Showing posts with label arts and crafts period. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arts and crafts period. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Humble Bungalow Below the stairs...

Greetings from The Humble Bungalow.
I took a very short blog break and I'm back...

In a recent post on wall treatments I showed pictures of the original dark wood interior of our arts and crafts home.
Stephen Andrew mentioned that he'd be tempted to paint the interior of our Humble Bungalow white and I have to admit that if it were up to just me I'd be wielding a white paintbrush.

Architect, Milo S Farwell designed our small home over 100 years ago...
it is a modest, small and very humble abode.
There is a historic value in these wee arts and crafts bungalows and many are being demolished in favour of larger homes. So restoration and preservation, with a nod to the integrity of the period seems appropriate...we updated the kitchen and bathrooms in the style but with new fixtures and appliances.
Our home is on the Heritage Registry which means that it can never be demolished.

We must take care to maintain the home and can apply for grants to help with big projects...
we did this with our roof and plan to apply for a grant to help pay for the painting that it so badly needs.

The interior of the living, and dining rooms of our home have also been designated heritage...
so I would not be permitted to paint them white!
In our basement it's a different matter, we went with white white and more white!!!

The quartz counter top in the laundry area.
Vintage enamel bread tin and colander.

The tools are black and white too...
this duo sports a touch of lime.

The bench by the door with an oar...

The LG washer and dryer are pewter grey and the floor tile is a mottled black.
(my goodness! I spy tan lines from my flip flops)

A basic black bamboo dress hangs to dry.

This hall would be very dark if it was not for the white walls.
You can see the guest room at the end of the hall.

The bathroom has a white tiled floor with black accents.

The bathroom shelf which I purchased at HomeSense.

Vintage mirror that I found on the boulevard...
Someones trash is someones treasure!

I threw in this picture of a black and white pillow that we have on our linen slip covered sofa in the family room.

I bought a new Cut Loose white top at Roche Harbour Resort .
We recently cruised to San Juan Island in Washington State, for a few days aboard our Sea Ray.
(Isla, our darling grand daughter is the artist behind the picture)

BTW grand baby number 3 is due any day now...
I am excited to meet the new little girl.

I'll be putting together a pictorial post of Roche Harbour sometime soon...
it's such a pretty spot and I'd like to share it with you.
In case you didn't know it's a destination for weddings.
Apparently there are over 120 weddings held in the garden every year.
While we were there for 5 days we noted 3 weddings were held in the gardens.
Loved the dreamy white gowns that the brides wore...
one wedding had 4 brides maids and they all wore white gowns and carried bouquets of white roses they looked so elegant...

It's time to relax and brew a pot of tea.

Until next time...
thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Humble Bungalow arts and crafts interior...a requested post.

It's taken me a long time to get around to doing a post of the various papers and wall treatments in our arts and crafts bungalow. I humbly apologize, and hope that the reader, whose name escapes me at this moment, has not disappeared because she got too tired of waiting and stopped reading my blog!

Stencils in the dining room.

I made drapes for the Humble Bungalow dining room using this fabric by Sanderson.

There is a lot of dark wood featured in our tiny bungalow...
it's old growth Douglas Fir.

We use this china cabinet to hold our crystal glasses.

Bradbury and Bradbury period arts and crafts paper in the living room.

Repeated in the wee hall with the border
between the den, the bathroom, our bedroom and the dining room.

In the entry hall space that opens up to the living and dining rooms.

We opted for the border in the den.

The kitchen has the same border treatment as the den because they open up to each other.
There are wood cabinets in the kitchen in the same style that mimic the built ins in the dining and living rooms.

The living room of The Humble Bungalow.

Hope you've enjoyed this wee tour...
I needed to sit for a bit, and writing this post helped me rest up after a busy day of gardening.

I think I'll brew a pot of Mariage Freres tea that I purchased in Paris and sit on the couch and watch an episode of the Real Housewives of Melbourne.
My future Son In Law showed us how to record them and this show has become my latest "guilty pleasure!"

Saturday, July 11, 2015

THe Humble Bungalow Garden desperately needs a makeover!

