Showing posts with label sharon santoni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sharon santoni. Show all posts

Monday, December 3, 2018

My Stylish French Box...unveiling the elegance

My favourite luxurious splurge is my annual subscription to
My Stylish French Box

The November box arrived a couple of weeks ago and I was so thrilled by the contents...
Sharon Santoni and her team do such a fabulous job of finding special items
all are sure to please.

Vintage silver sugar tongs

attention to detail
 the shipping box is beautiful

Chester enjoyed the box too!

I keep the inner boxes and use them for storage.

The booklet that accompanies all the boxes gives us the information and details of the products and the companies and artists that are behind the luxury wares.

Beaded votive sconces...
the beads will reflect all the light from the candles
by Merci Louis

Candle by Secret D'Apothecaire 
ornaments from Merci Louis

a whisper soft wool scarf by Petrusse
( I have been wearing mine everyday!)
Love the soft feel of the wool and its so cozy
in the perfect colours for my basic wardrobe too!

Festive linens...
tea cloths by Serie Limitee Louise

Lovely necklace from Belle Mais Pas Que
set with a stone of Labradorite

If you want to treat yourself or give one as a gift 
here is the link to order.

The next box will be sent out in February 2019...

I read that Sharon is currently adding a few extra boxes from the November 
issue if you are quick you might be able to snap one up!

I would have posted this last week but our Internet was not working and my IPhone was getting used so much that I went over my data and incurred substantial fees so I had to curb my usage!

Hope you have a wonderful week.

 ~Be Well and Be Kind ~

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Fading beauty...and my personal thoughts on aging

This beautiful rose was once a stunning bloom
but she is fading in her beauty
but still worth a look...

This rose got me thinking about aging...
aging gracefully
perhaps with some elegance.

How does one age well?

And I do not mean Botox or plastic surgery...
its not for me.

How do I
ease into my advancing senior years
with the face that I was born with 
embracing the lines and wrinkles 
that are the result of years of laughter?

There are certain things that we can all do to help us look more "radiant."

Ali McGraw looks the picture of health and she glows.
She is such a radiant beauty both inside and out...
a fabulous role model.

Thoughts that may help navigate the road ahead are basics like...

eating healthy 
getting a decent night's rest
alleviating as much stress as possible
experiencing joy and happiness whenever the opportunity arises
listening to our "hearts" 
expanding our horizons which may be travel or going to local cultural events
learning something new to keep us fresh
helping others
staying in touch with friends and family
finding and making time for creativity

"First impressions"
  tell those who meet us about ourselves 
(whether we like it or not) 
how we dress and what we say conveys a lot...
good manners and kindness
go a long way.

At 62 and not the freshest rose in the bouquet...

I try to focus on
wearing neat, comfortable and (hopefully) flattering outfits
paying attention to style
dressing in clothing that is honest and genuine 
a reflection of my personality...
some days it may be a classic LBD
jeans and a Tee with a cashmere sweater and Chelsea boots
which just happens to be my "uniform."
I try always to look put together...
some days it is more difficult than others!

The word "Frumpy" scares me.
My Mother managed to look well dressed well into her 80's and I never thought that she looked frumpy or dowdy.

 has always been important to me.

People look at our faces when we meet and greet each other.

From the time that I went to The Hudson Bay's Saturday charm school 
where among other things
we were instructed on how to wash and care for our skin.
(in that era it was Yardley's oatmeal soap and Noxema or Nivea)
I have been preoccupied with taking care of my complexion.

we have thousands of options...
and how does one choose?

I have been testing a new moisturizer.

It is super emollient, which my dry skin needs, but is not greasy.
The results are a dewy rosy glow which I quite like.
I think that my skin looks healthier...
but maybe I am just hopeful
seeking a fresher rose
one that is petal soft and blush pink!

Two rose scented hard working products from a previous delivery of
they are almost gone
 are truly quite amazing...
 I have been using them on my hands and feet with really great results.

I'll have to see if I can buy them online.

In the whole scheme of things our inner beauty traits 
are far more important 
than how we look on the outside...

a giving nature...

They are the real super stars when we really think about it.

While I like to buy new things 
I plan to cultivate and focus on some inner improvements this month...

What are your thoughts on aging gracefully?

