Showing posts with label luxury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label luxury. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Shampoo Spa...a tonic.

A lazy start found me sipping tea in bed
the sun streaming in through the windows
with no definite plans...

What luxury!

It's been awhile since I have indulged in a professional facial and I thought my complexion looked liked it needed an intervention.
I got out my home spa potions and gave myself the royal treatment.

Microdermabrasion scrub which is gentle and safe enough to use on rosacea.
Moisten skin first
 portion out a small amount using a light hand
 move in small circular motions all over the face 
and don't forget the lips.

Rinse well and gently pat dry.

Mix Burt's Bees Mud Mask
with a little water and make a thick paste
sweep over face avoiding the eye area
let dry 5 -10 minutes and remove with warm water 
a dark coloured facecloth is needed for this job.
(as this has stained my white ones before!)

Mist face with water 
or use toner
then slather on moisturizer.
Do not apply make up 
let your skin breathe and glow in it's natural state.

The blood will have been flowing with this attention so you might be a wee bit pink.
Do not worry this is temporary and I have the same reaction when I go to the spa.

This scrub is divine!
(thank you DIL and son)
It sloughs off those unsightly bumps on elbows...
but I use it all over for a silky transformation.

Be careful to wipe out your tub or shower after 
as this product does make it slippery!

Now it's time to moisturize head to toe...
I love Shea body butter for it's luxe spa effect.

Wrap yourself up in a cozy robe...

The robe is not glamourous or chic
but it does have a soft plush feel and is so very cozy 
that I will wear it until it wears out!

It's a humble robe.

Hostess approved Aveda Shampure.

This wonderful shampoo washes my hair, all my cashmere and my brushes.

The middle brush is from Aveda 
the other two are so old I cannot remember where I got them...
I do know though that it pays to buy the best brushes that you can afford 
as they will last forever with the right care.
 (like great lingerie)

 free from product build up
now air drying in the sunshine.

Did you ever see that classic movie Shampoo?
I love it and will watch it anytime it's on TV.

Here's a montage of clips from the film...
there is some harsh language be warned before you go

Don't forget to keep hydrated throughout your in home spa day
pour sparkling water into a glass with a wedge or two of lemon for a refreshing drink.
Put it in a pretty glass, perhaps a champagne flute
your spa day should be a rich luxe experience 
one that soothes and rejuvenates
and restores.

During this busy festive season it makes sense to slow down.
Finding some time to pamper yourself 
which restores a sense of calm will go a long way toward
achieving a relaxed state of mind
which is much more attractive and chic than a tired and frazzled one!

Take care and be kind to yourself and to others.
Use gentle words and be mindful...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Luxury is in the simple things...

Luxury for me is in the simple things.
Triple milled soap, beeswax candles, body lotion, high thread count cotton sheets, a down duvet, linen tea towels, fresh herbs, flowers inside the bungalow, fluffy white towels and hot water for bathing everyday.

Pure linen tea towels
a Bungalow staple.

My tastes are really very simple.
I do have a passion for fashion and the price of so many luxe lines are really beyond my reach.
After all one can only carry one bag at a time!

The desire to acquire is waning...
I feel that this is because I am feeling more at ease with the choice of lifestyle that I live.
I do not need to compete with anyone.
It is very freeing for me coming to this conclusion and it has taken me many years to get to this place.

Getting off the spending treadmill and consuming less feels appropriate for me right now.

My minimalist wardrobe is working for me.
Getting dressed is much simpler as there are fewer items to choose from and the pieces that remain are the ones that fit well and make me feel comfortable and confident.

Food is an area where I need to be more mindful...
I have a tendency to over eat as I love to cook and love the tastes!

If I approach eating with that same philosophy that I applied to my clothing
"less is more"
I might be able to embrace the concept more readily!
I read constantly about Chic French femmes staying slim by eating mindfully and walking daily.

Fresh homemade Batard
oil and balsamic vinegar

I am working on improving my eating habits....
Eating slowly and savouring each morsel, putting the utensils down between bites.
New habits take a few weeks to enact,
so I will persevere and see.

Rome wasn't built in a Day!

I have been very inspired by Adrienne at Rich Life on a Budget
I think that you might be too...go over and say hi, please tell her I sent you!

Breaking bad habits is done one step at a time
baby steps, that's where I am at.
Putting one foot in front of the other
a work in process....

Fresh Heirloom tomatoes and basil are a match made in heaven!
I love a bit of salt, pepper, and balsamic drizzled over top.
A simple salad that is pure luxury.

What says luxury to you?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Lazy Monday and Luxury, or what it means for me as opposed to what the dictionary defines it as...

This morning I slept late after our 12 hour road trip to pick up the Pedigree Pram. I must admit that I have been excited and am now a wee bit tired.
I made myself an egg nog latte and sat in front of my laptop and read all my favorite blog posts before showering! Pure luxury to stay in my robe and relax, something I normally do when waking in a hotel and ordering room service. Another luxury!
 I made a big brunch of bacon, eggs and toast and then Mr. L and I went for a brisk walk. We are fortunate to live in an established older area of the city close to the ocean and yet near town.  It is remarkably quiet in our neighborhood, birds being the cacaphonous symphony of sound we most often hear. There is a large and historic cemetery nearby where we enjoy walking under the canopy of trees and noticing the variety and details of the headstones and family plots.
This afternoon we have spent sitting in the bungalow living room warmed by the fire reading our books and nibbling on wine sausage, pickles, cheese and crackers. More luxury, bliss in fact.
The simple tick tock of the hall clock and the Westminster chime every quarter and the hours marked feel luxurious to can be material things, goods, items, service.

Luxury, for me is the gift of time, spent doing things that I love with someone I love.

Luxury defined:
A good or service that is not considered a necessity but is considered as something that brings pleasure or happiness. For example, an individual might purchase an expensive automobile because of the status and comfort that it will bring, though a used car would suffice for traveling purposes.

Mr. L,  someone I LOVE gave me a very romantic gift this year, something luxurious that I would not do for myself... it involves travel, a hotel and dining out! Destination: Tiffany's! I will be choosing a silver bangle to add to my collection. I have an assortment of them, which I wear as a group. Mr. L could have easily purchased a bangle but he knows me well and knows that the packaging and ambiance of Tiffany's is all part of the gift!

Simple luxury, or decandence? What defines luxury to you?