Showing posts with label shells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shells. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016

Labour Day Long Weekend...

We have been out on our boat for the past few days enjoying a relaxing time with friends and family.

Port Browning on Pender Island

Many boats drop the hook and anchor in the bay.

We tie up at the marina as we do not have a generator on board.

There is a lovely beach just over this rocky outcropping.

Beach combing while walking along the shoreline is an activity that I quite enjoy.

I heard that Ellie passed away...
so sad 
she fought long and hard battling ALS.
I hope that she is at rest and that her family will be supported and surrounded with friends and family to help them cope with their grief.

I read her blog and bought her book and hope that she will now be at peace.

I thought about writing a tribute to her here on the blog but after reading 

 I felt that they said it best.

I thought of Ellie on my beach walk.

Clam shells were scattered along the stretch of beach...

A driftwood shelter

Rock with a heart on it...

Heart shaped rocks...
might be a strange thing to collect but I do!

Mr. HB found the last two heart rocks.

Queen Anne's Lace and Chicory line the paths...
such a pretty combination Mother Nature has painted for us to enjoy.

I have been savouring every word of Louise Penny's newest mystery novel.
She is a brilliant writer and I absolutely LOVE her books.

I have several chapters left to finish and so I will close for now...
Hope that you have had a lovely weekend.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Monday, August 8, 2016

Holiday snippets and snapshots...part one.

Mr. HB and I just returned from our annual holiday aboard our Sea Ray.

          (Julian's newest novel did not disappoint, both Mr. HB and I enjoyed it)

We spent our days aboard our boat relaxing, reading, eating simple meals and walking and exploring the Gulf Islands.
I have to lose some weight as a result of too much rich food and wine...
I will be organizing a series of blog posts on how I plan to lose 10 pounds.

Perhaps you'll follow along on my journey...

There is a pile of laundry downstairs...the machines are going through their cycles as I sit here in the Humble Bungalow kitchen with my cafe creme typing this post.

The cats seem happy to see us...lots of meowing and purring.
They were left in the capable hands of a friend who has been taking care of them for our holidays for several years now and knows them well.

Chester seems a wee bit put out that we left him for so long and he is giving us the cold shoulder. I hope he forgives us soon, but thankfully Pepper the elder cat is her usual affectionate self.

Beach combing is one of my favourite things to do when we are out on our boat.

Sea shells and beach glass are often found along the shoreline.

A very large barnacle which we use for our coins...
showers, laundry and ice at the Marina's call for coins.
Loonies and Twonies
kept handy inside this vessel.

The view going through the gap between North and South Pender Islands.

Jude the Obscure rose was a stalwart on the trip...
even fading in the heat 
the fragrance was a welcome reminder of our Humble Bungalow Garden.

Stay tuned for more holiday snippets and snapshots.
Thank you for stopping by The Humble Bungalow Blog.

Hope that your summer is ticking along nicely.

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

More snapshots...OOTD

We are going for a walk along Hollywood Crescent.
It is the street that snakes and curves along the waterfront past Dallas Road.

Ross Bay Beach just across the street from the Ross Bay Cemetery.
This beach is open to the Straits and fierce storms are common in the winter.
The beach is vulnerable to the gale force winds and the crashing waves.

Large rocks were brought in and placed on the beach to help alleviate future storm damage.
There was a serious threat that the road and the graves would be eroded and washed away.

You would never know that this idyllic scene could be whipped up into a boiling frenzy of white caps and rolling waves...the water crashes over the seawall and onto the road.
When there is a storm of this magnitude the road is blocked off.
Logs are thrown high up into the air like match sticks and land "willy-nilly" on the sidewalk.

Driftwood is washed ashore along the beach.
An artist carved this on the roots of a huge log.
Art for all of the beachcombers to enjoy! 

Beach combing on a calm day is very meditative.

The sound of the waves as they greet the shore
the call of the gulls
the gentle salty sea breeze

many interesting stones and logs intertwine in muted shades

stones feature prominently in this garage
look at the "green" roof
this structure has been here as long as I can remember

A fence of flowers...all dahlia blooms.

the stone wall along the boulevard
inside is a large vegetable garden

This enchanting home and garden just oozes charm.
I like to think of it as "Dahlia Cottage."
The couple who live here are often seen tending their garden and flowers.
Geraniums run riot in the Spring and Summer and come Fall the Dahlias are the stars.

I stepped on the scale after the weekend and my heart nearly skipped a beat...
I have to get back on track and count my WW points!

Saint James Top
Eileen Fisher Ponte knit pants
two strands of Opera length pearls
Coach loafers

Hope that your week is off to a great start!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Snapshots ~ Highlights from the past week.

It's a rainy Spring day and I am feeling quite lazy...
so I'm writing a blog post instead of going for my usual walk.
I've got a pot of chili simmering on the stove and a pot of Lapsang Souchon tea brewing...

There have been so many opportunities to capture beauty this past week...
maybe my eyes have been "more open" or possibly I have been "tuned into my surroundings."

Walking with eyes open wide...scanning the scenery looking for something worthy of a picture...

I took quite a few pictures this past week of things I have seen on my walks.
If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen a few of these pictures.

There's a lot of varied textures coming together in this image...
the ornate shell, the gritty concrete wall, the calm sea.

All of the photos taken on my walks are captured with my IPhone.

 Driftwood structures are fun to make as a shelter from the sun and the wind.
I like to think of them as "Log Homes." 

Hardy mosses growing in the crevices of the rocks along the seafront...
they thrive despite the salt air and brisk winds.
Nature is so resilient and adaptive.

We enjoyed a delicious brunch at Zambri's earlier...

The food at Zambri's is always fabulous...
Our son and DIL arrived at the restaurant in a newer BMW, which they recently purchased in preparation for the birth of their third child which is due in August.
 It was fun getting together and I just want to say we got some big hugs and cuddles from the two wee ones...
who by the way made our day extra special and who were on their very best behaviour.

Brunch frittata and salad...

The Paris Architect was a great book...
written by an architect it is set during the second world war in Paris.
It was so well written that I didn't want it to end.

A pretty pink rhododendron from the Garden Centre.

Mr. HB wants a green house for our Humble Bungalow Garden.
He was checking out the various models that they sell...
and I do not mean these "models!"

I should have taken note of the artist of this wonderful sculpture.
It's quite beautiful...

Chester decided to take a nap in the sink...
 we had a dinner party and I had cleaned up the dishes
 popped the linens into the washer 
 it was very late and
all I wanted to do was to wash my face and get to bed!

I did a bit of shopping this week...
Dressing room shot of a pretty coral blouse which I didn't buy...

Tahari blouse which I thought was silk, but turned out to be polyester...
the price was too high for a polyester blouse even though the style was nice.
I bought socks which I did need.

I made and delivered David Lebovitz's Coq au Vin recipe for my friend L and her family.
The recipe is from his Paris Kitchen cookbook and wow it was tasty!

It's been a busy week!
How about you what have you been doing?