Showing posts with label beach glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beach glass. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Greetings from Quarter Deck Cottage!

We spent a few idyllic days here at the cottage.
 The temperature was cold, hovering around 5 degrees in the daytime,
 in the minuses at night.
Thankfully the sun has shone brightly every day!

We bundled up and took advantage of the sunny afternoons.

Someone had a birthday...

We had a tipple and a nibble on the day to celebrate the event.

We drove to Gowland Point and walked along the beach in a blustery wind.

The waves were SO BIG you could have surfed on them!

These icy branches looked so pretty juxtaposed with the red rosehips.
There is still snow on the ground where the sun has not melted it.
It is quite pretty but I have to admit that I am ready for warmer weather and Spring flowers!

We always visit the flower shop and buy a bouquet when we arrive at the cottage.
I choose yellow flowers to add a punch of colour in the winter months.

I made a batch of Lidia Bastianich's meatballs...
we serve them over noodles.
Very comforting on a cold evening.

We've read a lot and walked along the beaches in search of sea glass...
a bounty of sea glass was collected on someone's birthday!

a rare piece of cobalt blue glass

a heart shaped rock was also found on the beach.

Pretty soon we will need to find another vintage sealer jar 
for the collection is growing quite quickly.

A delightful memoir...
a lovely story of a woman of a certain age who meets an Italian man
and moves to Venice to get married.
 I am thrilled to hear that there is a sequel.

A Thousand Days in Tuscany.

Marlena and her husband live in a village quite close to the Tuscan village that  our week long Italian cooking school and vacation is situated...

Lots of plans are underway for the various stages of our holiday to Italy and Provence then the Midi Pyrenees and to top it off a couple of days in Paris.

So much fun searching online and dreaming about the trip.
It will be here before we know it!

Hope that your week is off to a great start...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Colourful, a book and a recipe for a comforting meal.

The rain and fog have set in and there is a definite chill in the air...
a perfect time to cozy up in a chair and read a wonderful book.

Frances Mayes latest novel "Women in Sunlight" is set in Tuscany
it revolves around a group of women who are renting a Villa 
 exploring new possibilities...

I am enjoying the descriptions of the food, wines and the countryside
if you liked Frances Mayes previous books this one will not disappoint!

The dahlias are providing us with some bright colour on this misty morning.

When the weather changes and the skies turn to grey 
I opt for pops of colour to infuse energy and positivity.

I do not grow dahlias in our garden.

The road side stands and local farmers markets 
are a great place to find these colourful gems...
many varieties all so different and some the size of a dinner plate!

We went beach combing on Pender Island last weekend 
look what we found!

A HUGE amount of beach glass
a few pieces of porcelain

The aqua vintage Mason jar on the left
was empty
for a few pieces and now its almost half full!

We invited dear friends to share the cottage with us this past weekend...
we had oodles of fun 
both my husband and I remarked that we had not laughed so much in a very long time.

"A good laugh heals a lot of hurts."
~ Madeleine L’Engle ~

Last night I roasted a chicken in the oven
it was so tasty that I want to share the recipe...

Roast chicken

 Wash a roasting chicken inside and out then dry with paper towel.
Cut a whole lemon in half and stick inside the cavity add a few cloves of garlic
lightly baste the outside of the chicken with olive oil
sprinkle with a generous amount of fresh pepper
then lay a few sprigs of fresh rosemary on top

Roast in a moderate oven (325) for about and hour and a half.

Make a simple gravy with the drippings 
whisk in some flour and stock.

I served our chicken with roasty potatoes and fresh green beans.

It was a wonderfully comforting meal...
I am planning on making some soup with the leftovers.

Hope that your week is off to a great start.

Thank you for popping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~ 

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Pender Island Snippets...

We have been relaxing here at Quarter Deck Cottage and our days are moving very slow...
We have a simple routine, slow walking, swimming in the pools, beach combing reading and we try to eat healthy meals.

We spend a lot of our day and early evenings on the deck 
 the weather has been marvelous
even HOT!

I posted a picture of these pretty periwinkle blue flowers on my Instagram page
and a reader mentioned that they were called wild chicory.

They grow tall and line the roadsides here on Pender Island.
So delicate and I love the colour...
they remind me of the South of France 
where the doors and shutters are painted a similar shade of blue-y mauve.

Queen Anne's Lace grows wild
 it is frequently growing right next to the wild chicory.

Another plant that thrives here is Yarrow.
I love the mustard shade and the bees like it too.

This bush is found dotting the landscape...
I must find out its name...
if you know its name please leave me a comment.

I have been enjoying fresh fruit and yogurt for breakfast.
It is so quick to prepare and the juicy nectarines are full of flavour.

Dahlias and fresh strawberries from the Farmers Market

I read both of these books and I highly recommend The Lost Vintage...
if you enjoyed The Nightingale I think you will love Ann Mah's book.

The Three Things about Elsie is about the elderly...
  it delves into dementia but it is actually a fun read.
The characters are interesting 
plus a mystery is woven into the text with an unexpected outcome.

