~ Green Moss Growing on a Rock ~
I stumbled upon this pretty lush green sight and thought how beautiful it is...
How many people would stop and take notice?
Would they have TIME to stop?
Would they even care?
I think simple things of beauty in our world are worth noting.
When I was young
I would lie on the grass in our backyard and imagine fairies living in the grass.
Buttercups would be their yellow bonnets and clover would be their parasols.
Bees would be buzzing
making the music that the fairies would dance to...
These wee worlds would whirl around in my imagination...
obviously I have not forgotten
the power of their magic.
I still look for the MAGIC on my walks.
If only to regain those innocent and naive ideas and thoughts from my youth.
~ Baking Sourdough Bread ~
The simple process of mixing, folding, and baking bread has many rewards.
There is a sense of purpose and a genuine feel of true comfort.
The finished fresh Boule is so much more than just a loaf of bread...
it is a vehicle that transports us back to a simpler time.
The day of bread mixing is a Joyful experience.
The basic routine offers up a schedule that one wholly participates in...
mind and body.
(It might sound a wee bit "airy fairy" but that is how I feel)
I look for opportunities to relax the mind and body...
bread baking is an escape from reality.
So much in our world is in chaos and I seek solace.
I deliberately choose solace...
Yoga, knitting, walking, reading, and baking bread.
Things that are soothing and force to take me "out of my head."
~ Healthy Lunch with My Besties ~
Lunching with long time Friends as we celebrate and honour our birthdays.
We meet up for an annual Christmas lunch too...
we are good friends from primary school.
In a few months ALL of us will be in our 70's
so many stories intertwine and connect us.
In order to entertain more efficiently we purchased an antique table.
Our tiny living room has no coffee table so we used an oak card table
set up the food in the dining room where people had to wander in and help themselves.
Now we can move the table into the living room and put the food on the table!
SO much better!
It must be time to invite some people over to gather together.
~ I snapped a selfie while waiting for the ferry ~
Yes the pearls came out to play!
OOTD is very casual.
Jeans ~ Mango Mom Jeans
White Tee ~ Mododoc
Knit vest ~ Churchmouse Library Vest pattern
Puffer coat ~ Lands' End
~ Here's the ferry ~
We are off to the Cottage
Grabbed two books that were on HOLD from the library.
Started with Elizabeth Strout's newest...
I almost don't need to wear my glasses :-))
~ Ran a few errands this morning ~
Got a few groceries and bought some body balm at the pharmacy.
I forgot that I had run out when we left last month...
there was hardly any beach for walking...
so I went to the Thrift Shop and the shops and galleries at Hope Bay.
With only a scant amount of scent left in my perfume bottle
I found myself sniffing the samples.
Well this certainly sounds inviting...
Choosing the Rose Quartz option AURA
made locally on Pender Island by Fiadh Alchemy.
Sunshine and Blue skies are keeping us company today and feeling grateful.
Going to make French Onion Soup for our dinner...
chopping and slicing are such a tonic.
Hope that your New Year is off to a good start...
Take and Make time to nurture yourself, employ self care when necessary.
You will need to use that stored positive energy.
Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.
~ Be Well and Be Kind ~
It’s been many years since I’ve made bread and have never done so with sourdough starter. Would you consider sharing your recipe ? It sounds so rewarding.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You have a treasure in your imagination, and ability to see the magic.
Your boule looks great. I go off and on with sourdough. In the summer not so much, now in winter, yes. My starter was in the fridge so it needs some feeding which I'll do today. I just got fromt he library the Bread Book by the man who started Bread Alone in NY. It's a good read and LOTS of recipes. I'm going to try the baguettes. Love the ferry too!!
A very enjoyable mish mash!
I love bread and tried making it once, it was a disaster, I never tried again!
Such beauty all around us....we just have to notice and enjoy. Would love to make that bread...can you share the recipe? Enjoy your books and the little things in life !
I loved fairies as a little girl too, and am not sure when I actually realised they did not exist. The idea of a tiny world among plants and fairies intrigued me very much. The pretty green moss could be part of a fairy garden. Your bread looks delicious, and you are an excellent baker to produce it. (I have never tried!) What a cute antique table, and it looks great with your other beautiful furniture. My book club read an Elizabeth Strout tale last year - do tell us if this one is good too. Enjoy your time on Pender Island.
I use the basic recipe from Alexandra Cooks...she has many valuable tutorials and videos which are fabulous! Good luck and Happy baking...the bread is very tasty.
I may have a rather overactive imagination :-))
Hope that your starter is reactivated easily...they are very robust and surprisingly reliable! I have a friend who makes baguettes and he throws ice in the oven when he bakes baguettes!
If I can have success with this recipe anyone can :-)) It is from Alexandra Cooks...
Alexandra Cooks website basic sourdough recipe...It sounds complicated but make it once or twice and you will be a pro!!
The sun has been shining here at the cottage...great for walking and my husband actually sat out on the deck to read his book!
I think Tell Me Everything is Strout's BEST BOOK...hope you enjoy it.
Enjoyed the post. And the great photography. Thank you for sharing the beauty on your walks and noticing the magic - you have an eye for beauty. I have been buying a sourdough loaf each week. Perhaps I could try making one myself.
Always happy to see a new post from you. Always a variety of good things!
It sounds like you're finding comfort in routine and being mindful and present, Leslie. I totally get that. I am an observer, and would have stopped for that moss.
Do you have the link for your bread? i usually do Tartine's recipe but it is more involved. A simpler one would be nice.
I always love to a post from you. These small things really get us through, don't they?
https://alexandracooks.com/category/recipe/bread/sourdough-breads/ Hope you like the bread!!
I enjoy sharing these wee snippets of beauty from my walks! Thank you for popping by and reading my blog. Here is the link to the site where I discovered the recipe...https://alexandracooks.com/category/recipe/bread/sourdough-breads/
I seem to be all over the map when I write on the blog....Thank you for hanging in there for these random posts. I appreciate your support!!!
I am a creature of comfort...definitely like and value random snippets of beauty that I spy in my daily round. Good to know that we share this power of observation :-))
It is definitely the small things that awaken my spirit, enrich my senses and brighten the everyday. Thank goodness for Mother Nature and all her handiwork...
I am so happy to have found your blog again. It’s been awhile since I read my favorite blogs having been seduced by Facebook pages. Your blog is so inspiring and I’m thrilled to be back.
Like Maudie it’s the small things that count. I’ve a hectic life on the exterior, I lead teams of people at work, solo parent of a middle schooler, elderly parents. I would not manage without slowing down and seeing and seeing and appreciating the small things. My food, the shape of my teacup, my plants, the way my dog executes elegant leaps when catching a ball. That’s what I love about your blog, appreciating the small blessing that fill out our lives with meaning. ~ avicennia
I do love a good mish-mash, and this was so comforting -- I'll take all the soothing comfort I can find these days! Thank you!
I have been blogging sporadically but haven't stopped...the Blogger Platform just discontinued alerting readers to the new posts. I am also on Instagram. Hope you have been catching up on the posts that you missed !
Avicennia You definitely have that "stop and notice routine" well in hand! Busy lives often rob us of time to stop and notice these lovely wee details...good to hear that you make this habit a priority! It makes a big difference in our happiness and quality of life.
We all need to make time to savour these small joys...the world has become a very stressful place.
Take care,
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