Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Cat in the Hat!

I've got a new hat (I'll show you later in this post)
which I wore when we went to see the Christmas lights at Butchart Gardens.
If you have never been to the Gardens it is a must see if you ever get to visit our fair city.

Butchart Gardens Christmas display December 2012
(picture courtesy of lovely daughter using her "fancy pants" camera)

(lovely daughter's image)
~ ~ ~
the rest of the pictures are mine
~ ~ ~
the lights are spectacular
there is also a carousel
an ice skating rink

thousands of lights are wound around the trees
I particularly like the white ones

they look so crisp silhouetted against the dark night sky

The Twelve Days of Christmas are on display
here are the "Three French Hens"
you can see the Eiffel Tower in the back!

The Gardens have been open since the 1920's
please visit at any time of year you won't be disappointed 
there is a fabulous restaurant
The Blue Poppy
which has amazing high teas and delicious dinners.

It was a chilly weeknight evening 
but there was not a breath of wind and there was no rain so it was a perfect time to wander about
I wore my Lands End down coat, leather boots, leggings and my black Lands End cashmere sweater
I wore wool gloves and a new hat.

The hat has a feline flair...
it's an animal print
snow leopard perhaps?
soft wool and angora
cozy and warm
can you say MEOW?

The Cat is in The Hat!

Wearing my new hat 
with my 
wear them everyday 
diamond studs.

I embrace our festive Christmas traditions 
and am always on the look out for more meaningful ways to mark the holidays
with family and friends.

What are your Christmas or Holiday traditions?
Have they been passed on for generations or did they become tradition in recent years?

What is the silliest tradition that you have?

~ ~ ~
Hope that you are keeping your cool this season
there are tempers flaring at every turn 
as evidenced by erratic drivers
cranky pushy people in line up
rude comments made by the stressed and impatient shoppers.

Let's try and be calm and collected shall we?
There is nothing attractive when losing one's manners in public!

If you need to vent...
try singing Christmas carols in the shower at the top of your lungs!

~ ~ ~


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Standing in line...

I've found myself standing in line quite a bit lately.
It's a busy time of year at the post office, bakery and the small shops.

In the line up at the bakery an elderly gent was dressed so fine that I did a double take.
He had a grey wool coat which must have been cashmere and a jaunty plaid scarf red, black and white on a grey background. His black shoes were shined and smart. He had snow white hair and a sparkle in his eye.
He was very animated and chatted with the clerks as he bought a loaf of bread and some scones.

The woman behind him was overdressed in my opinion...she looked like she was trying too hard to impress.
She obviously had money as she was wearing designer duds head to toe.
Coach bag and shoes and a Burberry coat and scarf. She was in a hurry and was rather inpatient with the clerk which made others in line up roll their eyes. She bought quite a few pastries and sticky buns. When she turned around I could see how pretty she was...soft features and on her lips she wore a deep shade of crimson but she had an air of sadness about her, perhaps she was grieving.

The woman directly in front of me had 3 kids in tow, all in private school uniforms, jumping up and down like Jack rabbits. She was buying them after school treats. I thought she looked amazing...simple denim jeans, a red cardigan, her hair pulled back into a pony tail, huge pearl studs a simple wallet and her car keys. She looked too young to have children of this age.
(I wonder how she tends to her complexion, whatever she does it's working.)

I was next in line and having rather an "off day" I was tired and had not taken much care with my choice of clothes as I ran out the door before the bakery closed. I had on LuLu black capri length Yoga pants, a pair of teal Ben Simons, and my black puffy down coat, a grey scarf and my hair was a mass of tangles from the wind.
I'd even forgotten to put on lipstick...

Thinking to myself as I studied the customers while I waited ~
I wondered what ~ or if people even looked at me...
and if they did what would they be thinking!

I should have done what Mother would have...
which would be 
dress your best even if you are going down in the elevator to the lobby to pick up the post!

I am so glad I didn't let Mother see me that day!

~ ~ ~

Take care

Do you strike up a conversation with strangers while waiting in line
or are you an observer?

~ ~ ~

My heart is heavy after hearing about the massacre at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut.
It is all just too horrible to imagine...
question on my lips is why?
I'll never understand it.

