffees in one hand and cellphones in the other.

"Fast Fashion" are two words that come to mind when looking around and scrutinizing the stock...
this simple top filled a void and the price was reasonably priced
the garment looked well constructed and the fabric is super soft
as I have only two other long sleeved tees in my closet
one in white and the other a blue grey
this will be a staple
I'll be pairing this with my black Barbour quilted vest for starters and layering it with my cardigans.
I have three scarves that will work with it too...
the grey and banana Pashmina, the new black, grey, and cream felted one and the Hermes white a grey silk square.

Window display at Uptown Mall.

It's looking decidedly festive in the parking lot!

I spied a pure white Hellebore blooming in a planter...
such a cheery display, a harbinger of Spring!

I found this vintage jug on the boulevard free pile...
I'm already imagining it filled with our limelight hydrangeas...
or perhaps a bouquet of roses.

In other news, Mr. HB and I watched this very entertaining film...
a couple return to Paris to celebrate their anniversary.
It's a fast moving film that comments on the highs and lows of a marriage.
Like life, it has both joys and sorrows...

I originally mentioned that it was "non stop fun"...and upon careful consideration I have amended my comment...
which was misleading.
(Thank you Duchesse)

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and the acting is superb.

Speaking of fun...I hope you are having some!