~ Be Well and Be Kind ~

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Bringing France Home...My Stylish French Box

It has been 2 years since I travelled to Paris and the SW of France...
my love for the French countryside and the sights and sounds are still very vivid.

For the time being, I incorporate as many French habits and French products into my daily routines.

French Soaps, candles, hand lotion, recipes, and books set in France and Paris keep the memories alive and I feel content.

Do you follow Sharon Santoni's blog My French Country Home?

Sharon is a busy lady...
besides keeping a lovely home and garden she has written a lovely book My Stylish French Girlfriends and another book will be available in August...
My French Country Home.
I love her first book and have preordered her second...

BUT this is not all that Sharon does...
she has created the sumptuous My Stylish French Box...

I splurged and subscribed...these French themed boxes arrive every few months and are filled with wonderful French gifts. Each box is wrapped in ribbon and the contents are carefully curated and packed with care.

The May box has a rose theme...

I unwrapped these items and took a photo...
a vintage spool with new blush pink velvet ribbon and a pair of scissors
hand lotion and balm
a rose diffuser
slate tiles to use as labels for roses or cheeses 
(or whatever you desire)

a hand made linen tote with a rose print on the front
perfect for shopping

I particularly like the hand "gelee" and I am keeping it handy beside the kitchen sink.
I look forward to trying the balm.

It's so nice to have a box delivered from France that is full of surprises.

 I love how these special delivery boxes transport me back to the French country.
I remember those poppy filled fields near Auvillar
and the roses that clung to the stone buildings.

One day I hope to visit the lush lavender fields of Provence...
but until then I'll dream 
and look forward to another one of Sharon's gift boxes.

BTW all opinions are mine...
I have received no benefits from this post other than to be happy with the contents of the box that I fully paid for!

Most of the readers here are polite and some are rather discourteous and rude...

So there you have it...
I must be
with no ethics
this humble hostess is honest.
I am not ashamed...

The Humble Bungalow Garden is filled 
with the scent of lilacs and muguet des bois.

Our garden roses have started blooming...
and if you did not already know, roses are my favourite flower.

Hope that you are having a great week.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

French themed goodies starting with My Stylish French Box...

Paris and the quaint villages of southern France have a powerful hold on me...
I have so many fabulous memories from my trip.

When life gets rocky I try to be proactive and balance the stress with some self care "tools" that I have practised over the years...
one of which is to reflect on better days,
focusing on the sweet snippets and highlights from happier days.

My travel photos instantly transport me back to those idyllic weeks in France.
Blogs also help to keep me connected...

Sharon Santoni's lovely blog French Country Home  has been one of my favourites for many years. When Sharon announced that she was writing a book I ordered mine before it had been printed...
Recently I learned that she was offering a box of carefully curated French items and I ordered my subscription as soon as I heard that she would deliver to Canada.

My Stylish French Box arrived this week and it was the highlight of my day.
The packaging is exquisite and each item is carefully wrapped...

I carefully and slowly unwrapped each item...and kept saying to my husband how excited I felt...
everything is so beautiful.

satin ribbon bow

hand printed tags

I love the extra touches that Sharon has put into the presentation of the box.

Fragonard soaps
(I went to the Fragonard museum when I was in Paris.)

a lovely hand made porcelain cup
which Mr. HB suggested that I could use for my morning espresso

Cire Trudon candle

There were other delightful treasures...
a journal, book, pencils, antique glasses and a small soap

These treats could not have come at a better time.

 I have been very busy
 helping Mother navigate her journey with terminal cancer.
Her diagnosis was recent and came as a shock to us all.
Mom had breast cancer 10 years ago in the same area where this lung cancer has presented itself and it has spread to her lymph system and she has pain.

I have cancelled all my commitments for the time being as I want to spend my time with her...

My sister and I received a bit of respite this weekend for the overnights which is a blessing as listening for her call and waking her for her pain meds every 4 hours does not make for a restful night.

Its such an emotional experience 
my heart goes out to those of you who have traveled this path before...
I have a whole new respect for caregivers

I will try and post again in a few days as I do love writing this blog.

Hellebore in a hand picked garden grown bouquet that my BFF brought to Mom.
Friends and Family have been super supportive 
I am so grateful...


~ Be Well and Be Kind ~