Showing posts with label Burberry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burberry. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

A little bit British...a Hodge Podge post.

The Humble Bungalow has a bit of a British theme going on....

The British are coming...the British are coming...

In the early days of Victoria 
in the era when I grew up
we had a rather English flavour or "flair" if you like..
our historic association to "the crown"
Victoria was known as
"little bit of Old England"
particularly in Oak Bay...
(where I lived and went to school)
it was often referred to as the community behind "The Tweed Curtain."

Think Tweeds, Burberry, Barbour jackets, wellingtons, brollies, twin sets and pearls.
Old money
MG's, Bentley's, and Austins.
Stiff upper lips
Atco mowers, spades, shovels, gardening trugs.
Horticultural Flower Shows
Babies in smocked cotton sets and hand knitted sweaters.

Victoria has long been known as "The City of Gardens"
we have a thriving gardening community and there are many many garden groups and clubs.
Gardeners are a very dedicated lot and work very hard.
Walking around the city you can see their handy work everywhere.

Last week I stopped to take photos of these gorgeous dahlias in a garden on Hollywood Crescent.

My 5K route winds around the waterfront towards Gonzales Beach and then snakes back towards Dallas Road.

I find photo opportunities at every turn....
even weeds can be pretty.
You can't beat Mother Nature for her amazing pops of colour.

The light on the water changes constantly...

The muted colours here remind me of an artist's work...

This bench beckons...
if I had a coffee in hand I'd probably sit for a spell and observe the ocean.
There are often sightings of otters, seals and occasionally whales.

I am in awe of Kate Atkinson's writing...
I like her mysteries involving Jackson Brodie.
Mt favourite character is still
Louise Penny's Armand Gamache.

Life has taken on a quiet rhythm since retiring...

I'm still thrilled with this Red Kettle.

A good book, a cup of hot tea and a comfy chair in the afternoon.
long scenic walks
playing with the grand children
weekly Mah Jongg class
and bridge games.

Mr. HB got his new English Halls greenhouse!

Next Spring there will be tomatoes, basil, cucumbers and possibly melons hanging out in here.

He surprised me with a gift this past weekend...
he came home and said "close your eyes" 
when I opened them he presented me with this beautiful British Racing Green Haws watering can...
it's quite posh.

My favourite Black Toast Patterned Emma Bridgewater Bowl...
came out of the dishwasher with a chip on the rim.
I don't usually use chipped crockery but I cannot bear to throw it away.

because it's Fall and the nights are getting darker and the temperatures are dipping...

I've been lighting candles...

I'm off to exercise my democratic right and heading off to the Polling Station.
If you are in Canada don't forget to get out and cast your ballot.
It's our duty to VOTE!

Thanks for stopping by...
hope you have a fabulous week!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Dressing authentically...thoughts on personal style...starring YOU!

Jennifer at A Well Styled Life is writing a series about the "Invisible" or rather "The Vanishing Older Woman"
you can read her second installment in the series right here.
Her eloquent posts have started me thinking deeper about what I choose to wear and why I make the choices that I is not an easy thing for me to explain, but bear with me please as I attempt to muddle through...

What we wear says a lot about who we are...
it gives hints as to what economic and social classes that we fall into and how we feel about ourselves...
are we shy, bold, confident, artistic, conservative, are we in touch with our authentic self or
do we even care what others think of us?

 Are you a star when it comes to putting together your wardrobe?
Is it easy or do you find it a challenge?
 Are you sending the right messages with your choice of garments?
Or perhaps you are confused about the image that you want to present to the world.
Money, work, age and lifestyle factor in when deciding what to choose.

Do you opt for designer clothes from head to toe?
Has the clerk in your favourite boutique sold you complete ensembles with accessories to go with them?

Do the clothes that you wear reflect your personal taste?
Are you bold with your colours and accessories or do you play it safe?

With so many possibilities and questions it is a challenge...
maybe a consultation with a professional is in order!

Mother has taught me a lot over the years.
 Observing her fashion sense has helped me to absorb a lot about fashion and style.
Reading magazines, books and blogs have rounded out my education in this area.

