Sunday, January 17, 2016

Simple Joys...

Thank goodness for a quiet weekend to relax and enjoy the simple things...

Hot ancient grains and oats by Rogers and a fresh kiwi for breakfast.
Warming from the inside out on a cold morning.
Pure goodness and a healthy choice...
a simple joy to start the day.

Sipping some tasty tea and listening to the birdsong outside...
Silk Road makes some of my favourite blends
 they are located downtown in Victoria's Heritage Chinatown.
They have a lovely little spa and make wonderful skin care and bath products.
They also have an online shop for those of you who live further away...

The freedom to stay in my PJ's until 11:00 in the morning.
it felt truly decadent and luxurious...

speaking of a little luxury I pulled out all my Hermes scarves 
and opened all the orange boxes and had a peek.
It has been awhile since I have worn them as our weather calls for wool and cashmere scarves and mufflers.

that wee pink scarf is the one that I bought in Paris
really my only significant souvenir other than my memories

this black and white Hermes scarf is the one I wear most often

I wore a Symplii black dress and black tights with my booties to the celebration of life on Friday
skipped perfume but layered on some classic pearls
lots of familiar faces were at the service
nearly a full house
it was a fine tribute
the food was perfect and I got some experience as a server carrying trays
it is not as easy as it looks!
There were a dozen or so friends and family members serving and we all were rookies together so it was fine.
"Security in numbers!"

There are so many interesting and eye catching things popping up on my waking and driving routes these days...

This tree is on my drive home from bridge and Mah Jong.
It is really quite unusual and reminds me of a dancing woman...
( my imagination runs away with me sometimes!)

snowdrops are up

sweet scented buds


spreading pink scented wafts into the air

Hope that you are enjoying your weekend and are avoiding all those nasty colds and flu's that are about...
my throat is feeling a bit scratchy so I am pacing myself.

"I think it's important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy."
Paula Cole

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Inviting colour in small doses...

The dark days of January here in the Pacific Northwest are making me crave colour...

My minimal wardrobe could use a dose of energy... as could I!

The basic clothes that hang in my closet are functional and everything works together.
Planning and shopping with the basic shades makes it simple but with the dark days of January here in the Pacific Northwest I find that I crave an injection of colour.

Eileen Fisher would be the designer whose clothes I could exclusively wear and own...
and she works mostly in shades of grey, black and navy in winter.

I saw a sweater from her new spring and summer line made out of a loose linen weave in a soft grey and I absolutely loved it...but the price tag was almost $400. Yikes!

Oh but it would look fabulous with my white jeans...
perhaps...time will tell...I have a birthday coming up in March.

After shopping I came home I brewed a cup of hot tea and painted my living colour!
I am getting better at this.
The health and look of my cuticles are improving with the use of gloves and hand cream.

Here is that punch of colour that I am craving and at a price that I can afford!

I met darling daughter for a healthy lunch earlier in the week and tried on her newest cocktail ring.
If you are on Instagram please check out her site.
She has the most stunning collection of jewels and she has an etsy shop where she sells some of her gems.
(etsy shop link on her IG page)

I am going to a celebration of life which is coming up soon 
and I have been trying to decide what to wear.
I will be volunteering at this function.
I went to school with the woman who passed away at 61.
She was a successful lawyer, a court judge, wife and mother.
The volunteers are planning on wearing mostly black.

Vintage Leather vest Pamela McCoy which can be layered over any number of tops
paired with the versatile Lisa Campione skirt.

Lord and Taylor waffle knit sweater.
Pair this with tights and short boots.

Jeanne Beker poly sleeveless top adds some sheen.

Susan Bristol (ages old) knit sweater jacket.

Tweedy jacket
(Mother approved)

Assorted Pearl layer or wear alone.

Vintage bakelite clamper bracelet.

I may wear a LBD as I have several contenders in the closet.
What do you wear to funerals or celebrations of life?

New brighter lipstick by L'Oreal number 590 Blushing Berry.

The colour is actually darker and richer than it looks in this light.

I bought a new address book to replace the one that I had that was falling apart.
It took me over an hour this past weekend but I managed to update and  transfer all the addresses.

New fitness/workout wear from Costco.
Inexpensive and the fabrics are super cozy.

I just heard that Alan Rickman died...I loved his acting and enjoyed his films.
His passing came right on the heels of David Bowie's death, 
both 69 and both died of cancer.
So sad.

I must get out of my colourful Ralph Lauren PJ's...
I've been at the computer far too long but oh my
the coffee tastes good this morning...

Time to seize the day!

Monday, January 11, 2016

a letter to myself...

After years of dreaming about Paris I took the plunge last spring and travelled to Paris.
It was a bit of a risk...travelling alone.

