Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Observations ~ are old fashioned traditions and the homemade on their way out?

Did you receive many Christmas cards this year? We did not get as many as we have in the past.
I sent cards to those on our list as I have done for as long as I can remember...I think it was our first year as a married couple way back in 1974.
Do you think sending cards and writing letters is falling out of fashion?
I like getting newsy letters at Christmas...well anytime is nice but people these days are far too busy to sit down and put pen to paper.
These days I look upon letters and cards as a luxury.

I have not penned a long letter in ages but filled our cards with snippets of our highlights over the past year.
Joys of grand babies, family events, the cats and their antics, the new boat, and my retirement to name a few.

Blogging has replaced my tendency to write letters or keep a journal.

It's interesting how many changes have come about with the technology that we have available today.
I know that I am rambling on...
this is a rather disjointed post!

I took this picture before the paper whites bloomed.
Chester did his best to hide the bulbs about the bungalow but I stumbled onto his hiding place and saved them.
(under the guest bed)
(where I might add I also found a pea pod and a string bean!)

One of my dearest friends found out on Christmas morning that she is going to be a grandmother!

I love to have a knitting project on the go so I have started a baby blanket.
It is the Big Blocks pattern from Churchmouse Yarns.

Cotton Bernats Crafters Yarn
the ecru shade should go with any nursery decor.

The pattern has a garter stitch border and alternating blocks of knit and purl squares.
Easy to do if you put markers in between the boxes which alert you to the stitch change.
My friend Claire at the wool shop shared this tip with me after I had to rip out a few rows on the first blanket I made for Isla over 4 years ago now.

Look at the big ball of yarn!
I love using these as they are one continuous strand so there is no need for a join in the project...
unless one of the cats chews though the yarn, which has happened, but thankfully not on this project so far.

I get a lot of satisfaction out of making things myself.
It is not just the process of making it.
 It is also the knowledge that time and effort went into making something useful.
 With any luck it will be appreciated and become a keepsake.

I made split pea and ham soup and while it simmers on the stove I am going to sit and knit.
I think of soup made with leftovers as a "free" meal.
In the spirit of thrift I embrace soup making.
It uses up what might be wasted.
"Waste Not Want Not"

My grandmother made pots and pots of soups and stews in her days.
The butcher knew that they were struggling to make ends meet and he set aside bones for her and when she went in to buy a joint of meat he would wrap up a few of the bones and put them in her bag for free.
My grandmother always had a fresh loaf of bread on the counter to help sop up all the tasty goodness in the bottom of the bowl.
Did I mention that my grandfather always picked up wayward strangers who were down on their luck and brought them home for dinner?
My grandmother never knew how many would be sitting down to eat at her farm sized kitchen table!
Homemade soup is a hearty and inexpensive way to keep people fed and warm.
Hence the many soup kitchens in church basements and local shelters.
Enjoy a bowl of goodness.

A silicone chick perched on the rim of the pot holds the wooden spoon.
Friends gave this to us last year for Christmas.
I use it a lot.

~ Split pea and Ham soup ~

Soak 2 cups of split peas in water for an hour.

Boil a ham bone with cubes of leftover ham in 6 cups of water.
Add several diced onions, a couple of carrots chopped and a sprig of fresh thyme.
Add pepper to taste.
(I don't add salt as there seems to be enough in the ham)
Simmer for an hour.
Add the split peas and water, Simmer until the peas are mushy and soft!
Ladle into soup bowls and enjoy.

Share some soupy goodness with your family and friends and see if they like it!


Monday, January 6, 2014

While the master is away the cats will play....

The cats get a new toy on Christmas morning.
I usually find them some catnip mice or a feather wand but this year I splurged on a bigger gift.
It was so worth it because they have been amused by this new toy.
It can be folded up into a small hoop for easy storage and makes a crinkling sound when they crawl inside.

It's a Kong cat tunnel.
The ribbon is a hit too!

There is a hole in the side and when it is stood on end the cats can climb into it.

Dangling the ribbon at the end of the tunnel waiting for them to pounce.

Chester is the lion king, at least that's how he looks when he's caught his "prey."

Pepper is not as easily amused...
she is the older and more sedate of the two cats.

