Showing posts with label champagne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label champagne. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday evening visit, laundry, dinner and daughter...rituals I savour.

 Monday evenings are very special here in the Humble Bungalow.
Lovely daughter comes for dinner, and she brings along her laundry.
We watch our "guilty pleasure" The Batchelor and sip bubbly.

Last evening, Mr. HB supplied a lovely champagne and the taste was soft and smooth. We sip from crystal flutes, our wedding crystal, Flamenco by Zweisel...not made anymore. Did I mention that we are in our 36th year of marriage?

We ate caesar salad, and spicy Italian chicken sausage in tomato sauce over pasta. Lovely daughter made the pasta and sauce. She is a very good cook!

Caesar salad is one of my favorite salads to make and eat. I never tire of it, and fortunately for me, my family love it as well!

Bungalow Caesar Salad

Fresh washed and torn romaine heads 2-3 depending on size of lettuce in a large bowl. 
1 cup of Croutons
 I make my own croutons by slicing thick pieces of a baguette and sauteeing in butter and a fresh minced clove of garlic. Cook only until golden, let cool.
Whisk together with Braun style hand mixer in tall splatter proof jar or container:
1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp of Dijon mustard, 1-2 chopped anchovies, 1-2 drops of Tabasco, 2 tbsp. wine vinegar, salt, pepper.
When blended add in a steady stream 1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil blend until creamy and pour onto lettuce, toss and add 1/2 c. freshly grated parmesan cheese.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Red shoe diary...there's no place like home...

Salad anyone?.....or rather, Harumi Ota meet Mee Too...I feel like clicking my heels together...there's no place like home...there's no place like home, Judy Garland at her freshest.
I love orchids and I have some young paphiopedilum orchids... aka Lady Slippers, in the background.
(I only grow orchids that are able to survive in my kitchen environment)

Mee Too...Tyler Red Patent Leather shoes with Kitten Heels!
Not even looking...they popped up into my radar...on sale, comfy, and will be wearing them with dark denim jeans, crisp white shirt, masses of pearls, circulating books at school.

A cause for a celebration and some bubbly...I have been looking to replace my worn out BCBG red flats for quite sometime now...Mr. L said to daughter "Your Mom really likes red shoes!"
I do!  I do! I do!

Who doesn't?