Friday, December 14, 2012


It's the festive season
a time to get dressed up and I'm opting for some major bling.
Pushing the fashion envelope just a wee bit in the spirit of FUN!
Glittering, sparkling and twinkling all the way...

silver shimmer


the marriage of heather grey and silver
a pleasant palette
with a  twist

a top 
from the 

if this doesn't say BLING I don't know what does...

and that's not all...
lovely DIL and I both bought some chandelier earrings from Club Monaco
(we were shopping together at the Mall for gifts last weekend)

Hostess style faux fun
they will reflect the light when the candles are glowing

icy crystals

~ ~ ~

I'm thinking of wearing these at Christmas and on New Years Eve.

In case you were thinking that's a major overdose of bling and have your hand poised to call The Fashion Police 
rest assured I would not do double duty
by wearing the top and the earrings at the same time.

What are you planning to wear for the holidays?
Have you got something in your closet or do you need to pick up a little something?

Will you be choosing classic or conservative
Bohemian or Chic?

I'm all ears
(and they are dressed up for the holidays!)


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Signs of the Season

Decorating The Humble Bungalow...
is rather simple.

We never have gone overboard and I often wonder why.
I suppose keeping things simple and stress free is what's behind our minimalist philosophy.
I love seeing beautifully decorated homes at Christmas and often go on the annual Art Gallery fundraiser which showcases homes dressed to the nines.

We will have a live tree in the "Charlie Brown Style" and decorate it with vintage ornaments that we have collected over the past 40 years but that happens very close to Christmas Eve.

We tend to opt for natural flourishes rather than the artificial.

I will be purchasing some red twigs with red berries or rose hips to add to the greenery...
maybe some variegated holly but I haven't found an abundance of it in my travels yet.
My BFF told me of a new shop that has opened up and I am planning to pay them a visit this weekend.

Cones collected from the heritage trees in the cemetery after a gale force storm.


Arts and Crafts Weller jardinere

The traditional wreath
hanging on the newly crafted door which is in the same style as the 100 year old one which delaminated.
As we are a designated heritage home we need to maintain in the original style all the exterior details.
I have used a plastic suction cup on the glass to hang it from as Mr. HB did not want to put any holes in the wood.

Chester broke off a stem from the poinsettia (!)
so I added it with some dusty miller and made a bathroom posy.

They don't look too naughty right now...
when we have the tree decorating I am sure that they will be up to their usual tricks!

Hope that your week is off to a great start.

Be Well, Be Kind and Be Lovely!


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Partners in grime

                                               You asked to see more of the glove...

it's back

some are more easily amused than others...

~ ~ ~

                                              I'd like to introduce you to The Scrub

It's a superb workhorse here in The Humble Bungalow

Bon Ami is an American made product
it translates from French and means "Good Friend"
first made in 1886
and it is a "green product"
which makes me feel good using it
plus there has never been a better friend in the Bungalow Kitchen
it's especially great at keeping the porcelain country farmhouse sink looking
 spic and span.

Tea stains and scratches are common enemies of the sink
Bon ami removes then in an instant with very little effort.

It's a good friend in the bathroom too!

~ I copied the following information right off the website ~
But kitchens and bathrooms have changed, and need an updated cleaner. Bon Ami Powder Cleanser is the answer. This formula starts with vegan, plant-based cleaning agents made from coconut and corn oils, then adds feldspar and the even softer abrasive, limestone. We add a little bit of soda ash and a touch of baking soda. The result is a natural, effective cleaner for modern surfaces.

Bon Ami Powder Cleanser is our most popular, general use powder.  It sports an updated yellow label, and can be found in most grocery stores, as well as online at and

~ ~ ~

It costs a bit more than a chemical laden version cleaner
but it makes cleaning safer and greener for all of us who share the planet.

~ ~ ~

The arsenal of tools that sit by the sink at the ready.

Don't thank me for this tip
thank the glove.

Hard working domestic help is hard to find!

I'm hanging up my gloves for the weekend
as all here is chaos 
with our renovation in the last stages of readiness
there is very little that I can do but get dressed and head to the mall and do some Christmas shopping
and I'll leave the Humble Bungalow in the hands (paws) of the experts!

Be Well, Be Kind and Be Lovely!