Have you heard the expression that dogs have owners and cats have staff?

Pepper does love her beauty rest.

Makes me want to climb into bed and hunker down under the duvet...
while the master is away and I have a new book to read.
It's freezing outside this morning, although we are not in the deep freeze that some of the provinces are experiencing and for that I am extremely grateful.
I am making a pot of split pea soup for supper so dinner is well in hand.
Do I really NEED an excuse?

I think I need a nudge...
Maybe if I just read the first chapter.

What are you reading?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

OOTD ~ Booties!

My OOTD is one you've seen many times but this time there is something new.

Banana Republic Breton striped top
Hermes scarf
both of these you have seen many times.

The smaller Hermes silk square is a very versatile choice especially in a basic palette of black and white.
These scarves are slightly less expensive than the larger silk squares.

The sterling bangles are getting some wear today.

I've lusted after short booties for many months and being on my frugal kick I have avoided temptation...
that is, until Mother gave me some Christmas money and then I knew what I was going to look for at the shops.

Timberland boots
black leather with suede insets.
Super comfy and these can be worn on my long walks to town.

I rolled up the cuffs on my skinny jeans.

I've worn these several times and the heel height is perfect for comfort on long treks.

I gained some weight over the holidays and fell off track for a few days when tempted to dine on delicious food and sip more cocktails and wine. 

Curried chicken and vegetables  in (lite) coconut milk sauce with rice and cilantro.
We had some fig and date chutney which paired so well with this dish.
Cheryl and I made this dish by using Vij's curry spice blend which was a gift and we used a large assortment of vegetables that we had on hand and added some skinless chicken thighs.

This was a little bit of heaven...
and when our guests were here we walked everyday.
Most days it was a 5K walk but once we did the 9K route.

I am stepping up my walks and whittling down my points to get back on track for my weigh in next week.
Fingers crossed I won't be too embarrassed stepping on the scale.

How is your weekend shaping up?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

OOTD ~ New Years Eve 2014

Our New Years Eve was spent at the gorgeous home of my BFF and her husband.
Friends from Vancouver came over to our Humble Bungalow to stay and help with the celebrations.

At Tigara, Christmas trees are full and fill the grand living room and touch the ceiling.
They are lavishly decorated with vintage baubles and many lights.

The first course consisted of delights from Hilary's Cheese shop on Fort Street.
Olives, antipasto, crackers, cheeses, stuffed peppers and salami.
We grazed leisurely over these while sipping a couple of cocktails.

This year Mr. HB made us Brambles.
Cheryl had enjoyed one of these at Heath Row Airport Lounge while waiting for her flight to Paris.
They are so very refreshing.
Gin, simple syrup, lemon, and Chambord served over crushed ice then garnished with blackberries.

The dining table set with care.

I love the art nouveau sterling vases.
The Roycroft china is perfect for this arts and crafts home.

On the menu...
fresh Dungeness crab
Caesar salad

Nigella's olive oil chocolate torte with raspberries.
Served with coconut bliss ice cream.

We drank wine with dinner and by the time we had dessert we were sated.

We still have the champagne!

Lace retro inspired top
black skirt
fishnet tights
Calvin Klein pumps

JCrew necklace Xmas two years ago,
a gift from my son and DIL.

New Years always feels more festive with some sparkle.

When we came home we drank lots of Perrier before going to bed.
The men were up early and the women slept in late!
 Fortified by freshly brewed coffee and tea we slowly welcomed the new year.
After a brunch of sausages, farm fresh eggs and a large fruit salad we watched the snowy outdoor hockey game from Detroit on the TV.

A 9K walk and a chicken curry were in the works for later.
WW weigh in will be postponed this week due to house guests, rich food and drinks!

Have you made any resolutions for 2014?

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

As 2013 closes and I reflect on the days, months and events over the course of the year...
inspired by wonderful friends both near and far,
a loving husband, family and precious grand babies.
A cozy home, food in the fridge, and the bounty and beauty of nature.

It is gratitude that keeps me on an even keel.
I find immense comfort living a simple life, finding joy in the small everyday routines.

Perhaps a small celebration is in order...a toast for the things yet unknown.
The good, the not so good and those things that we cannot change and must accept.

I wish you all the best for 2014.