Having never flown to Europe or been on a flight longer than 4 hours I wondered if the flight would be daunting or if I would experience anxiety.
There were so many unknowns...
I was optimistic and did not let any doubts cloud my determination.

A carry on with 3 weeks worth of clothes and cosmetics was packed with the help of seasoned carry on advocates whose posts on blogs and Pinterest that I avidly followed before departing.

I stayed awake the entire flight from Vancouver to Paris...9 hours and a time change were involved.

The service on the direct Air France flight was amazing...champagne and crisps were served shortly after take off...the dinner menu circulated and there were 3 options for dinner which included wine and dessert...all included in the original airfare added expenses.
The bar cart came by regularly, but I did not imbibe as I had heard that too much alcohol at 30,000 feet might not be a good idea...and I wanted to arrive in France fresh, with a clear head.

At Charles De Gaulle airport I was met by a limo driver and whisked off to my hotel...
after I checked in I unpacked and stored my extra credit cards and euros in the safe.
I ventured out and explored the area around my hotel.
The Sorbonne and The Luxembourg Gardens were nearby...the streets were crowded with people and the shops and cafes were bustling...
Fresh air, the Parisians strolling along the boulevards.

I was in Paris and felt so alive and energetic!
I walked for hours...and while I walked I kept thinking...this is really happening!

The Monoprix was located a short 3 minute walk from my hotel so I popped in and purchased cheese, a small baguette, fresh strawberries and a bottle of wine. Dinner was easy fresh and tasty...
I opened the windows wide so I could hear the sounds from the street below.

I took a refreshing shower and put on my nightgown ~ inviting sleep...
as difficult as it was to close my eyes on Paris ~ I did.

Awakened after about 6 hours of slumber around 6am by the street sweeper...
and just in case you were curious, it was a man with a broom!

The days become a bit of a blur...I packed so many things into each day.
(I kept a travel journal)
I met up with friends before the official start of the Ooh La La Tour.
Friends were renting an apartment about 5 minutes from my hotel in the 6th.
(they are seasoned travellers and visit every year in springtime for 2 months)

They took me "under their wing" and showed me the sights...we walked for many hours every day.
I took in all the sights and sounds...the city is truly enchanting...but that is a serious understatement.
You have to find out for yourself.

With so many museums, galleries, shops, cafes, and parks one has an opportunity to see and experience new things every day...and I never felt overwhelmed and absorbed as much culture and ambiance as one could in 2 weeks.

Jamie Cat Callan, author and our tour leader asked us to write a letter to ourselves about how Paris has affected us and she collected them and she sent them to us this Christmas.
I recently received my letter in the mail...

I wept when I read my letter.
It was written with such passion about what I was seeing, living and how I was feeling.

I felt incredibly fortunate to be able to take this trip.
It was a "big deal."
I had never been apart from my husband for more than 4 days.
Here I was taking off to France for 3 weeks and it was expensive.

After Paris I took the TGV and travelled to the south of France where I spent an idyllic week in the one of the most beautiful villages where friends were living.
They showed me the sights and drove me to other quaint villages.
I wandered about the village daily exploring and taking pictures.
I will remember...
The busy weekly market day, the cafes, the shops, the food, and the friendly people.
It was wonderful to experience the daily routines of life in the country.
The pace is slower and the scenery is exquisite.
It was difficult saying goodbye when it was time to leave...

Travelling to France was a gift to myself.
On the occasion of my 60th birthday...
a trip that I had dreamt about for as long as I can remember had become a reality.
It was selfish in many ways but looking back it has satisfied me and quieted a yearning.
I am content.
If I never travel far again it matters little...
having had this time in Paris.

Following my dream was worth it...
I have great memories
wonderful pictures and I met lovely women on the tour.
We are connected by our mutual experiences and I think of them often.

Roses in Paris on Rue Racine

Thank you for stopping by...
Hope your week is off to a great start.

Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year Regimes...Skincare and Weight Loss a post that is packed to the brim!

Are you loyal to one line of skincare products?
Many women I know use the same brand and never deviate from what works for them.

My favourite aesthetician left the Spa that I have been going to for years and I followed her to her new location downtown at Sapphire Day Spa.

I treated myself to a facial before Christmas and spent a heavenly 90 minutes in her talented hands.
Like a butterfly flitting about searching for the new and improved... I purchased a "starter set" of the products that she recommended for my skin type from the Eminence line from Hungary.

Monoi Age Corrective Exfoliating Cleanser
Bamboo Firming Fluid
Neroli Age Corrective Eye Serum
Coconut Age Corrective Moisturizer
Bamboo Age Corrective Masque

Once a week I use these products:

Step 1 ~ Arctic Berry Exfoliant
Step 2 ~ Arctic Berry Advanced Peel 
Step 3 ~ Arctic Berry Peptide Radiance Cream

My skin feels so soft after the once a week treatment and it is gentle on my skin.