~ ~ ~

Mother and I were driving in the car the other day 
and we passed by a woman "of a certain age" with bright day glo pink hair.
Mother said "My goodness she's asking for attention wearing her hair like that!"
I said something to the effect of well anyone who makes a bold statement like that with their hair is not shy!

Mother would NEVER consider making an overture as bold as that statement 
with her hair or her clothing.
(although in the 1960's she went through what I like to think of as a  "Doris Day" phase when she was a blond!)

She would not suggest that we HIDE from our authentic selves
 but rather that we would choose to dress appropriately for each and EVERY social situation.

"Fitting in within our peer groups and blending" have been her words on fashion for as long as I can remember.
Mother is a conservative dresser and she encouraged us to dress well and take care to maintain our clothes.
 Mending, making sure buttons were sewn on right and shoes were kept polished and heels replaced regularly were high on her priority list.

Your Personal Image speaks volumes...
it says a lot about you...more than you might think.

It takes a lot of time to put together an entire wardrobe, not to mention the money that you need to invest.
It also takes a lot of thought...

What is the message that you want to project to the world?

Are you happy wearing the same thing over and over or do you want to put on a different outfit every day?
Do you like a lot of variety in accessories or do you prefer to wear the same few statement and signature pieces?

(I have owned this Burberry quilted jacket for about 8 years and the scarf, which was a gift from my husband is worn daily during the Fall and Winter.

Who are you dressing for? 
Do you represent a large corporation or a small company?
Are you a young mom, a professional in the business world or are you retired?

When dressing for your work life you may choose one style of clothing than for your personal life.
Which undoubtedly would be much more casual.

It took me many years to understand the image that I wanted to project.
It still is evolving but I figured out the basics.

I like to fit in as Mother would say...blending is more important to me than standing out in a crowd.
I do not like to draw unnecessary attention to myself.

Having a wardrobe with options for most events 
(other than a red carpet event or a gala)
 are already in my closet.
they are all black!

A basic black jersey tank top is paired here with a vintage Susan Bristol sweater jacket.

Basic black Eileen Fisher trousers and my "very old" black patent leather Stuart Weitzman bow toed flats.

There are several pairs of black pants one in velvet as well as a casual pair of skinny black jeans...
various black tops and tanks
a black Barbour vest
 a tweedy Chanel-esque jacket
3 or 4 LBD's
a black shawl
a black dressy coat
black casual walking coat
black handbags
black kittens heels and pumps

these what I call the workhorses or the core pieces

A few colourful options have found their way into the closet, but not many.
Several bright silk twill Hermes scarves help to elevate and add some colour and interest.

Now this might not suit you at all but it works for me.
I am a no nonsense kind of gal who likes to keep things simple.

It might seem boring to you to wear the same clothes in different combinations 
only varying the looks by using different accessories.

We have to listen to our "inner voice", be true to ourselves, and project honestly our taste and style.
I do not like to waste money buying fads or trends.
Also shopping my closet just makes more sense.

 To me rushing out in a panic at the eleventh hour before an event is far too stressful...
I'd rather spend the time having a leisurely bath or doing my nails than speeding off on the mall.

Mother would encourage and suggest that we dress in an understated fashion.
(I went through a period of rebellion in my teenage years and opted for "hippie style clothing!")
Naturally she disapproved...
I grew out of it.

She counselled that good manners were as important as what we wore.
(I write and send thank you notes as she taught us.)

Comportment is the ultimate accessory and our demeanor speaks volumes.
So with that in mind...
I will continue to dress in basic black with an occasional pop of colour
opt for the ultimate in polite conversation
practise kindness and let The Golden Rule be my guide.

This post has rambled on and I apologize as it is very discombobulated...

My newest accessory is a rhinestone Panther pin in the Cartier style...
I love the beady red eyes.
I'll be wearing this...
you might have guessed...
on a black background!
It might be on an LBD, a sweater, top or coat.

~ ~ ~

."One is never over-dressed or under dressed with a Little Black Dress."

~  Karl Lagerfeld ~

"Don’t be into trends. 
Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live."