Our Humble Bungalow Garden has been foremost on my mind of late...
it's been giving me some unwelcome moments of total frustration...
don't like feeling this way.
I'm overwhelmed and feel rather helpless...
need some expert advice.

I'm considering (and Mr. HB is listening to my concerns) a complete redesign of the yard.
The garden has become far too "high maintenance" and I have been spending many many hours in the hot sun trying to get on top of it to no avail.

I LOVE my roses and plan to keep them. I want and need to find other plants that will look good and not demand too much of my energy and yet still look stylish.
(Mr. HB wants for us to be happy and content in the garden)

We had some friends over for lunch today to discuss this very topic and I am enthusiastic that we might have some help in the future.

The garden needs a plan...
I've pottered about for years with no grand scheme and the beds have evolved in a willy nilly fashion...and while they look pretty, there is a slapdash feel to the whole space.
Too many curves, plants that have "taken over" and a lawn that is filled with buttercups, dog violets and clover.

We invited a couple of friends who have glorious and beautiful gardens 
 a professional gardener 
to walk with us through our garden
and give us some ideas...
Lunch needed to be quick as our guests had a tight timeline.
We drank tea and ate assorted "tea type" sandwiches.
(triangle sandwiches with the crusts cut off)
We served cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks and olives on the side...
Dessert was home made lemon loaf and clusters of red grapes.

We bantered about some ideas and my friend will plot out some plans
his gardener will give us the names of a few professionals that might be able to assist us in our quest.

David Austen Jude the Obscure Rose

The Humble Bungalow bathroom
Mr. HB designed the remodel of this wee space years ago.
This room is so well planned and it makes me very happy too.
Good design is SO important, in the house AND in the garden.

You can see how small the room dimensions are here as the claw foot tub nearly hits the two walls!

Mr. HB had some great tile patterns in mind...
he showed me several options and we agreed on this one.

We opted for a modern pedestal sink
and a pair of new period style lights from Water Glass Studios.

A lovely original painting on vintage linen of French country side 
a gift from our dear friend and talented artist, Cheryl Fortier.
(In the reflection you might notice all my silver bangles)

There is no storage other than a medicine cabinet in the bathroom.
 We re-purposed an oak arts and crafts bookcase to use for the towels.

Hope you have enjoyed this peek 
"Inside the Humble Bungalow."

Hooray Hooray!
we got a smattering of rain this afternoon.
 A welcome gift as we are experiencing a very dry summer here.
I hope it will help with the forest fire situation.
Our garden certainly needs the extra moisture...
the roses and hydrangeas are "needy and greedy"when it comes to water.

In other exciting news...
a group of neighbours have agreed to join me in building a small neighbourhood library box.
We plan to donate books to share 
We have a glass fronted cabinet which we will paint and build a roof overtop.
We will attach some posts and erect it.
It's one of a number of neighbourhood libraries in our city.
This video is very inspiring...

Take care,

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Lime Time...

Love love love the colour green!
I adore the taste of limes...
have a "green thumb" and am often "green with envy."

I gravitate toward greens of all shades...

I love to use limes in a gin and tonic cocktail...
(My WW friendly G and T's are made using mostly Perrier with just a splash of tonic)
the wedge of lime is squeezed into the cocktail and then popped into the glass.

Avocado's are a WW high point but healthy splurge...avocado on toast or eaten straight from the skin with a splash of worchestershire sauce and a sprinkling of Sea salt...yum.

Green salads, green beans, green apples, green peas, green smoothie drinks...
so many healthy foods are green.

Our Humble Bungalow front porch is where we often sit after a hard day of working.
I found most of our vintage wicker porch furniture free on the boulevards...
after dragging the chairs and tables home I painted them black.

It's a cozy place to sit and chat.
It's located close to the street so it gives us an opportunity to greet the neighbours 
as they stroll by on the sidewalk.

We have a few dull planters that are going to be transformed by a coat of black paint...
I am not sure why I like black pots in the garden, but I do.
I'm not sure why I love green either but I do...
Does anyone know why we have colour favourites?
Ah but I digress...
 I need to get myself off to the paint store...
and I'm sitting here writing a blog post when I could be painting!
(my excuse is that it's really hot outside ~ I am keeping cool inside)
Do you "feel the heat?"
I do.
 I hydrate with sparkling water all day long so it is rather frustrating...
I garden in the mornings or later in the afternoon when the sun is not so intense.