Good skin care is so important. 
The face reflects good skincare habits, nutritious food and healthy lifestyle choices.

After I cleanse and moisturize I wait a few minutes for the products to sink in.
I use the following products with a very "light hand."

a dusting of La Bella Donna mineral powder ~ Crema
                                      Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzing Powder ~ Antigua
Pur eye shadow ~ Lavender Mourite
Maybelline Brow Drama ~ Deep Brown
Jane Iredale Mascara ~ Black Ice
Chanel Rouge Coco ~ Orchidee

For evening I will add a very thin eye liner in dark brown and use a darker lipstick.
(the shade that I purchased in Paris) 
Maybelline ~ Pleasure Me Red

How are you feeling after the Festive Season?
Did you eat a wee bit too many sugary sweets or rich foods?
I know I did!

My jeans are a bit too snug.
I am not going to beat myself up for being human.
I just need to get back on track...
count my Weight Watcher Points and increase the pace and length of my walks.
In a few weeks the scale will reflect my dedication and my clothes will feel much more comfortable.

Here is how I will be eating.
If you care to join me we can support each other.

Breakfast ~  yogurt and fruit or Rogers Ancient Grains Oats with fruit.

Lunch is simple...salad with protein.
Often an egg or a bit of feta cheese crumbled over greens.

The protein helps keep hunger pangs away.

Snacks consist of fresh fruit or sliced
carrots and celery with 2 tablespoons of hummus.

Coffee with foamed skim milk is a treat.
I drink lots of water throughout the is great for the skin and helps keep me feeling full.

Tea is my afternoon ritual.
A luxury that I indulge in when I sit for a bit and read in a cozy chair.

Dinnertime I make a protein and salad or fresh veggies.
Often skipping a starch like potatoes or rice and I try to avoid pasta.
Potatoes and pasta are my weakness!

So out of sight out of mind works best 
in this initial stage of getting back on track.

Keep moving...
walk, swim, dance, clean the house.

To keep you motivated and not deprived...
Reward yourself with non food items.

New lingerie perhaps?

A new book...

a scented candle

or rearrange your home decor
do whatever inspires you.

I like to walk and look for the beauty along the way.

Thank you for stopping by today.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Adding a wee bit of polish to my days...

The New Year is here and with it comes the opportunity to make some changes.
What changes might those be?
For starters,
getting back on the Weight Watchers Point Program with continued walks is my top priority.
Over the holidays too many sweets and treats have been savoured and despite the walks I am up a few is not the end of the world but I do not want to let it get out of control.
I feel better when my clothes have a little bit of "breathing room!"

But I digress...
this post was titled adding a bit of polish.

 My hands and nails have never been given much thought...
I am a no nonsense kind of gal...and have thought of my hands as tools in the domestic arena.

As a result of neglect and my haphazard way of wearing gloves when I wash dishes and clean house
I have had to invest heavily in hand creams and slather them on throughout the day.
(L'Occitane Shea Butter... and I buy the small size to keep in my handbag and the car)

I have been inspired to make a wee change...
at least for now
while the New Year is fresh and new.
(will see how long it lasts!)

For now I am enjoying taking extra care of my hands and my nails.
My gloves are handy right beside the sink
as a reminder to put them on when I am immersed in domestics, which I am on a daily basis.

Purple Playtex Living Gloves
endorsed by This Hostess.

Workhorses in The Humble Bungalow

Base coat, polish and a top coat are applied so that they last longer and resist chipping.
This OPI shade is called Chocolate Moose...
I love how they choose creative names for their polish.
 I think this is a neutral versatile colour.

Looking for some pretty pink shades in the OPI,  Essie or Butter lines to add to my collection.

Perhaps something soft...and light, maybe in a blush pink.

or a deeper fuchsia like this Camellia.

Blues and greens and blacks are popular 
I am not sure that they are suitable for my 60 year old hands...
 though they are fine on my toes in the summer months.

Speaking of trying new things...
Cheryl, my friend from France, taught me how to make duck confit.
We browned the duck legs in a hot Le Creuset pan and then heated them in the oven.
We de-glazed the pan with a bit of Sancerre and added about a half cup of marmalade and let it simmer and reduced it until it was thick.

The wee potatoes were roasted in a bit of the duck fat in a hot oven until they were golden and softened.
The green beans were steamed until they were almost tender...
(I like a bit of resistance when I bite into a green bean)

~ Dessert ~
tasty lemon tarts from the bakery.

You can see why I am up a few pounds as we enjoyed many rich meals 
while our house guests were here in The Humble Bungalow.
So it is salad daze and healthy eating for the foreseeable future.

If you are looking for some inspiration and a fresh way of starting your New Year

Chat soon
until next time...
~ Be Kind and Take Care ~