Showing posts with label Diptyque. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diptyque. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February Joys

February has come in so fast I almost did not even notice it's arrival...
the thing that surprised me was that I was about to open one of the jars of yogurt in the fridge
(and thought to myself that I had purchased these awhile back...)
lo and behold the last two jars in the fridge were beyond their best before dates!

I used to think that stale dated foods kept in the fridge only happened to the elderly...
Welcome to the world of the advanced age Hostess
the first symptom is forgetting what day it is...

Retirement has had that effect on me...
I know the days of the week but not necessarily the actual date.

Pink Cyclamen
seen on my walk
a burst of colour
these flowers are so tiny 
that I had to bend down to my toes to capture their beauty.

I have actioned a fridge clean out and chucked out the older condiments 
read all the dates on all the jars
wiped out the drawers
and freshened up all the surfaces.

Dani P Mop Philosopher did this last week.
I thank her for inspiring me to get on with this job.
(we both buy the same type of yogurt made in Quebec and are fans of Bonne Maman jam)
( we both reuse the jars)

I organized my "work station" at the sink.
Polished stones make a great base for the soap.
It sits above the moisture which allows it to dry out and so it lasts longer.

Emma Bridgewater tray and bowl are re purposed for this arrangement.
I like to keep my "tools" close at hand.
I am not loyal to any one dish soap and seem to flit around like a butterfly
looking for the one with the prettiest container, the nicest scent and the best performer.

Are you loyal to a brand?
What makes it special?

Having an organized work area is worth the little bit of time and effort.
It is the "little things" that make a big difference.

Two of the books that I ordered from Ivy's on The Avenue arrived.
Style Forever was my first read...I enjoy and follow Alyson Walsh's blog
She has some great pointers about dressing and Fashion
after reading her book I felt like going shopping.
(which I did!)

The other evening after dinner
I lit my favourite Diptyque candle to set the mood.
Time to relax.

Dessert was a bowl of cafe au lait and Garance Dore's new book.
I love this book.
She looks so much like my former French fact they could be sisters.
I am not quite finished her book but know it will be a keeper and one that I will read again.

The black Hellebores from the Vancouver Van Dusen Garden shop are blooming 
in The Humble Bungalow Garden.
The plant has grown and soon seedlings will pop up and I will pot up some in the greenhouse to share with friends and neighbours.

Snowdrops are putting on their show.
Snowdrops are so elegant with their wee bonnets of white.
 Spring is coming...

February can feel like a long month as we wait for the arrival of Spring.
It feels like Spring is early and that February is going by fast.

I bid you adieu from The Humble Bungalow...
until next time when 
I will share with you some fashion focused posts.

Be Well and Be Kind.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

3 days to Christmas ~ OOTD

Our weather has been a mix of sun and showers...
walking just the same as usual but wearing a warm down coat and carrying an umbrella.
I had to stop pull out my Iphone and capture this image so I could share it with you!

The scenery has been quite varied and the evidence of the recent gale force winds is obvious on the beach...

Huge logs are lying on the beach 
making it a challenge to walk close to the waters edge.

I have never seen so many logs washed ashore.

They are stacked right to the top of the seawall in some places...making access to the beach difficult.

After the rains there are puddles...
Here you can see the sky above in the reflection...

There is a Christmas rose blooming by our front porch.
This is very unusual for this time of year.

The yellow rose bush beside the pink climber has several buds on it too!

I bought a bouquet of yellow roses to perk up the kitchen.
With the grey skies looming overhead Our Humble Bungalow just begs for a pop of cheer.
Nothing like a little splash of colour to brighten up a dreary day.

Light a candle and add some fragrance while we are in the mood.

My walking partner and I ventured out for a 5K walk and stopped for a delicious and healthy lunch when the weather became so blustery that our umbrellas were blowing inside out!


Black Nygaard slim ponte knit pants
Grey Eileen Fisher top
Black Clark booties
(image taken with a goofy looking smile)

Three Days Left...until Christmas and yes I am counting!

Catching up on the laundry, finishing wrapping gifts, reading my favourite blogs and sneaking in a few chapters of my current novel.

Wee poinsettia perfect size for the powder room.

A pop of red and green... a classic festive flower.
Things are looking very Christmassy here in The Humble Bungalow.
Our tree is up and decorated with white fairy lights.
The beamed ceilings are all dolled up with strings of white fairy lights and there is a warm and cozy glow here in our home.

It is freezing cold outside 
the Stellar Jays are chattering with each other
we have suet hung for the birds and the hummingbird feeder is a busy place these days.

Hope all is Merry and Bright in your home.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Weather, walks and letting go....

Mr. HB and I went shopping for Diptyque candles in Vancouver a few weeks ago...
We purchased our Fall and Winter "go to scent"...Ambre and then it was time to branch out and try something new...
I opted for Roses, because of course, Roses are my all time favourite flower.

