Showing posts with label France. Show all posts
Showing posts with label France. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Villa in Pelissanne, and soap from Provence

We rented a  3 bedroom, 3 bathroom Villa in Pelissanne Provence
for our week long stay and to use as our "home base."

We knew that we would be driving to other villages during the daytime and wanted a comfy spot where we could make our dinners and sleep in a quiet authentic Provencal village.

For the first two days it was just two of us until my friend Cheryl, who lives in Auvillar France, flew in to Marseille to join us on the adventure.

Very well appointed accommodations...
art and fine furniture
cozy beds.

a harpsicord

a very large kitchen with room for 3 of us to prepare food, cook and clean up!

It had several areas for relaxing and dining.

Narrow streets in the medieval village
meant that cars were not allowed long term parking so
 we dropped off our things and parked in another area close to the Villa.

We had fun buying food at the Local Pelissanne Market Day! 

Roast Chicken with potatoes cooked below the rotisserie...
juicy drippings from the chicken roasted and flavoured the spuds.

A fabulous local grocery shop was well stocked...

Plane Trees are very common in Provence.
We saw many roads lined with them...

They look particularly attractive when their bark peels.

We drove to the village of Salon de Provence which had several soap factories.

Marius Fabre had a museum and a lovely gift shop.

We all purchased quite a few bars of soap!

Next stop was the Soapworks of Rampal Latour

I purchased more soap and a soap "purse" to use in my toiletry bag.

Soaps make great Hostess Gifts!

We'll be looking at some pretty quaint villages in the next few posts.
Hope that you can pop back and see them.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, June 30, 2019

The omelette that reminds me of Paris....

In 2015,
I travelled to Paris as a gift to myself in the year that I turned 60...
(with the encouragement and support of my beloved husband!)
For many decades I had a dream about visiting Paris and I had always had other commitments...bills, a mortgage and a job.

I retired and started to save in earnest...
I decluttered my closet and cashed in at the consignment shop.
Sold some knick knacks and saved my pennies.

If wishes were horses then beggars would ride!

It dream came true!

The sights and sounds were more than I could ever have imagined...
the cobble stoned streets, the shops, the churches, the cafes, the galleries, the fashions...the food!

It really took my breath away...
I felt more "in the moment" and alive than I could ever have imagined.

I smiled all the time!!
I fell under the spell of Paris, and wandered through the streets for hours and hours with an intense energy that I never knew that I was BLISS!

Recreating and resurrecting feelings and the memories that I enjoyed when I was in Paris are easily captured in the flavour department.

Wine, teas, fragrances and food.

a simple omelette and salad 
savoured in a street side cafe, a famous Paris museum or here at the cottage

so simple

Follow along with me:

heat a non stick pan with a dollop of butter on medium heat
let it gently melt
 whisk a few eggs in a bowl
when the butter is melted 
gently add the eggs
turn and swirl them in the pan
when they start to firm up a bit
top with some grated cheese
let the cheese sink in and meld
add a tablespoon of capers 
(salt and pepper to taste)

swirl a wee bit more and gently 
using a wide spatula loosen the edges
when you have the edges loose
roll one side of the omelette over 
and make a neat little bundle

add a fresh salad 
(a glass of wine!)


Ah! Paris

Sweep me away...
in my dreams!

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Bringing France Home...My Stylish French Box

It has been 2 years since I travelled to Paris and the SW of France...
my love for the French countryside and the sights and sounds are still very vivid.

For the time being, I incorporate as many French habits and French products into my daily routines.

French Soaps, candles, hand lotion, recipes, and books set in France and Paris keep the memories alive and I feel content.

Do you follow Sharon Santoni's blog My French Country Home?

Sharon is a busy lady...
besides keeping a lovely home and garden she has written a lovely book My Stylish French Girlfriends and another book will be available in August...
My French Country Home.
I love her first book and have preordered her second...

BUT this is not all that Sharon does...
she has created the sumptuous My Stylish French Box...

I splurged and subscribed...these French themed boxes arrive every few months and are filled with wonderful French gifts. Each box is wrapped in ribbon and the contents are carefully curated and packed with care.

The May box has a rose theme...

I unwrapped these items and took a photo...
a vintage spool with new blush pink velvet ribbon and a pair of scissors
hand lotion and balm
a rose diffuser
slate tiles to use as labels for roses or cheeses 
(or whatever you desire)

a hand made linen tote with a rose print on the front
perfect for shopping

I particularly like the hand "gelee" and I am keeping it handy beside the kitchen sink.
I look forward to trying the balm.

It's so nice to have a box delivered from France that is full of surprises.

 I love how these special delivery boxes transport me back to the French country.
I remember those poppy filled fields near Auvillar
and the roses that clung to the stone buildings.

One day I hope to visit the lush lavender fields of Provence...
but until then I'll dream 
and look forward to another one of Sharon's gift boxes.

BTW all opinions are mine...
I have received no benefits from this post other than to be happy with the contents of the box that I fully paid for!

Most of the readers here are polite and some are rather discourteous and rude...

So there you have it...
I must be
with no ethics
this humble hostess is honest.
I am not ashamed...

The Humble Bungalow Garden is filled 
with the scent of lilacs and muguet des bois.

Our garden roses have started blooming...
and if you did not already know, roses are my favourite flower.

Hope that you are having a great week.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Getting My Happy On

Oh my the overcast rainy days are getting tiresome...
almost everyone I encounter seems to be focusing on our wet Spring.
We are craving some sunshine and warmer weather
but until that happens, I believe in being proactive by making my own sunshine...

A pretty new brolly...
from France

a tasty latte sipped in a local cafe

Warm thoughts sunshine and yellow sunflowers...

a dear reader from Vancouver
sent me a card and a packet of seeds for sunflowers 
which we plan to plant 
in The Humble Bungalow Garden
that put a smile on my face!

Thank you R
you are a kind and thoughtful friend.

With a passion for  French interiors and homes... 
 no plane ticket or holiday accommodations arranged
I'll be transported as I peruse these beautiful magazines.

The hunt for the illusive pink lipstick is over...
it is a bit darker pink than I thought would suit me but with help from the savvy gals at the pharmacy I bagged a winner!

L'Oreal Colour Riche #580 Peony Pink

It's frequently the little things that can help keep up our spirits.

a cheerful mug
(Emma Bridgewater)
a warm hug
a smile

perhaps an afternoon to relax and read
indulge in a pot of tea
nibble a square of good chocolate
maybe even have a nap

If things are not going your way
I do hope that they will get better...

This blend is divine...
what are your favourite teas?

Raindrops like wee diamonds sparkle on the stems of the snowdrops.

Your turn now to chime in and share with us 
what do you do to keep your spirits up?

The sun is out as I put the finishing touches on this post.

Wishing you a lovely week.