Sunday, March 9, 2025

Entering my 70', flowers and dare I say the T word?


Well it has been quite the week of celebrating...
lots of lunches, coffees, and dinners out.
I think that 70 is a very big number but I do feel grateful to still be here.

Zambri's was our first stop in the recent birthday dinners...
it is probably our favourite restaurant and we have been going there for 25 years.
We remember fondly their teeny tiny spot where they got their start...
the food is amazing, service perfect and the atmosphere is vibrant.

I started with a Ceasar Salad...

Followed by the Fresh Fish entree...

Our favourite dessert the passion fruit Panna Cotta.
This time it came with a candle...
at least there were not 70 candles!!!

My husband surprised me with these lovely freshwater pearl earrings.
We don't usually exchange gifts anymore,
 so I was curious and wondered what was in the wrapped box.

These are fun and can be worn with almost every outfit.
A new "classic" and I have worn them almost everyday since my birthday.

I love how they glow...such a pretty nacre.

Spring is making its way to Victoria in fine fashion...
the flowers are harbingers of the season.

Hellebores are often the first to bloom...
early January we see them sometimes 
even before the snowdrops.

This chartreuse Hellebore was a very thoughtful gift from my long time friends.
Thank you

New from Lululemon...
Yoga mat carry strap, Yoga pants.
From the Ajna Studio a spiky ball for "rolling" my feet.
Helps wake up the feet and gives a massage as well.
The feet are more "in tune" to stability when one rolls their feet daily!

Since going back to Yoga I have noticed my stability is much better, 
my hip pain has decreased, I am sleeping better and I feel stronger.
The fall that I had, 
with the black eye and concussion 
were the instigators in returning to this practice.
I am grateful to my instructors and feel that I am heading on the right path.

Tulips were on sale at Peppers so I grabbed 4 bunches...
they add a pop of colour on these rainy days.

I attended a workshop 
in the studio of Pender Island Jewellery designer Charlene Hall.
She guided us through the steps required to create our own necklace.
Many steps are necessary, and new skills are learned.

Pearls of course!
Stars and a heart...which, in a happy "accident" became a "beating heart!"

I made the necklace a little longer so 
that I can opt to wear this with my Akoya strand of pearls...
this is my "no make up" rainy day workshop vibe.

How are you coping with the events that are unfolding in the world?

Here in Canada we are facing the "T" word
an economic war that is being set in motion by the US President.
Our countries have always been friendly and we have family and friends living there.
If the tariffs go ahead both our countries will suffer.

It is definitely a very strange and surreal time...
Canadians are being encouraged to buy local, or made in Canada products.
Which is really what I try to do everyday.

I love the Farmers Markets and local women owned businesses...
I try to support them as much as possible.
The relationship that develops over time and it feels very genuine 
it reminds me of the way people shop in France.

Not everything I use is made in my new washer and dryer.
My skincare line by Pamela Anderson's Sonsie company.
Prescription Medications...
and so much more.

It is raining cats and dogs here this morning...daylight saving time is here.
I've been up had my cups of coffee eaten some sourdough toast with cherry jam.

Think I will make a pot of chicken soup...
lay down on my Yoga mat and enjoy a quiet practice 
listening to the the raindrops as they fall...

70 is starting off with a BANG...
I've decided to seek out and participate in new and different activities...
the pendant workshop is the first of these explorations.

A Knitting/Yoga retreat on Salt Spring Island is in the works...
Maybe I will sleep in the yurt?
There are SO many ideas and opportunities for FUN...
choosing which ones to embrace and participate in is the challenge!

What new things are you doing?
Have you started a new Hobby? Or adopted a new Habit? 
Perhaps it is trying a new recipe, learning a new language, or planning a trip.

We are never to old to try something NEW.
To wear a new style, to take a course, to redecorate a space.

Even in the simple days we have choices...
to light a candle, to add some perfume, to buy some flowers,
 to plant some seeds and watch them grow.

Life is always an adventure...
there are UPS and DOWNS and we need to be prepared for the ride.

Put your Helmet on, and Fasten your seatbelts!

But remember...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Wishes -- You glow in these photos -- and what good plans for exploring! I love finding a new post from the Hostess as each is restorative in its own way. Thank you.

Patricia said...

Belated Happy Birthday Lesley! Your new earrings are beautiful, and your plans for your 70s are very inspiring. I've been reading your blog for, wow, perhaps since 2007? Were you blogging then? You are definitely one of my inspirations for ageing well - I turn 65 this year. I'm doing Japanese with Duolings - hoping to visit Japan again in a few years' time. Enjoy all that's to come!

Anonymous said...

You look lovely with no makeup, and dare I say younger? Truly. Happy birthday week! Love the earrings.

I haven't been able to see your Instagram for a while - apparently my out-of-the-ordinary email address isn't recognized.


Anonymous said...

Happy 70th! You look younger in these photos! Love your pearl earrings and your enthusiasm for new things.