I cannot remember if I mentioned that Mr. HB has been busy redoing our front porch and stairs.
They were in dire need of restoration.
When I went off to France my darling husband ripped them out and began a long and tedious project.
He improved the look as well as the stability and function of the stairs.
He rebuilt the area in front of the door by ripping out and replacing all the wood. 
Then he extended the treads of the stairs so they were deeper and reconfigured the detail of the sides by using the beveled siding as seen on the original house.
The beveled wood wraps around as you can see and it all needed to be level...
it was a big job but he is finished all the hard work and is ready to prime and paint.
I like the improved functionality and think it looks much better.
We need to decide on the style of the wood railings before the job is complete.
Railings would not have been part of the original design.
 With Mother popping by, 
(and we are aging ourselves!) 
we need to have something sturdy to hang onto.

Hermes scarf

Which I wear with this lime cardigan that I bought last summer from Target.
Cheap and cheerful.
  (I am still lamenting the loss of Target stores in Canada.)

I'm excited to report the wee lizard that we saw awhile ago in our Humble Bungalow Garden has been sighted several more times!

The Limelight hydrangeas are getting ready to flower so there will be lime bouquets in abundance.

That's all to report for now...
what's new with you?
Anything exciting happening in your neck of the woods?

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Seeing the light....and a wee bit of sparkle.

Light in Our Humble Bungalow is low...

The design of arts and crafts bungalows have extended overhanging eaves which do minimize the natural light...that's why we have so many electric lamps and light fixtures.

The walls are papered with organic toned period arts and crafts wallpaper which compliment the 100 year old + Douglas fir  beams and wood wall treatments.

Here is a weekend morning image of our dining room...
it is a challenge to get enough light to read a book or knit.

I finished the blanket that I have been working on for grand baby number 3
(I have folded it in half to take the picture.)
It's the classic block pattern that I have used for all the baby blankets and this time I used a thick cotton yarn in an off white shade.

I usually sit in our living room to read in a Morris chair situated right under a large lamp and this book held me spell bound for several days...
It is a thriller in the style of Alfred Hitchcock and I can see this book easily being made into a film.
The characters are very dysfunctional and quirky...the story held my interest and it is worth reading.

The foyer of the Garnier Opera House in Paris was dimly lit...
it would have been originally illuminated with lamps and candles before electricity.

Can you imagine doing fine needlework, knitting or sewing by candle light or an oil lamp?
It would be hard on the eyes.

I purchased this cheerful towel in France.
I spend so much time in my kitchen that I thought it would be a wonderful reminder of my trip.
I've hung it on my stove.

The sponge is from La Cuisine where author and Ooh La La Paris tour leader  Jamie Cat Callan and I took our cooking class together.

I spied this wee key chain at the local Pharmacy on Oak Bay Avenue.
Which instantly reminded me of the Ooh La La Tour!

I forgot to mention in a previous post that I bought two linen Tees at the Monoprix in Paris.
This one is white with a wee bit of sparkle and the other is in a grey nubby linen.
Both are super comfy and very cool for summer.
The Monoprix has cute fashions...
they are basics and available at affordable price points.
Monoprix is like the American Target store...
(wish we still had Target here.)

I treated myself to a couple of new Hermes scents...
this one I have been wearing daily since I got home from France.

I've also indulged in a hot coffee with foamed milk each morning...
(sometimes two!)
I use espresso in my French Press and foam the milk in the Starbucks electric machine.
I like it much better than cream and an added bonus is that it is WW point friendly.

I miss those cute French glass jars that they store and sell yogurt in, in Paris and France.

A little bit of France has back home with me...
in my head and in my heart.
Memories are the best souvenirs.

Like that first kiss 
I think I'll always remember Paris!

It's a sunny day today and it's Mother's 88th birthday so we are taking her out to celebrate.
It's a surprise and my sister and I are in cahoots about where we are going!
Hope she likes what we have planned.