I really liked Joanna Cannon's first novel The Trouble With Goats and Sheep 
which I also recommend.

I have started reading Kristin Hannah's Home Front...
will share more on that when I have finished it.

We discovered a sandy beach at the bottom of a steep trail...
I found more sea glass here than on any other beach so far!
I love the aqua glass chunks as they are not as common as the brown and whites.

I am test driving a new nail polish...
this one claims to be chip free and I am tough on my nails as I garden so much and my hands are rarely idle.

I indulged in a wee bit of pampering yesterday afternoon.
A lovely pedicure by a delightful young woman who lives on the island and runs a small business.
 The shade that I chose is a vibrant pinky OPI polish called California Raspberry.

It's a breezy day here...
the laundry is whizzing around in the machine.
I've tidied up, watered the outdoor garden by hand and am about to put my nose back in my book.

Hope that you are enjoying some restorative lazy days of summer.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, May 28, 2018

Book Quarterdeck Cottage

I devoured the book Bella Figura written by Kamin Mohammadi
It "spoke to me" on many levels and the author included Italian recipes at the end of each chapter...I am going to keep it and put it on my cookbook shelf!

I was so inspired by her descriptions of the food 
that I made the pasta dish for dinner at the cottage.

Kamin describes the Italian city of Florence and the hills and villages of Tuscany so exquisitely that I felt that I was right there with her...

I am not going to give away any of her "secrets" but I did take away some very important tips that I will be incorporating into my daily regime.

I highly recommend this book...

Look at these fresh heirloom tomatoes!
Seriously flavourful and an easy salad to prepare...
you could dress it with a smidgen of good quality olive oil or do as I did.
I used Julia Childs' basic vinaigrette that I mix in a Bonne Maman Jam jar.

'Tis the season for Farmer's Markets and fresh produce...
I love the variety and availability of these roadside stands
 my basket is stuffed full to the brim
with healthy tasty veggies.

The bounty of beach combing is the expanding collection of sea glass.
Fresh air and exercise are benefits of this hobby.

Clam Shells with barnacles dot the local beaches.

The twinkling light bouncing off the Salish Sea
 a million diamonds dazzling....
the melodic waves are licking the shore
the seabirds are swooping
the cacophony of songbirds is music to my ears

contentment found in the beauty of nature

to slow down
to notice
to be silent and observe

these are times that I treasure
for they present me with
 for reflection and gratitude

Do you find solace in the beauty that surrounds you?
Are you able to be still, sit quietly and absorb the gifts of Mother Nature?

We had a busy weekend here in The Humble Bungalow Garden...
there is a bounty of flowers
a riot of roses blooming 
the wee hummingbird babies can be seen in the nest...
two very tiny beaks pointing skyward waiting for food from their parents.

Hope you have a lovely week.

Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog...

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Fluffing the nest...and a Spring de-cluttering project

Looking like a barbarian/warrior slightly disheveled...

Can you tell that I am growing out my hair?
It is a slow process but now that my frozen shoulder is in the thaw stage 
I can get back to using the blow dryer.

Casual Beach combing OOTD
(last month)

Gowland Point on Pender Island 
Saint James raincoat
Calvin Klein puffy down vest 
(under coat, not visible but needed to fend off the cold)
long sleeved Esprit Tee
Tribal jeans
colourful scarf ~ no name brand from the local pharmacy
Merrell walking shoes
Coach handbag

Hunting for Beach glass is a favourite pass time of mine.

Speaking of glass...
I emptied out the cupboard in the Humble Bungalow dining room and wiped down all the shelves and packed up many of the pieces of crystal 
(which were purchased at $1.49 day at Woodward's back in the early 1970's)
popped them in the dishwasher for a quick clean up 
before wrapping them up and whisking them off to the WIN thrift shop.

What possessed me you may wonder?

My husband knew that I wanted to pare down and have a simple set of stylish
 classic glassware that will never "date"
Here is the Tapio Wirrkkala Ultima Thule style of glasses I am now collecting.
My sweet husband brought home 4 of these goblets as a surprise which really kick started the whole de-cluttering exercise...
Thank you Honey!

Here's how the shelves are looking so far...
the vintage ones to the right of the new goblets are from thrift shops.

I have kept a few other wine glasses 
(on the shelves below, not in the photo)
until we purchase more Ultima Thule.

They are quite pricey...
I hope to find more at consignment or thrift shops 
or watch out for sales...

Spring cleaning...
The laundry room got a quick lick and a polish this week too.

The vintage enamel ware seems to go well in the black and white themed area downstairs.

Upstairs beside the farmhouse sink 
is my "work area."

I found an Antique transfer ware platter at a local shop to hold all my supplies.
Peach Blow circa 1886

Marseilles Soap Cube

Spring Parrot tulips 
full blown 
almost at the end of their prime
but still beautiful.

I have a bunch of cookbooks by Julia Child 
waiting for me at the local library
I am going to try and make her fish buerre blanc.

Until next time...
Enjoy your weekend.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~