Mr. HB got into the swing of things and sniffed all the testers...he liked Menthe Verte.
A fresh light fragrance...greenish, like the Mint itself.

While the house smells all fresh and minty inside we have been adding greenery to the porch.

I had to stop on my walk and take a photo of the moss on a granite wall near The Victoria Art Gallery.

There have been wind storms this past week and there are more in the forecast.

It has been difficult getting my walks in 
as the winds are ripping limbs from the trees 
small twigs are flying everywhere...
I do not want to be a target or suffer a head injury.
So I have been doing what Mother does when inclement weather strikes...
I have been walking in the Mall!

Not that I am a "mall walker" per say.
(many seniors walk in the mall before it opens then they sit and chat over coffee in the food court)
I have been getting some Christmas shopping done and while I am roaming in the shops I make sure that I cover lots of territory!

interesting interior for an elevator
 a sheet metal fantasy

Wind blown hair...
I made an appointment with my hairdresser this week
 after months of the tedious "growing out period."
It has not grown as long as I want it to yet 
but with the festive season upon us 
I can wait no longer.

If I do I might earn the nickname "Scruffy."

These cute little felted animals have my full attention...
they are adorable and so charming.

Crafters that can create such lovely things have my utmost respect.
I have tried to make these and mine looked rather odd.
So odd, 
that I disposed of them before showing them to anyone.

Sometimes we need to let go of the things that we cannot do and let those who can, lead the way!

"Letting go helps us to to live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. 
It allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations 
that do not belong to us. 
This frees us from unnecessary stress.

~ Melody Beattie ~

That is my deep thought for the day....

I'm currently busy 
rather pre-occupied with cooking and shopping.

I am volunteering at a Christmas luncheon for about 100 people.
It will be all hands on deck trying to get the full turkey dinner 
and all the trimmings out from the teeny tiny kitchen
to all the hungry diners.

I plan to wear my linen apron and comfy shoes...
hope I don't drop any plates
or pour coffee on anyone's lap or slip on the gravy.

Monday, October 19, 2015

A little bit British...a Hodge Podge post.

The Humble Bungalow has a bit of a British theme going on....

The British are coming...the British are coming...

In the early days of Victoria 
in the era when I grew up
we had a rather English flavour or "flair" if you like..
our historic association to "the crown"
Victoria was known as
"little bit of Old England"
particularly in Oak Bay...
(where I lived and went to school)
it was often referred to as the community behind "The Tweed Curtain."

Think Tweeds, Burberry, Barbour jackets, wellingtons, brollies, twin sets and pearls.
Old money
MG's, Bentley's, and Austins.
Stiff upper lips
Atco mowers, spades, shovels, gardening trugs.
Horticultural Flower Shows
Babies in smocked cotton sets and hand knitted sweaters.

Victoria has long been known as "The City of Gardens"
we have a thriving gardening community and there are many many garden groups and clubs.
Gardeners are a very dedicated lot and work very hard.
Walking around the city you can see their handy work everywhere.

Last week I stopped to take photos of these gorgeous dahlias in a garden on Hollywood Crescent.

My 5K route winds around the waterfront towards Gonzales Beach and then snakes back towards Dallas Road.

I find photo opportunities at every turn....
even weeds can be pretty.
You can't beat Mother Nature for her amazing pops of colour.

The light on the water changes constantly...

The muted colours here remind me of an artist's work...

This bench beckons...
if I had a coffee in hand I'd probably sit for a spell and observe the ocean.
There are often sightings of otters, seals and occasionally whales.

I am in awe of Kate Atkinson's writing...
I like her mysteries involving Jackson Brodie.
Mt favourite character is still
Louise Penny's Armand Gamache.

Life has taken on a quiet rhythm since retiring...

I'm still thrilled with this Red Kettle.

A good book, a cup of hot tea and a comfy chair in the afternoon.
long scenic walks
playing with the grand children
weekly Mah Jongg class
and bridge games.

Mr. HB got his new English Halls greenhouse!

Next Spring there will be tomatoes, basil, cucumbers and possibly melons hanging out in here.

He surprised me with a gift this past weekend...
he came home and said "close your eyes" 
when I opened them he presented me with this beautiful British Racing Green Haws watering can...
it's quite posh.

My favourite Black Toast Patterned Emma Bridgewater Bowl...
came out of the dishwasher with a chip on the rim.
I don't usually use chipped crockery but I cannot bear to throw it away.

because it's Fall and the nights are getting darker and the temperatures are dipping...

I've been lighting candles...

I'm off to exercise my democratic right and heading off to the Polling Station.
If you are in Canada don't forget to get out and cast your ballot.
It's our duty to VOTE!

Thanks for stopping by...
hope you have a fabulous week!