~ Gianni Versace ~

NYDJ jeans...flared
Symplii black tank top
Lord and Taylor dove grey cashmere cardigan
Clark black leather short boots
opera length pearls wrapped twice around my neck

Oh and there is some great news...the Gardener's Cottage is back!
check out what she's up to in her cottage.

Have a great week!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Snapshots of an emerging Spring....walking OOTD.

Today it's a sunny morning!
I'm smiling as it is such a gift after a dull week of weather.

The Spring flowers are blooming
the plum and cherry trees along the boulevards are budding forth in various shades of pink
  the petals are fluttering down like pink snow.

A fog bank hugs the Washington shoreline on Juan de Fuca Strait.

Walking the 5K route I weave through the picturesque Gonzales area of town.

it's a scenic spot to perambulate.

My walking gear is pretty standard, keeping warm is very important.

I wear a warm scarf to chase the chill and keep cozy.

Chillax coat which is waterproof, lined in fleece and is not too heavy.

I carry my keys, some money and my IPhone in this small cross body bag by Roots...
it's a hands free option which allows me the freedom to swing my arms.

Lands' End trail shoes...

I love the word perambulate...

"walk or travel through or around a place or area, especially for pleasure and in a leisurely way."

I also love an English pram...
Mr. HB and I are over the moon that our son and his wife are expecting their 3rd baby!
I'll be getting my knitting needles out soon.
I knit blankets for Isla and Henry and so I will continue the tradition with the new one.
When I had my Grammy Day this week Isla was so excited about the new baby...
she wants a sister...

Sunny clumps of yellow daffodils.

Earlier in the week the weather was rather bleak
and I had to force myself to go out.

The weather was dreary...positively beastly.
(not as cold or snowy as those in the east are enduring)

Mission style arts and crafts house on Hollywood Crescent.

Bald Eagle looking out to the sea...

Carrot Ginger Soup

Gordon Ramsay's recipe for lamb breast was very tasty.
I'd never cooked a breast of lamb before and it is a very inexpensive cut so it's a budget friendly way of enjoying our fresh local lamb.

A couple of light reads from the library.
Toss the Gloss had some great tips.
I specifically liked that she mentioned various brands of inexpensive products that deliver as well as the higher priced lines.

Oak Bay Street art...near the library.

The weather forecast is favourable for a Happy Valentine's Weekend.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Seeing red...

The past weekend is a bit of a blur...

We went out on Friday night to The Oak Bay Beach Hotel pub for a quick bite and stayed up late watching the TV so we slept in on Saturday morning and had a lazy start to the day.
I went to browse the local Target store...aka "the RED STORE" as Isla calls it...
sadly they are closing all the Canadian stores and I am so very disappointed.
I have shopped there more than any other retailer since they opened. I purchased all kinds of things, bedding, clothes for the grandchildren, kitchen tools, linens, pillows, candles, home decor items to cards and books.

Sunday we had the grandchildren over for a visit and served up some comforting tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches with ketchup...
Henry and Isla both love to chase the cats around our bungalow and they laugh and squeal with delight...
the cats are not used to this pace and got wise to the game and made a hasty retreat downstairs and stayed there until they left.
Grammy and Grampa had a super fun time!

I made a pot roast for dinner...

I served it with parsnips, carrots, peas and "gravy" made from the cooking stock thickened with a bit of cornstarch mixed with water.

It was just the two of us for dinner but we lit the candles and sat at the dining room table...
not quite Downton Abbey but civilized nevertheless!

Lands' End tunic in black and white stripes
Nygaard ponte knit pants
Mee Too black ballet flats

I have wanted to find red shoes to add some pizazz to my small shoe collection
so when I ordered the Thermacore capris from Lands' End I ordered some red ballet flats.
Harvest Tomato is the name of the shade of the Bianca flats...

They look nice with our kitchen rug...

In the style of the iconic Repetto's from France...
and as a bonus they are currently on sale so they are "budget friendly."

I'm wearing them to French class 
 g21 denim skinny jeans
Dex grey bulky knit sweater 
 Burberry scarf.

I'm feeling more energetic and incredibly optimistic today
and Hooray for the sunshine!

Hope your week is off to a great start!