Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Cleaning obsession...

Oh my goodness...I am becoming a clean freak!

I gave these cloths to several of my friends in gift packs
and since hearing their raves reviews I purchased one for myself.
I am a wee bit obsessed and so impressed with this cloth that I have to share it...

BTW, in case you were wondering...
I am not affiliated with the company, nor am I receiving any remuneration from them.
The opinions here are all mine.

Made by a Canadian Company

This simple cloth is a game changer here in my kitchen.
I love how it works on the stainless steel appliances 
I don't know about you but our stainless appliances show every finger print
and this cloth works on windows...
I was total rubbish at window cleaning but now I am successful thanks to this cloth.
(Weird to be so excited about something so simple but it works so well.)

January is a month for purging...
I clean out drawers, closets, the fridge and pantry cupboards.
Make note of the "best before" and expiry dates on foods and medicines.
Toss out old condiments in the fridge and wipe the shelves.

I go through things in my closet 
recycle anything that may be pilled or looking shabby.
Make note of what I need to replace and lingerie is one thing I usually replace in January and lots are on sale.

Looking forward to seeing our hellebores bloom

Santa brought this magazine....
love looking at the beautiful pictures and reading the articles
dreaming and planning 
for the garden.

Gardeners love to peruse books for ideas and inspiration in the winter months.

I need to buy some cheerful forced Spring bulbs for the Humble Bungalow.
A colourful treat perks up our home on these grey days and lifts my spirits.

Hope your week is ticking along nicely.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, May 30, 2016

Well Being...

Do you ever feel frazzled?

After last week with chaos of the plumbing problems
I was edgy and feeling overwhelmed.
So I decided to take some "down time" on the weekend for my well being.

Time to slow down,
to stop multi tasking,
take a day or two and have a change of pace and a rest from the regular routine.

Instead of hopping in the shower,  getting dressed and putting on my make up first thing in the morning I sat quietly with my coffee creme
and lazed about wearing my PJ's and robe.

~ Be Well ~

Time to sleep in and indulge in a little downtime
it feels so luxurious...
Giving oneself the permission to take a day off of the domestics is so simple and restorative, yet it is not in my nature, and it could and should be!

My daily walks offer time for peace, quiet and reflection.
Fresh air and exercise are free.

I opt to walk on a scenic route that provides opportunities for me to capture beauty on my IPhone and then I share them on Instagram and here on the blog.
For that I am grateful...

Re-energizing strategies...

"Stop and smell the roses"
 pick a bouquet and arrange them in a vase and enjoy them indoors.

Mariage Freres Paris Tea, 
in a pretty china cup
is the classic elixir that soothes...

an inspiring book that fuels the desire to feather one's surroundings.
Using simple pieces, editing, rearranging collections for a fresh new look.

Finding things in Nature...
using them in the home
pure white feathers
pine and fir cones
beach stones
fern fronds

I'm embarking on a new project
"fluffing" and "feathering" my hobby room.

I took down my easel and put away my paints as I have not been using them and they take up so much space that I was not taking advantage of the space.

I am collecting a few bits and bobs that I love...
objects that bring me Joy
items that exude
a sense of calm and serenity.

It is a slow process and one not to force or rush.
Listening and looking...
experiencing the feelings a piece can evoke.

This never happens when I am busy or in a hurry.
Slowing down seems to help engage the creative side of my brain.

David Austin's Ballerina rose 
 soft shades of pink and cream 
looks like it could be featured in an issue of Victoria magazine.

I used to buy every issue of Victoria magazine...
Very few magazines have been purchased since I retired...
with the exception of Town and Country and Country Living UK
When I worked in the school I bought oodles of mags and would pour over them while savouring a chocolate bar and sipping tea.
Magazines were an escape from the stresses of work and trying to "do it all."
Home keeping, domestics, parenting, gardening, cooking, shopping etc...

Since retiring I have a looser schedule with fewer demands...
so it should be easy to take a day off here and there,
perhaps by setting unreasonable standards 
expecting a lot from myself and others is setting me up for failure.
Is striving for perfection the root of the problem?

See what happens when one has a few days to reflect on things!

I binge watched the newest season of Grace and Frankie On Netflix.
Love that series...

Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin
Sam Waterston and Martin Sheen
and a crazy story line come together to make for a very entertaining show.

I had not considered TV viewing as down time 
but if it makes me laugh and I love the characters
and it feels like an indulgence
I consider it 
 "mental snack food!" 

This blog often masquerades as an online journal...
but by now you've probably already figured that out! 

Hope that your week is off to a great start...
thank you for stopping by the Humble Bungalow.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~